How badly do you think pre marital sex has damaged our country?

Pre-marital sex is natural, waiting until marriage is not. So it hasn't messed us up at all, It may go against societies weird !%! rules but that doesn't matter as socities evolve and the norm will change. Promiscuity will soon be accepted as it should be.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by Hizzle

Originally Posted by bittersweet

It's more so contraception than anything ... being able to use contraception has damaged our country.

How do you figure? Because before there was legitimate contraception, people were still having sex. Contraception doesn't make people want to have more sex.
You're nuts if you think contraception doesn't make people have more sex.

Before there was contraception people knew that it was an possibility of producing offspring, so either they married that person, took the risk, or just didn't do it at all.

People are just reckless nowadays, and it's the results of condoms, day after pills, and birth control.

LOL, that's the most uneducated thing I've heard all week. Before there was legitimate contraception people were still having sex just as much. The lack of contraception doesn't make people weary of having sex so then they don't do it for fear of the consequences. Look at statistics.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Hizzle

Originally Posted by bittersweet

It's more so contraception than anything ... being able to use contraception has damaged our country.

How do you figure? Because before there was legitimate contraception, people were still having sex. Contraception doesn't make people want to have more sex.
WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Man people had sex before all this, but a lot more people get sex happy when they got some condoms.
I can tell you aren't having sex by this very comment. Condoms make me not want to have sex. 
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Hizzle

Originally Posted by bittersweet

It's more so contraception than anything ... being able to use contraception has damaged our country.

How do you figure? Because before there was legitimate contraception, people were still having sex. Contraception doesn't make people want to have more sex.
WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Man people had sex before all this, but a lot more people get sex happy when they got some condoms.

Put it this way. Anybody can drive a car without a license. But if you got your license, you're going to want to drive more, and more.

I'm in Baltimore, MD and I can tell you that before there was legit contraception, people were still having sex like fiends. When condoms came along it wasn't like people all of a sudden jumped for joy because they were missing out on so much sex before. Now they were just protected. The license analogy doesn't really make any sense because driving without a license will get me arrested. Pulling out won't.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

The problem is not premarital sex. The problem is uneducated, low-income (all around stupid) people having children. The stupidest people in this country have the most children. Then these stupid people mentally and physically abuse their children. These people are alcoholics, drug abusers, criminals, etc. raising children. Their children become what their parents were, and the cycle repeats. It never stops.

And who supports all these people? The taxpayer. That's who pays for the jails, the clinics, the courts, etc.

But the funny thing is, people feel like everyone has the right to raise a child. You need a license to drive and go fishing, but any idiot is allowed to raise a child. So we can never tell these people "Hey, you're not fit to raise 3 children with your income."

Sometimes people get mad at this, but don't be. Of course there's an exception to every rule and there are people who come from terrible upbringings to become great people. But that's the exception. For every one of them, there's a million idiots.
Do you think "uneducated, low-income (all around stupid) people having children" is a new phenomenon?

Nature has a way of balancing things out and I think your idea of licensing parenting would throw that balance off. It would eventually lead to a very selective process by which potential parents are granted or denied the right to reproduce. I theorize that with such a system, only the "well educated, high income (all around brilliant)" people would be allowed to have children and that would, over time, kill off blood lines of "undesirable people".

Your idea is not new, it was popular in the United States during the 20s and was championed by Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood) who was well liked enough by the KKK to be invited to speak at some of their rallies. She was also near and dear to the heart of Adolf Hitler who put an extreme version of her idea into practice in Germany. I'll let you look up some of her quotes and ideas and decide if that's the kind of world you would like to live in.

Elitists often forget that their rise to "greatness" was not a straight path and took generations of trial and error to happen. Individuals who are too pleased with themselves and "their own" accomplishments tend to overlook the long process that occurred, for them to get to their current standing. They stand on their personal apexes looking only forward and upward, proud of what they, "themselves" have accomplished, never looking down to see all of the "uneducated, low-income & all around stupid people" in their own family's history and their present community that helped them reach their god-like status.

What's truly sad is that thinking like yours is too common and I hear it all the time from pseudo-intellectuals who like the smell of their own farts way too much for my comfort.

But good luck with your Utopia.

Nearlyall creators of Utopia have resembled the man who has toothache, andtherefore thinks happiness consists in not having toothache.... Whoevertries to imagine perfection simply reveals his own emptiness.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Hizzle

Originally Posted by bittersweet

It's more so contraception than anything ... being able to use contraception has damaged our country.

How do you figure? Because before there was legitimate contraception, people were still having sex. Contraception doesn't make people want to have more sex.
WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Man people had sex before all this, but a lot more people get sex happy when they got some condoms.
I can tell you aren't having sex by this very comment. Condoms make me not want to have sex. 
I'd rather not have a slip up so soon or put my girl on the pill plus for other obvious reasons.

FTR, if you've ever been around guys when you were younger, you'd know this.

Condom or no condom, dudes WILL do it REGARDLESS.

I'm in Baltimore, MD and I can tell you that before there was legit contraception, people were still having sex like fiends. When condoms came along it wasn't like people all of a sudden jumped for joy because they were missing out on so much sex before. Now they were just protected. The license analogy doesn't really make any sense because driving without a license will get me arrested. Pulling out won't.
OK then that must have just been here. Dudes got THIRSTY because we looked at condoms as full proof like a lot of other young kids. Were the ages of 12-16 that long ago for some of you?
Nearlyall creators of Utopia have resembled the man who has toothache, andtherefore thinks happiness consists in not having toothache.... Whoevertries to imagine perfection simply reveals his own emptiness.

I completely understand what you're saying. Believe me, I do. And I'm not saying we need to selectively weed out the inferior people or anything like that. All I'm stating is the reason for why things are they way they are. Not proposing a master plan to rid this world of all that's non-elite.

I'm saying that contraception is not to blame for the problems we have today.
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Logout, go outside, and take your religious views with you.[/color]
*stands up*


*sits back down*

No but seriously. what the hell does "marriage" have to do with anything? I always have an issue when someone plays this card; what you're referring to is simply a Christian institution that by definition doesn't even apply to 2/3 of people in the world. What you refer to as "marriage" is simply the distorted image of a union between people that a disillusion group of people have basically raped to serve their own ideological illusions. So to even suggest that the "downfall" of this country is somehow linked to an imaginary term that can't by definition be inherently good or bad isn't just a stretch, but dillusional in itself.

the problem of the AMERICAN society is exactly this.

yes, this thread and you people. (well most of you)

so much emphasis is placed upon sex and nudity in this country.
we try to put it in people's heads that being nude is a bad thing and that sex is evil.

people naturally gravitate towards the taboo.

if sex wasnt such a big deal, then we'd have no problems.

i would write a thesis paper on this, but im not, cause no one is going to read this, and the people who do, are 15.
Originally Posted by nine point five

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Logout, go outside, and take your religious views with you.[/color]
*stands up*


*sits back down*

No but seriously. what the hell does "marriage" have to do with anything? I always have an issue when someone plays this card; what you're referring to is simply a Christian institution that by definition doesn't even apply to 2/3 of people in the world. What you refer to as "marriage" is simply the distorted image of a union between people that a disillusion group of people have basically raped to serve their own ideological illusions. So to even suggest that the "downfall" of this country is somehow linked to an imaginary term that can't by definition be inherently good or bad isn't just a stretch, but dillusional in itself.


Man & Wife? Doesn't that sound a lot better than Baby Mama and 4 baby daddies or vice versa?

Delusional you are. Go sit down somewhere. 
This dude is trying to blame human nature and evolution, humans want to have sex marriage or not.

If anything is a problem is the lack of sex education in our schools/communities because all these conservatives/religious people keeping sex education out of schools and preaching abstinence.
Damage? I think it helps. I have been with a few women that DON'T know how to have sex. They refuse to do oral. Are too shy to try any position other than missionary. Just boring females that never even masturbated themselves so they don't even know how to finish.

One of the things I look for in a wife is how she can please me. So I couldn't imagine marrying a woman who has no clue what's up in the bedroom. Just like buying a new car, you gotta at least take it for a spin.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by nine point five

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Logout, go outside, and take your religious views with you.[/color]
*stands up*


*sits back down*

No but seriously. what the hell does "marriage" have to do with anything? I always have an issue when someone plays this card; what you're referring to is simply a Christian institution that by definition doesn't even apply to 2/3 of people in the world. What you refer to as "marriage" is simply the distorted image of a union between people that a disillusion group of people have basically raped to serve their own ideological illusions. So to even suggest that the "downfall" of this country is somehow linked to an imaginary term that can't by definition be inherently good or bad isn't just a stretch, but dillusional in itself.


Man & Wife? Doesn't that sound a lot better than Baby Mama and 4 baby daddies or vice versa?

Delusional you are. Go sit down somewhere. 

people should get married because the titles sound better? are you $*%!+!$ kidding me?
I think its all about morals tought in the home. A code that can be followed and respected. The world is changing as are the views of what the quentesential American family is. mom/dad united in matrimony, 2 1/2 kids.... thats the past. Its time to be realistic and for couples to stop fooling themselves into marriage if its not for them.
Originally Posted by nine point five

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by nine point five

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Logout, go outside, and take your religious views with you.[/color]
*stands up*


*sits back down*

No but seriously. what the hell does "marriage" have to do with anything? I always have an issue when someone plays this card; what you're referring to is simply a Christian institution that by definition doesn't even apply to 2/3 of people in the world. What you refer to as "marriage" is simply the distorted image of a union between people that a disillusion group of people have basically raped to serve their own ideological illusions. So to even suggest that the "downfall" of this country is somehow linked to an imaginary term that can't by definition be inherently good or bad isn't just a stretch, but dillusional in itself.


Man & Wife? Doesn't that sound a lot better than Baby Mama and 4 baby daddies or vice versa?

Delusional you are. Go sit down somewhere. 

people should get married because the titles sound better? are you $*%!+!$ kidding me?

Are you kidding yourself? I believe Marriage is much more than just a ring, cake and ceremony. To me, it means much more.

And someone would have to be blind, to not see that the world would be BETTER if marriage held the weight its supposed to. Why would anyone with sense want a world without it where people just roam around screwing who they like? Babies and or drama everywhere with not enough fathers to go around.

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Logout, go outside, and take your religious views with you.[/color]

Cliffs: The acceptance of premarital sex mixed with stupidity involving contraceptive (some of which stemming from religious views against it, some from pure ignorance) has lead to problems with children growing to be socially unaware and criminals.
Really, though, it has nothing to do with religion.  I'm one of the more outspoken atheists on here, and I totally agree.  While I love having premarital sex, it does lead to a large amount of problems--mostly through unwanted pregnancies.  The key religious issue, then, being the ones surrounding the pro-life, anti-abortion views.
When parents (used strictly in a biological sense) have children that they do not want, the kid is raised by whatever influence finds them.  They grow up not knowing how a real relationship works, how to be sociable, and with all sorts of connectedness issues.  Typically, and studies reveal this, children of bad relationships tend to be the ones growing up to be criminals, and they typically start in their teens.  As referenced in Freakonomics, when abortion rights were granted in the US, crime began to drop from the sudden decrease in unwanted children into the population--children who would have a much higher likelihood of becoming criminals.  
10,000 years ago there was no such thing as pre-marital sex, religion "invented" it so its highly involved. Its human nature to practice polygamy.
marriage doesn't mean anything.

it's a matter of making responsible decisions and being prepared to care for your child, and if you're not ready, then wrap it up. it's a matter of responsible decisions.

not a signed government document, and a priest telling you that you're somehow bound to an individual
90% are missing the point RKO is trying to make..........take religion out of it and his point is valid, it wont ever change, but it's valid, sex before commiting to somebody (we call it getting married) has hurt us 100 fold more then it has helped us.....TURTH sorry, but it is
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

90% are missing the point RKO is trying to make..........take religion out of it and his point is valid, it wont ever change, but it's valid, sex before commiting to somebody (we call it getting married) has hurt us 100 fold more then it has helped us.....TURTH sorry, but it is

cosign...with having a kid at 17 and not being able to work it out with my baby moms, i have definitely seen who it hurts
and to the dude who said condoms doesnt make him want to have sex more, i completely agree 
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Premarital sex? or Premarital sex resulting in pregnancies that lead to babies growing up without a stable home?
Its pretty much the same to me. Of course the second one is the worse part of it.

Both are not good to me, but I'll take a couple having sex then getting married vs the couple just having casual sex that leads no where.
Why are you concerned about where someone elses relationship leads to?
Is that the christian way?
I can have an opinion can't I? I mean you don't have to be a Christian to see the damage its caused right? I've seen premarital sex do WAY more harm than good. Of course as a Christian, I disagree with it, but as a man with morals, I disagree with it.

The question you should ask yourself is, what good has premarital sex done?

Explain how premarital sex has damaged the country. I want to be intrigued.
Well children born out of wedlock usually don't grow up with the benefits that children with a mother and father do. The female AND male teachings are greatly needed in EVERY household.

premarital sex has dispelled religious dogma and myths for many people. that sounds like a positive to me.

this topic reminds me of this video:
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Logout, go outside, and take your religious views with you.[/color]

why does he need to go outside?
if everyone waited for "the right person" the human race would've dies off years ago. you can't deny nature. By simply saying the word "marriage" the conversation becomes about religion. If you want to talk about the idea of "marriage" which is commitment, then by all means do so. Waiting for marriage wouldn't solve anything.
"premarital sex has dispelled religious dogma and myths for many people.� that sounds like a positive to me"

Yes but that's a good thing in "your opinion"........that doessnt count, sorry but maybe you are not getting what RKO is can proove without sex before getting married that it would help many of things, yours is just an opinion of what is "better"
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