How badly do you think pre marital sex has damaged our country?

Originally Posted by livewyre

i still don't understand how no premarital sex negatively impacts society as a whole. it seems like the only complaint you have is that there are single parents. but what about the high divorce rate, and the fact that these children would still end up with parents that are single. so now you have an ex-spouse instead of baby daddy. different semantics same problem.

like others have said, i think they real issue is lack of sexual education in pre-teens. human evolution has set up a system in which their bodies are ready to reproduce before they are mentally. 300-400 years ago when life expectancy was so low people had to reproduce at that age in order for humans to survive. it isn't like that today.

you can be pro premarital sex and anti teenagers having sex. the two aren't mutually exclusive. the problem is some people flat out don't believe in sex before marriage, so instead of educating their children about safe sex they preach abstinence. and then send their children out into a world where everyone doesn't follow the same rules.

also it's not as if premarital sex was ever not a part of society. so it can't be ruining American society since it was always apart of American society, word to Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin.
Today, premarital sex is widely accepted.

40 years ago and beyond, it was strictly taboo.

Premarital sex contributes to an overall degradation of image of the opposite sex, pre-teen pregnancy, and the spread of diseases.

Again, it isn't such a straight forward issue, like I said earlier, it isn't JUST premarital sex.  It's a multifaceted issue.
I'm a christian
-im 18

kids at my school smash on the reg., its actually kind of ridiculous. Kids that are like 14-15 years old having multiple sexual partners and stuff.

-temptation to have sex is like a all time high at this day and age.... Trying to beat the temptation itself is hard....

i don't know how Tim Tebow does it

or does he?
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