Hot drunk chick gets kicked out of Lions game(video)

I dont think he was trying to cop a feel. He just pushed her shoulder when she was in his sons face. He tried a little clinch on the second push but i dontthink it was his initial intention
the real story of this video should be the fact that people actually go to Lions games.
I'd pay to see Adrian Peterson rush like a legend even if my team sucked.

Word to seeing Lebron play the Wizards last March.

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I'm not going to lie, I was waiting for racial slurs to come flying from their mouths...Dude who stood up at 1:50 and called her a drunk $+#% b and to leave has my props.
She does drop the Nbomb on him at 1:55

as for calling the dudes who pushed her away disgusting?... please
Best part wuz my dude on the far side tellin them to get the eff outta here and callin em drunk #*+! Bs. Nice seats OP.
I find drunk girls like this to be a 10/10 on the annoying scale...trying to pick a fiight with a dude, cant blame nobody but herself for the outcome.

^ This being said, the rowdy one could definitly get the pipe
Had this been a Patriots game, those dudes would've been hemmed all up. Nose in between seat cracks.
what took the cops so long to get their? security saw what was going on from the ground...she really thought she could cry her way out cuz she was afemale...glad that didn't work...
Another reason why i have never gone to an NFL game or will attempt to go to one..too much nonsense

at the Viking and Lion fans uniting against the drunk skeezers."Na Na Na Naaaaaa... Goooooodbye"

"Shut yo dumb %%% up +*#%*!"

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