How can this NOT be theft?

Originally Posted by Grand Hustle It

So i was doing some research of the Holocaust and and everything like that, i came accross this:

Now i understand the Jews got kicked outta Germany, claiming millions were killed. That sounds unjust, but what about the theft of the land of Palestinians?

How did this slip by the governments of the world and the UN!? What happened to the rights of the Palestinians?
i'm sure in your research that you found out that it didn't "slip by' anyone. the "governments of the world" werecomplicit in making it happen. i'm sure you were also able to infer from the information reviewed that nobody cared (and still doesn't) about therights of palestinians.
Lets play a game. There are two people in this thread with a combined IQ that barely reaches double digits, can you pick them out?
In other Israel conniving news:

Israel cuts 1948 'catastrophe' from Arabic texts

By MATTI FRIEDMAN (AP) - 1 day ago

JERUSALEM - The Israeli government will remove references to what Palestinians call the "catastrophe" of Israel's creationfrom textbooks for Arab schoolchildren, the education minister said Wednesday.

The reference to "al-naqba," the Arabic word catastrophe, as Palestinians call their defeat and exile in the war over Israel's 1948 creation,was inserted by a dovish Israeli education minister in 2007.

The phrase remains contentious six decades later, a symptom of the continuing divisions in Israel. Many Israeli Arabs identify politically with theirPalestinian counterparts in the West Bank and Gaza. As a result, some Israeli Jews accuse Israeli Arabs of disloyalty to the country.

Israel's current government, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu and his hard-line Likud Party, includes members who favor cracking down on Israeli Arabs byordering loyalty oaths or even moving them out of Israel.

"No other country in the world, in its official curriculum, would treat the fact of its founding as a catastrophe," Education Minister Gideon Saarof Likud told Israel's parliament on Wednesday.

Israeli Arab lawmaker Hana Sweid accused the government of "naqba denial."

"It's a major attack on the identity of the Palestinian Arab citizens of the state of Israel, on their memories and their adherence to theiridentity," he told the Associated Press.

Teachers will be free to discuss the personal and national tragedies that befell Palestinians during the war, Saar said, but textbooks will be revised toremove the term, he added.

The decision applied to a third-grade textbook for Arab schoolchildren. Jewish textbooks make no mention of the term.

Yossi Sarid, a dovish former education minister, said Saar's decision showed insecurity.

"Zionism has already won in many ways, and can afford to be more confident. We need not be afraid of a word," Sarid said.

The 1948 war saw Arab nations invade the newly founded Jewish country after a United Nations decision to partition the British-controlled territory ofPalestine into Jewish and Arab states. Jewish forces won, seizing territories beyond what the U.N. had allotted to it, while Egypt and Jordan took what wasleft of the territories the U.N. intended for a Palestinian state.

More than 700,000 Palestinians are thought to have fled or been expelled from areas that came under Israeli control.

Official Israeli histories of the country's establishment, especially those written for schoolchildren, have typically focused on the heroism of Israeliforces and glossed over the Palestinian flight, attributing the mass exile to voluntary escape if mentioning it at all.

In recent years, several Israeli historians have published books claiming that while many Palestinians did flee of their own accord, many others were forcedfrom their homes as fighting raged.

Palestinians demand the right to repatriate the surviving refugees and more than 4 million descendants to their original homes in Israel.

Israel rejects the demand, saying the refugees should receive compensation and be resettled where they now live or in a Palestinian state.

The Arabs who remained inside Israel now make up about 20 percent of the country's population of 7.3 million.

nothing slipped by gov'ts lol they are the ones who set this up, the British took the land with the balfour declaration..
LOL @ this hurt arab.

This isn't the first time this has hapened in history. Hell it was the norm 3000 yrs ago. Start a war, lose and you'd get your %*!% taken.
don't bring up the slavery vs holocaust thing

both were very bad......just leave it at that

and Palestine > Israel

america media is Pro Israel but in reality them dudes is reckless and pull some shady stuff
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

don't bring up the slavery vs holocaust thing

both were very bad......just leave it at that

I would become public enemy #2 (Andre is #1) if I stated how I felt about the whole situation so I'll remain silent. Zionism FTL.
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

So because it happened in the past its ok now? You sound ridiculous, quit while you're behind.

Now? You weren't even alive when this happened so what you posted has NO relevance.
So its great that millions of Palestinians were forced out of their homes, and killed? Spoken like a true Zionist.

@ you editing the part you said about its great that you stole theirland. You even know you're wrong. Put that back up fam don't go back on your word mean what you say.
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by Agent Andre

man !%@% the holocaust, what about the millions of slaves that died on the way to America? What about the native Americans that were systematically wiped out? Those two alone make the holocaust look like the Virginia Tech shooting.
Your really mad.

Why are you and OP living in the past?
and what do jews do? The holocaust was mad long ago get over that +@#*. The point I'm making is that there are worst tradgedies besides the holocaust yet the holocaust is constantly shoved down the throats of people every where.
Bruh the same thing can be said about slavery, plus you sound like one of them ignorant, racist people who keep telling black people to get overslavery
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

So its great that millions of Palestinians were forced out of their homes, and killed? Spoken like a true Zionist.

@ you editing the part you said about its great that you stole their land. You even know you're wrong. Put that back up fam don't go back on your word mean what you say.

Actually I think it's wonderful. Youre a bunch a rubbish First you say this
The holocaust was mad long ago get over that +@#*.
then this
So because it happened in the past its ok now? You sound ridiculous, quit while you're behind.
Fam your people already lost, get over it.
I am black, and yes black people do need to get over slavery. It was a terrible thing but how much longer are we going to blame our problems on that?
I'm not Palestinian, but I can recognize when a country is being shady. Israel is a shady nation. Zionists are shady people. Zionists not be confused withnormal Jews who don't support the murder of innocent children and people.
It is going to be difficult to find someone who is not biased towards one side or the other.

Personally, I would agree with with the OP that there is a little bit more Jewish sentiment in the media than exists for Palestinians. I wouldn't go so faras to say that I've had the Holocaust shoved down my throat, but in my education, I spent a lot more time on the Holocaust than any other controversialtopic. I took a trip to the Museum of Tolerance in 7th grade, and we spent a lot of time discussing the Diary of Anne Frank, Schindler's List, etc. I nevertook any such trips associated with slavery, American Indians, etc.

That said, I think people get a little too heated over this. It's a never ending battle, and will remain so for many years to come. So many differentreligions lay claim to that territory, it's ridiculous. Maybe the Jewish people are truly the violent aggressors, maybe the Palestinians are justified,maybe nobody is. It seems like for both sides, the only ultimate end is the destruction of the other. They just need to find a peaceful solution. Divide theland 50/50 and placate everybody.
Wheres all the Salvery museums?? That was the biggest tragady that happen to this country.

Why all the Zionist and Holocaust Museums? That had nothing to do with this country.

To get back to original topic, the jews own the media. They feed propeganda into the brains of oblivious. They consistently ignore the fact that THOUSANDS ofPalestinian civilians are being killed by their military, and on top of that they exaggerate the deaths of civilians.

Whats going in 'Palestine' is basically another "Holocaust". Killing and moving the people outwards. Its pathetic and contradicting.

fall back. whats going on in palestine is NOT another holocaust. its messed up, but the holocaust is beyond the craziest, most horrific stuff to happen in thepast 100 years. makes hostel look like '13 going on 30'. i understand you hate jewish people but you need to relax.
It's only because the US backs the Israeli's and this is exactly why the Palestinians were pushed out because the Jews claimed this was their land.Yes, the Holocaust happened, but this has little to do with the Holocaust. The Palestinians own that land and it is only because the US and the other powerfulcountries backed Israel that everyone else recognizes them.
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

What about the forgotten Holocaust?

Nanking Massacre

!##! was devastating to read

That was no holocaust.

That is just what simply happens in war...
You know? The part they dont show you on CNN.
im a little suprised this dude can get so reckless with questioning the severity of the holocaust(and whether it happened), but a michael jackson joke will getyou hated for life on here. with the (shyheim ft big L) - furious anger of 7 pages of hate and shock. poor jews.
Originally Posted by Iansmk

im a little suprised this dude can get so reckless with questioning the severity of the holocaust(and whether it happened), but a michael jackson joke will get you hated for life on here. with the (shyheim ft big L) - furious anger of 7 pages of hate and shock. poor jews.

Sloppy attempt at stirring up a pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

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