Houston School Bans Hispanic Students from Speaking Spanish

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How is it rude for someone to speak their own language?
honestly i dont like when i go places and people are speaking another language all in my face

i think banning them from speaking the language is od

but i think people should be more conscious of how it can be percieved when speaking another language in front of someone

my girl filipino and ikinda dislike that her parents speak it like right after i say something sometimes makes me feel like they talking about me

i know they're not talking about me and just not not really good with english so i dont trip really but still kinda irks me a lil

why do you think people would be talking about you if they choose to speak in a language you can't communicate in?

why are you paranoid? what makes you think they'd be focusing on you in the first place?
Not paranoid

i just think its rude
you wrote this:

my girl filipino and ikinda dislike that her parents speak it like right after i say something sometimes makes me feel like they talking about me

that to me sounds pretty paranoid and overtly self-conscious

why do you think it's about you though?

Wow dude.

Can you at least admit that it's rude for people to purposely speak a different language in front of other people?

Let's not beat around the bush or be PC, most of the time when bilingual people speak a different language in the vicinity of other people it is because they do not want them to know what they are talking about. Paranoid or not, it's just rude, IMO

i don't see anything rude with it at all. i see it as them being more comfortable with communicating with others who also speak their language.

doesn't bother me when someone's speaking german next to me in an elevator or french on line at the museum. it's not really that involved.

as for accusing me of playing the "PC card" - there is no such thing.

what is very real is the assumption that "most of the time when bilingual people speak a different language in the vicinity of other people it is because they do not want them to know what they are talking about." - like where did you get this from? what informed analysis do you have to make such a grandiose claim? why would you think people are talking about you just because they choose to speak in a different language in the same space you happen to inhabit??

Two people might be "comfortable" speaking in another language, but it doesn't change the fact that it makes people around them Uncomfortable.

Like I mentioned earlier, I live in LA, so I literally come across this everyday... so it doesn't bother me at all.... But I do think it's inconsiderate.

the discomfort you (or someone else) may feel when people speak a different language around you isn't their doing. that's your problem. the discomfort is coming from within you, not because they're out to make you feel that way

they shouldn't be subject to conforming to your expectations simply because you feel uncomfortable. i might feel uncomfortable around things once in a whule, but don't go out of my way to change people or demand they change their ways to suit me. i simply bow out and take it someplace else

I appreciate your opinion because I never heard this perspective before... But...

inconsiderate |ˌinkənˈsidərit|
thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others
Wow dude.

Can you at least admit that it's rude for people to purposely speak a different language in front of other people?

Let's not beat around the bush or be PC, most of the time when bilingual people speak a different language in the vicinity of other people it is because they do not want them to know what they are talking about. Paranoid or not, it's just rude, IMO
Tr1ll i explained my position

often in life, things aren't as simple as yes or no, pro or con, this or that

Dude the answer is yes and you know it. Im not saying you do it, but you know it happens. Ive heard it straight from the horses mouth. I cant believe you're trying to side step the question. Really??

Im not saying its right, but that does make it somewhat justifiable, also there the ones that speak Spanish at home and to their friends, rarely speak english, then when it come time to speak English in a professional setting, they have the dialect of a 12 year old. NOT because they're less intelligent, but because they rarely speak it, but I'll be the first to say that I dont think that rule came from a place of nobility.
Tr1ll i explained my position

often in life, things aren't as simple as yes or no, pro or con, this or that
Dude the answer is yes and you know it. Im not saying you do it, but you know it happens. Ive heard it straight from the horses mouth. I cant believe you're trying to side step the question. Really??

Im not saying its right, but that does make it somewhat justifiable, also there the ones that speak Spanish at home and to their friends, rarely speak english, then when it come time to speak English in a professional setting, they have the dialect of a 12 year old. NOT because they're less intelligent, but because they rarely speak it, but I'll be the first to say that I dont think that rule came from a place of nobility.
if you're telling me the answer to the question you asked me then why bother asking me in the first place?

i mean, i saw the game you were playing by posing that question in such an absurdly narrow manner and did my best to answer it in a way that takes into account a little bit of both sides, but it's difficult and even pointless to have a discussion with someone who wasn't interested in any answer other than his own from the start
honestly i dont like when i go places and people are speaking another language all in my face

i think banning them from speaking the language is od

but i think people should be more conscious of how it can be percieved when speaking another language in front of someone

my girl filipino and ikinda dislike that her parents speak it like right after i say something sometimes makes me feel like they talking about me

i know they're not talking about me and just not not really good with english so i dont trip really but still kinda irks me a lil

why do you think people would be talking about you if they choose to speak in a language you can't communicate in?

why are you paranoid? what makes you think they'd be focusing on you in the first place?
Not paranoid

i just think its rude
you wrote this:

my girl filipino and ikinda dislike that her parents speak it like right after i say something sometimes makes me feel like they talking about me

that to me sounds pretty paranoid and overtly self-conscious

why do you think it's about you though?

Wow dude.

Can you at least admit that it's rude for people to purposely speak a different language in front of other people?

Let's not beat around the bush or be PC, most of the time when bilingual people speak a different language in the vicinity of other people it is because they do not want them to know what they are talking about. Paranoid or not, it's just rude, IMO

i don't see anything rude with it at all. i see it as them being more comfortable with communicating with others who also speak their language.
doesn't bother me when someone's speaking german next to me in an elevator or french on line at the museum. it's not really that involved.

as for accusing me of playing the "PC card" - there is no such thing.

what is very real is the assumption that "most of the time when bilingual people speak a different language in the vicinity of other people it is because they do not want them to know what they are talking about." - like where did you get this from? what informed analysis do you have to make such a grandiose claim? why would you think people are talking about you just because they choose to speak in a different language in the same space you happen to inhabit??
Well people that I know that speak Spanish as well as people I know that speak Tagalog or other languages have frequently told me they do it so people don't know what they are saying. Some do it for better understanding and some do just to talk ****. But I get it u want to play devils advocate it's cool
Tr1ll i explained my position

often in life, things aren't as simple as yes or no, pro or con, this or that

Dude the answer is yes and you know it. Im not saying you do it, but you know it happens. Ive heard it straight from the horses mouth. I cant believe you're trying to side step the question. Really??

Im not saying its right, but that does make it somewhat justifiable, also there the ones that speak Spanish at home and to their friends, rarely speak english, then when it come time to speak English in a professional setting, they have the dialect of a 12 year old. NOT because they're less intelligent, but because they rarely speak it, but I'll be the first to say that I dont think that rule came from a place of nobility.

if you're telling me the answer to the question you asked me then why bother asking me in the first place?

i mean, i saw the game you were playing by posing that question in such an absurdly narrow manner and did my best to answer it in a way that takes into account a little bit of both sides, but it's difficult and even pointless to have a discussion with someone who wasn't interested in any answer other than his own from the start

So basically, what your saying is, you knew the point I was making and didnt want to walk into it, because it kinda kills your side of the argument.

it's not about "devil's advocate" at all

it's about demonizing spanish-speaking people (latinos, hispanics, etc) in this case and immigrant communities in this country in general

the extreme xenophobia displayed by some in this thread under the guise argument of "it's rude" or "this is americuhh" is just emblematic of how permissive it has become to look at the "other" in a negative light
Whatever guy, you cant even answer a question straight up...

The fact that your stance haven't changed doesnt make your point any more valid.
Thats pretty ignorant of the school. Just because you don't understand the language doesn't mean you should ban it. Imagine if they banned spanish speaking in Miami schools... Thats like 85% of the student body.

i didn't answer your question in a yes or no fashion because it doesn't warrant a simple one word answer

it was dishonest of you to think you'd be able to pose the kind of question you thought would entrap me with a simple answer that suits your take one way or another

that's not a question, that's a game
I can see both sides of the argument its def not a black and white issue

I don't think it's rude to talk in a different language in front of others but it would be rude to talk about them in a different language

The problem is because others don't know the language they tend to assume that its about them whether it actually is or not
might even try to catch the ghost and speak in tongues to see what people gotta say about it
doesnt this dumbass know texas was mexican territory before the united states took it? :smh: "they wont assimilate into our culture" :stoneface:

mexicans are a MAJORITY in houston. they can do/say what the **** they want

Ignorance and propaganda is a hellva drug
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it's not about "devil's advocate" at all

it's about demonizing spanish-speaking people (latinos, hispanics, etc) in this case and immigrant communities in this country in general

the extreme xenophobia displayed by some in this thread under the guise argument of "it's rude" or "this is americuhh" is just emblematic of how permissive it has become to look at the "other" in a negative light
Let me keep 100, I am a guy that lives in the "grey area", and I get all your points which are very valid but don't only Spanish speaking and other immigrants display the same type of xenophobia you speak of? Look fam I think it's stupid personally and I say let the kids cook as long as they are not disruptive to the teachers or class but English is the national language. I feel as I start to travel more I should at least make an attempt to learn others national language out of respect for not only the people of that country but for their dialect as well. All your points are very valid and I agree with most but that doesn't make people ignorant in here for saying what people feel everyday. All I am saying is not to play "devils adovacate" but to look at it from both sides, because I remember times when working at BestBuy and if you didnt speak Spanish, some people would look at you with straight fire in their eyes and even my co-workers would tell me later what they were really saying. Hell I know people that get hit with straight disrespect if they don't speak their native tongue whether its Tagalog,Spanish,Vietnamese,etc... Assimilation is a very hard talk to have because as humans(still animals) we do like to stay with people that look like us or share the same experiences as us(lets all keep it 100) and this land doesn't belong to any one nationality but the Native Americans. But I just feel in certain situations Engliah should be spoken just like when I go to Japan next year I should know copious amounts of their language to not only fit in but to respect their land,just like I will when I travel to Spain the year after..
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it's not about "devil's advocate" at all

it's about demonizing spanish-speaking people (latinos, hispanics, etc) in this case and immigrant communities in this country in general

the extreme xenophobia displayed by some in this thread under the guise argument of "it's rude" or "this is americuhh" is just emblematic of how permissive it has become to look at the "other" in a negative light
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