Houston Rockets Thread 2024/2025 - NBA DraftTime, Sheppard On Deck

From what I did see, there were times where the 3 was being defended very well, leaving midrange and clean driving lanes open, yet 3s were still taken. That’s a Harden problem, and a coaching problem. Harden midrange used to be pretty clutch, and now for the last 3 years, it’s been programmed out of him. It’s up to him and MDA to decide whether to keep failing at doing the same thing, or make a change.
^Russ is the only one actually taking those jumpers. Harden continues to backpedal to the 3pt line despite being left open, only to shoot garbage mostly contested 3s.

EG pretty much needs to sit until the last few games of the regular season
Has this team won ANY of the first games of a B2B when Russ sits out?? This is pathetic. They come out lazy against a bad team, Harden and PJ are run into the ground again, and there’s simply no plan B or adjustments within the game. At this point, Harden is the one that needs to sit on these B2Bs. This is a critical point in the season, and they shouldn’t be sliding down the standings due to mostly their own doing.
I didn’t even realize they had started the game not scoring a single point until the Hornets had 20 points. How does that even happen??
4 game slide while doubling down on small ball, sitting Russ when it’s clear it should be Harden, totally abandoning the center play, and terrible rotations even with more “playable guys”. Outside of knowing exactly what Harden needs to do, any ideas on how they need to turn this around?
This type of stuff is exactly why he should have been let go.

There’s never a sense of urgency with this bozo. It’s always smiling, chuckling, “aww shucks”, and shoulder shrugging. This is embarrassing and this has only enabled Harden to look just like MDA acts on the court.
I think the biggest issues are effort, defense, and confidence. When the team first bought into small-ball, everyone was playing hard and communicating. The morale was high after the Lakers win and both Celtics wins. Now the shots aren’t falling and the defense and hustle isn’t there lately.

I appreciate everything harden has done in Houston, but it’s time for accountability. He’s dribbling without purpose, making terrible turnovers, the defense he’s playing is back to the “defensive juggernaut” YouTube video days, and his body language is awful. MDA may have “unlocked” historical numbers from harden, but he has stunted his growth as an all around basketball player.

This season also sucks because golden state was the hump these couple years and when they aren’t a factor, both LA teams leap frog Houston as contenders.
I think the biggest issues are effort, defense, and confidence. When the team first bought into small-ball, everyone was playing hard and communicating. The morale was high after the Lakers win and both Celtics wins. Now the shots aren’t falling and the defense and hustle isn’t there lately.

I appreciate everything harden has done in Houston, but it’s time for accountability. He’s dribbling without purpose, making terrible turnovers, the defense he’s playing is back to the “defensive juggernaut” YouTube video days, and his body language is awful. MDA may have “unlocked” historical numbers from harden, but he has stunted his growth as an all around basketball player.

This season also sucks because golden state was the hump these couple years and when they aren’t a factor, both LA teams leap frog Houston as contenders.

Accountability from both Harden and MDA. From 6 in a row to 4 down. That is awful and there needs to be some legitimate soul searching, and it starts with those two.

Jeff Green providing some solid logic

PJ also letting us know what we’ve known the whole time with that last sentence, that the players coach themselves
Things will turn around for this team. They have to get their confidence back.
i said it when we struggled early in the season, and it's the same now. when you min/max, you're prone to beatdowns like this. the priority to isolate is a mandate from daryl on down. they decision to trade capela and go small was a daryl mandate. it's because they look at the numbers and base how we should play off of those numbers. all the floor spacing doesn't matter if the players don't cut off ball and screen for each other. we've let teams zone us up and you kill that will ball movement. ball movement is frowned upon by daryl. he's on record to that point.

PJ also letting us know what we’ve known the whole time with that last sentence, that the players coach themselves

reach of the century.

There’s never a sense of urgency with this bozo. It’s always smiling, chuckling, “aww shucks”, and shoulder shrugging. This is embarrassing and this has only enabled Harden to look just like MDA acts on the court.

let's kill this noise. he doesn't overreact. you rather him be like jim boylen who does all the rah rah bs just to have his team hate him? teams go through hot stretches, teams go through cold stretches. panicking and getting out of character doesn't help one way or the other. 20 games left is plenty of time to fix some of the underlying issues.
i said it when we struggled early in the season, and it's the same now. when you min/max, you're prone to beatdowns like this. the priority to isolate is a mandate from daryl on down. they decision to trade capela and go small was a daryl mandate. it's because they look at the numbers and base how we should play off of those numbers. all the floor spacing doesn't matter if the players don't cut off ball and screen for each other. we've let teams zone us up and you kill that will ball movement. ball movement is frowned upon by daryl. he's on record to that point.

So Morey as well as MDA should be fired
i said it when we struggled early in the season, and it's the same now. when you min/max, you're prone to beatdowns like this. the priority to isolate is a mandate from daryl on down. they decision to trade capela and go small was a daryl mandate. it's because they look at the numbers and base how we should play off of those numbers. all the floor spacing doesn't matter if the players don't cut off ball and screen for each other. we've let teams zone us up and you kill that will ball movement. ball movement is frowned upon by daryl. he's on record to that point.

reach of the century.

let's kill this noise. he doesn't overreact. you rather him be like jim boylen who does all the rah rah bs just to have his team hate him? teams go through hot stretches, teams go through cold stretches. panicking and getting out of character doesn't help one way or the other. 20 games left is plenty of time to fix some of the underlying issues.

20 games left but the issues date to MDA’s entire coaching history. I get you’re one of MDA’s relatives, but you have to be real and stop taking bulked for him absolving everything. I posted to PJ tweet in jest, but it’s pretty realistic. These guys often look like they’re on the court with no gameplan and MDA enables that. His interviews tell his entire coaching style — aloof and uncaring. “They’ll figure it out” shouldn’t be the crutch he sits on.
So Morey as well as MDA should be fired

i'm in favor of morey getting fired tbh. I think he's done a good job with whatever restrictions tilman put on him, but i think his basketball ideology is too based on what he thinks the numbers say.

for instance: it became more clear that you have to make 3s to win games in this day and age. instead of looking at how the 3s were generated, i.e. ball movement, drive and kick, PnR, playing inside out, Morey and Co's conclusion was "well lets just shoot more 3s than anyone ever."

another is the over reliance on isolation basketball. it works over the course of the season because you face teams like atlanta and phoenix, so the overall numbers look good, but when a team gears up for it for a 7 game series, it's that much more pressure on James. I'm ok letting morey and mda walk and hiring kenny atkinson and finding a new gm that accepts analytics but has a more true basketball background
i'm in favor of morey getting fired tbh. I think he's done a good job with whatever restrictions tilman put on him, but i think his basketball ideology is too based on what he thinks the numbers say.

for instance: it became more clear that you have to make 3s to win games in this day and age. instead of looking at how the 3s were generated, i.e. ball movement, drive and kick, PnR, playing inside out, Morey and Co's conclusion was "well lets just shoot more 3s than anyone ever."

another is the over reliance on isolation basketball. it works over the course of the season because you face teams like atlanta and phoenix, so the overall numbers look good, but when a team gears up for it for a 7 game series, it's that much more pressure on James. I'm ok letting morey and mda walk and hiring kenny atkinson and finding a new gm that accepts analytics but has a more true basketball background
I agree 100%
Just please win tonight, I can't take these L's anymore. Utah lost last night so make some damn ground up for the standings.


Not good news IMO, but finally some news Rockets close to being byke. I really though that rule where GG couldnt sign back with the Rockets this season wouldn't and shouldn't apply this year... guess not. Looks like GG will have to wait till next season to come back home. We all know he wants to be here and it sounds like the Rockets want him back, too bad we couldnt get him for our championship run this year. :wink:
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