how did you guys learn to cook?

mom AND dad...

im def not on their level but if i had to i would have no problem feeding my family...

i love/hate to cook
my momma can cook and it rubbed off a lil bit
Forced to live alone from the age of 17 and really had no one to learn from so I went from uncle ben's minute some burnt pots and pans...toFINALLY learning 4months later...

Now I can make a mean BBQ, Pancakes and a make a mean broiled pork chop...

Living alone at a young age is not its cracked up to be...
It came natural for me. Lulz at the thought of even using a cookbook.
I just called my mom and asked for step by step directions of my fav dishes.

Then you keep cooking them and turn into a pro and make your own dishes.
3 years ago I started working out and realized that I needed to eat better. Well, since you basically can't it out and eat healthy I started buying my owngroceries. I started with spaghetti and chicken breasts and steak, then I just started mixing stuff.

3 years later and BOOM! I'm a decent cook
i had no choice my moms passed when i was 8 and pops was working so i just remembered what i saw and now im a beast in the kitchen
basically just look up a recipe online then get the ingredients and try it myself.. works about 90% of the time with success
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