How Come Handshakes with My White Friends Are Always Weird.

Jan 4, 2012
So I was kicking it with a few friends of mine last night and I began thinking about this topic last night... Whenever I see one of my friends or anyone that is white, 90% of the time it ends up being an awkward handshake unless I know them really well.

There is always some form of body language miscommunication and it just seems like we're never on the same on the page when it comes to the shake... But whats crazy is I never have this problem when it comes to my black, hispanic, or the few asian friends that I have.

Does anyone know that feel? Or am I just reaching?
You know why they are weird.

A. Two different worlds
B. You/They might try to handshake the way that you think the other hand shakes in his world.
for some reason where i live when im shaking my black friends hand they like to snap after, not sure if they do that anywhere else.. but when im shaking my white friends hands its more ina proper manner type way. but sometime i just give people pounds (alotta people in the world do not wash there hand) disgusting
Post handshake snappers... What's that about? It just seems awkward to me. Do you want me to snap back , in unison, or what?

Also three part hand shakers... why? The standard finger over thumb to four finger grip two-step works best. Please stop trying to spice it up with a pound or a third move. That makes the moment real weird. If I don't know you very well, how the hell am I supposed to know your routine?

Southern Cali hand shakers... I get it. Slap, then knuckle bump. I'm not from here, but I'll accept the culture. But once again, why do some of y'all try to add extra steps to a decent two part move?

White folks... losen your hands up. Don't try to break my fingers at the end of the dap and make my fingers snap with yours on some weird underground ayoness. Let's keep it simple. Matter fact, I'm just gonna give y'all high fives from here on out.
Only with older white friends

The rest come through with the pound or two part dap; the slap and then close in with fingers.

Then there's certain times you just know you're suppose to come through with the regular handshake and I always try to delay so I can see their approach first
 Sometimes I don't know what to do, like if I get it wrong will they be mad at me? My rule of thumb is the thumb lock with the pull back figure lock slide.
my white friends always try to dap me up or whatever with the left hand, I keep having to telling them that aint right.
From a white man's perspective its weird because we obviously are thinking about how in african american culture you usually dap it up and we don't want to have an awkward handshake so we think about doing it. But then we don't want to be wrong and then it's weird/racist so we get confused and by then the connection is already made and the awkwardness ensues.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Post handshake snappers... What's that about? It just seems awkward to me. Do you want me to snap back , in unison, or what?

Also three part hand shakers... why? The standard finger over thumb to four finger grip two-step works best. Please stop trying to spice it up with a pound or a third move. That makes the moment real weird. If I don't know you very well, how the hell am I supposed to know your routine?

Southern Cali hand shakers... I get it. Slap, then knuckle bump. I'm not from here, but I'll accept the culture. But once again, why do some of y'all try to add extra steps to a decent two part move?

White folks... losen your hands up. Don't try to break my fingers at the end of the dap and make my fingers snap with yours on some weird underground ayoness. Let's keep it simple. Matter fact, I'm just gonna give y'all high fives from here on out.
I'm from So cali... and I know what you mean
Haha handshakes with my black friends are pretty awkward but even more so with my closest friends. Probably because were always together.
Originally Posted by KickHead23

From a white man's perspective its weird because we obviously are thinking about how in african american culture you usually dap it up and we don't want to have an awkward handshake so we think about doing it. But then we don't want to be wrong and then it's weird/racist so we get confused and by then the connection is already made and the awkwardness ensues.

Idk I usually have no problems with shaking my white friends' hands.

It's usually more of the formal shake cause its weird to dap 'em like I would do one of my main ___s.

Sidenote: When I shook Bun B's hand, he did the snap thing after.

I didn't bother imitating it cause I find it rather awkward.

But then again, I'm one of those kids who has a handshake with a friend that lasts about 45 secs to a minute.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by KickHead23

From a white man's perspective its weird because we obviously are thinking about how in african american culture you usually dap it up and we don't want to have an awkward handshake so we think about doing it. But then we don't want to be wrong and then it's weird/racist so we get confused and by then the connection is already made and the awkwardness ensues.

Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

You going in for a regular handshake, they going in for a dap....


Had a stranger do this to me recently. Guy didn't even know what he was doing. Least coordinated handshake ever.

I was wearing a dress shirt and pants with dress shoes too.
(No baggy clothes on. Been off that for a long time now.)

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Post handshake snappers... What's that about? It just seems awkward to me. Do you want me to snap back , in unison, or what?

Real tears.

(I seriously never got this though. Always seemed really corny to me.)
The dap is universal, everyone daps everyone. If you're a male under the age of 40 and I know you on a casual level I'm gonna dap you up. I'm not black nor white if it matters. No snaps or any of that weird %@%$ after the dap tho
Lol @ snapping after greetings, I started getting into that habit like a year ago and now most of my buddies have unconsciously picked it up or something. 

One of my black friends whom I hadn't seen in a while made it kind of awkward when he went in for that half-hug thing while he were shaking hands...I had this "What are you doing man?" look on my face but tried to play it off.
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