Homesick vol college is killing me

Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Youre the biggest obstacle to yourself enjoying college right now OP. Based off your responses alone to the advice in here, youre coming up with reasons/excuses to justify your feelings rather than trying to take the advice into account. Only you can convince yourself to be content in your surroundings.

Im in the polar opposite situation personally OP. Im a current sophomore in college, and I attend a decent private school on scholarship that is literally less than 10 minutes away from my home. My elementary, middle and high schools, as well as my current university, are all within a 5 mile radius of each other. im not too close with my family and I thrive on a feeling of independence and isolating myself in terms of taking care of myself. That said, I hate being home more than anything in the world. We moved recently and I feel absolutely no comfort in the area which I call home. So, as a result I make sure to stay on campus as long as possible, usually leaving to school around 7 am and getting home anywhere between 12am and 2 depending on the studying Im getting done. I also applied and thank God, got accepted for an on campus position next year which means Ill be receiving free housing and moving out. This all happened this past year. Freshmen year however, I sulked around and let it get to me, which screwed me over. Accept your circumstances and take steps to better your situation.

Im also Arabic btw, where you from?
palestine, all my life ive mostly only been close to arab friends because we understand each other better. now im sitting here trying to mix with rich white kids wen im not about that life... i think thats my obstacle, im not making connections.
word, you hating on the rich white kids, when you and your friends have "empires" created by your parents that you could take over instead of going to school?
I love staying at school. Can't wait till' Spring Break is over.

School has good variety of food + vast selection of women
I get how you feel. I just returned home from a year and a half at school about 6-7 hours away from home. I felt the same way about 3/4s of the way through my freshman year, but right about that time things really started picking up.

I also played football, and that's how you get treated freshman year. I mean, I had some fam on the team but I didn't really mesh with everyone until spring football training/practice. The fall was a blast my sophomore year with the season and finally having some good friends on the team.

I'll tell you this— home really does change a lot. I thought I was going to come home and chill with all my old friends but once you get back, you realize that everything is different. All my friends that I thought I'd be hanging with have done just as I had to do, they've made new friends and girlfriends and gone to schools away from home. Even the ones that are still around have different schedules from mine and hardly are ever available to do anything.

This semester has been mad boring for me at home and I can't wait to get out and sign with another team for the summer/fall. Coming home for me was just because we got a new coach at my old school who was a moron. My advice to you is to stick it out man. A lot of people feel the same way, and I'm glad I didn't leave after my freshman year. Depending on your team, you'll be home for May, and maybe the entire summer, and then you'll get to spend time with your old crew for a while.

I think you'll learn to appreciate being at school once you get home for a while. I'm not a huge partier either, but I did have a group amongst other students/athletes which I hung out with some at school, but it did take a while for that group to form. Late summer/early fall I met a girl at school and got to have a pretty productive last semester at school

I know it seems tough and I don't want to write an essay but you really sound just like I did, and I'm glad I stayed through my second fall at school. If not for the idiotic new coach, I'd still be there today, I actually really miss the college town and can't wait to sign with a new school.

Good luck.
Man I love home. I'm not a loner and I'm not a partier, but no matter where I am I can't spend more than like 2 months away from home. Hell, i go to school in the Caribbean and I'll fly home for 3-4 days once a semester even though we get like 2-3 weeks off every 3.5 months (the tickets are $1000+
) In college, I was 3 hours from home and came home like every 2 weeks. Home is great.
Originally Posted by doctorjay507

i reverse home sick bro im back home and missing college lol embrace it!

man u aint never lied. i hadnt been back home for like a year & now that im out of school & back out here its hard to get back on the scene. most of my ##@+ forgot about me & **%%, its like i been in jail or sumthin. soon as i started rackin up on *%+%+** at school i got kicked out

be sure to go to class and study hard. college is expensive, don't waste your money.
Get a girl

I didn't read the whole three pages, but seriously don't let some time away from friends and family mess up your future.  If you away from home you must be at a possible more than half decent school, don't let a little loneliness stop you.  If you not a partier, its cool, but go out and do other things.
I can't even find the right words to describe how soft you're sounding right now.  College is supposed to be one of the best experiences of your life, and you're up there crying because you miss home?  Females are the only people i've ever heard say they're homesick while they're in college.  I only live a hour away from home, and I almost never go.  There are people back in your hometown who wish that they were in the position that you're in.  But then again, college isn't for everybody.

Transfer to a school closer to home.

Many people change their minds and transfer to different schools
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