How do yall feel about smashing sub-par females?

Originally Posted by Young Handsome

Originally Posted by AirJordanVI

I was on this last night




As long as they are attractive enough to get you going I don't see the issue.... Plus idk if u guys have dealt with dimes but most are blah in the sheets and always on ur nerves....
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23
I swear it be the most unattractive/mediocre dudes that swear they deserve attractive women.
If you a 5 why cant you  date a 5, if you a 3 why cant you date a three.

What this confidence juice some dudes be drinking, cause sometimes I need it.

I cant blame them look at kanye and kim ,Beyonce and Jay list goes on

You want to know why a man that's a 3,2 ,4 or a 5 shouldn't aspire to only date women society sees on his level because it only inspires him to be a degenerate bum .  A beautiful woman can inspire the lowest of men to do the greatest of things, even if he doesn't get the chance to bed such a woman, it gives him hope, it breathes life into him. Furthermore, an ugly man, with an ugly wife and ugly, talentless children doesn't exactly give one hope for the future, it doesn't make you want to work that extra shift, try harder to get that better paying job. It kills ambition, kills imagination, makes this world out to be a short, brutal existence, especially since there are no longer any *+$*# houses for such men.
Any woman that could make the statement to a man that he should seek out his equal in beauty, does not understand her true worth or the worth of other women. Also this confidence is what these women seek, because if a man so besmirched by the world could find it within himself to overcome genetic fate itself, what kind of children is he going to help in creating? 

Anyways as far as the topic itself, I can't find myself coming any where close to having sex with a woman I don't find attractive, simply because I understand myself, my history, my self worth and the genes I wish to create a new generation with. But then again I don't sleep around to begin with it

This is the dumbest shallow $++* I have heard in a whileAnd on many occasion I have seen two ugly parents make a attractive child
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

shoefreakbaby wrote:

You want to know why a man that's a 3,2 ,4 or a 5 shouldn't aspire to only date women society sees on his level because it only inspires him to be a degenerate bum .  A beautiful woman can inspire the lowest of men to do the greatest of things, even if he doesn't get the chance to bed such a woman, it gives him hope, it breathes life into him. Furthermore, an ugly man, with an ugly wife and ugly, talentless children doesn't exactly give one hope for the future, it doesn't make you want to work that extra shift, try harder to get that better paying job. It kills ambition, kills imagination, makes this world out to be a short, brutal existence, especially since there are no longer any *+$*# houses for such men.

Any woman that could make the statement to a man that he should seek out his equal in beauty, does not understand her true worth or the worth of other women. Also this confidence is what these women seek, because if a man so besmirched by the world could find it within himself to overcome genetic fate itself, what kind of children is he going to help in creating? 

Anyways as far as the topic itself, I can't find myself coming any where close to having sex with a woman I don't find attractive, simply because I understand myself, my history, my self worth and the genes I wish to create a new generation with. But then again I don't sleep around to begin with it


Sweetie , I know my self worth.

You know with your logic why would a pretty girl allow her future genes to be "tainted" by a subpar male.

Why not get with a guy on her level and higher to make sure her kids are beautiful 

"I cant get with you cause our kids will be ugly" 

You are one shallow person 
Originally Posted by thisizdray

As long as they are attractive enough to get you going I don't see the issue.... Plus idk if u guys have dealt with dimes but most are blah in the sheets and always on ur nerves....

In my experiences with "dime/hot" females....they just lay there.........

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