Hot drunk chick gets kicked out of Lions game(video)

She was sexually harassed
and the guys were verbally harassed

Video makes me want to cringe.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

.......average trashy looking white girls always being called 'hot' on NT FTL. had the girls been black, looking like that the thread title would say hood rats,
yup, i said that too.
That chick could get it though. Both of them

I wanna go to a game. I may be the only one on this one but, I love seeing characters in the stands. Makes the whole experience that much better IMO.
2:58 is classic

shes getting handcuffed and dude is laughing in her face, like whos talking ***! now
nothing like going to a game and getting more entertainment from the stands
Originally Posted by silverswoosh

Your camera is clear, dude. It's like one of those joints I see myself on when I walk into Best Buy....
Real talk.
What camera you using OP???
I need to cop me one.
I thinking about dropping a documentary.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by silverswoosh

Your camera is clear, dude. It's like one of those joints I see myself on when I walk into Best Buy....
Real talk.
What camera you using OP???
I need to cop me one.
I thinking about dropping a documentary.

this is not my video I don't live in Detroit(thank god)

I think I said this at least 4 times in this thread
dude at 1:40

And Dirty...definitely didn't hear an N bomb dropped...played it a few times back too...

But this video is just awesome...good to see benefit of the doubt go the right way for once...
i can just tell who is a simp based on their responses in this thread.

if some of you guys actually went outside, you would realize that average-looking, drunk, obnoxious "daddy-abused me" type white girls are a dime adozen and are annoying as @%%*.. there is nothing attractive about that girl.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

what took the cops so long to get their? security saw what was going on from the ground...she really thought she could cry her way out cuz she was a female...glad that didn't work...
No I don't think that was why she cried. Look at her face when Grandpops tried to cope her feel. She had that look of "OMG I just gotgroped!" She couldn't believe it and she jumped out at that grandpa when she was being held back. Then's when she probably thought I am beingblamed and I just got groped, and now I am getting arrested, so finally she broke down and cried.

Drunk females at football games are great however some are mad annoying. Once you spill beer on someone and they are not buzzing and feeling as good as you,it usually turns out for the worst.
guy with the glasses even did that hard squeeze face squinting and all

she deserved it though, if that were me,, one my homegirls would have dropped her with the quickness
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