How do you all feel and view jealousy towards your girl?

No such thing as male friends. This is my mentality. You can fall for the whole, "I am not insecure" #nTLogic and allow her to go to dinner and movie dates with dudes if you want. Keep your eyes open
Yeah agree with you man, in a way its being over protective cus I only been for couple months.. But ill keep that In mind
But I known her for a good while now, maybe 4years and she's always had friends, but before I got with her she was with her ex and I was telling her to leave him and flirting with her until she left him for me. So tell me if I shouldn't be tripping, if I was just a friend then and she let that happen
If she gon **** another ***** she gon **** another *****. Stop tripping and worry about you.
OP , your fears are not totally unfounded. Its natural. I went through it , just like the next man will. The key is to not let those fears let you act irrationally. Like a poster said on the previous page , always keep your eyes open. I know your only 2 months into this relationship so trust is still being developed , but you have to let it play out. If your too demanding then that will push her away , but if your too relaxed she might become turned off. It's definitely a balancing act,  no doubt about it. My advise is to let things play out. Things have a way of working themselves out.
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Some of you may say its childish or insecure for someone to be either overly or just jealous towards your girl, mainly pertaining to her guy friends ect. Me personally, I'm in my early 20s and still dating, and been with my girl for about 3 months. Right now I'm having a hard time coping with the fact that she talks to her guy friends whether it be fb texting or talking on the phone, but I mean its not enough having a bf that you need attention from all these dudes friends or not, don't get me wrong she says they just chat as friends, but I'm sure those dudes flirt and everything, pisses me off to the point I just wanna end it but not sure if I'm over reacting or how to go about it. How do you all go about ur partner having friends or if any of you been in a similar situation Im in, I'd like to hear thoughts feedback on jealousy

Everyone goes through this. But over time, you will know and understand how to cope. It‘s just something you gotta go through in life.

Bottom line is if she‘s making you uncomfortable this early on, your relationship won‘t last.

Dating and relationships are different too.
It's normal to feel that way when entering a fresh relationship. If you continue to experience it after some weeks bring it to the table and work from there.
Gotta agree with the male friends thing. They can have them, but not too close. It's really easy work for the male friend, because the moment y'all have some issues, she'll do all the work. Source: damn near every female "friend" I've ever had. Haven't smashed them all, but I'll be thinking we're cool then out of nowhere comes the random flirting, meals, pics, "I need a drink" "I'm single now ", touching, kissing... Then they get back together and it's back to homies like normal. We ain't even all that close. I do love that free play after the dude they been seeing after two months starts acting like a "**** boi" though.
Yeah agree with you man, in a way its being over protective cus I only been for couple months.. But ill keep that In mind
But I known her for a good while now, maybe 4years and she's always had friends, but before I got with her she was with her ex and I was telling her to leave him and flirting with her until she left him for me. So tell me if I shouldn't be tripping, if I was just a friend then and she let that happen
So if she didn't stop you from flirting with her when she HAD a dude, why would you go for anything deeper with her??
Yeah agree with you man, in a way its being over protective cus I only been for couple months.. But ill keep that In mind

But I known her for a good while now, maybe 4years and she's always had friends, but before I got with her she was with her ex and I was telling her to leave him and flirting with her until she left him for me. So tell me if I shouldn't be tripping, if I was just a friend then and she let that happen
So if she didn't stop you from flirting with her when she HAD a dude, why would you go for anything deeper with her??

OP needs to have a talk with his girl and just be straight up with her that because of the way they got together, he is not trusting of just calling every dude "just a male friend" when he might be trying to get with her and flirting with her

If she gon **** another ***** she gon **** another *****. Stop tripping and worry about you.
Here we go with this response.

WHile that is true, that doesn't mean you need to just sit quiet and let everything fly.

Exactly. Being a pushover isn't going to keep her either. If she don't respect you as a man, she gonna leave you for that dude that she respects.
Really depends. Im in my early 20s as well but i dont really have this issue. My girl knows a lot of people if we go out and ****. She can hug them, whatever whatever i dont really care. Cause at the end of the day they see me standing there and we get introduced and they know their place. It helps that shes not a little **** as well. I trust her.

She has one guy friend that she has been taking classes with and became good friends with before we were together. They text and ****. Mostly about school but not always. He has a girl. I dont feel the need to try to cut him off from her.

It depends on the dude though. Theres a couple dudes that are suspect cause i know how they get down. And when there starts to be too much communication i gotta shut it down. She doesnt always understand cause women are too naive to see the true intentions of men sometimes.

In short, i never really feel threatened. I trust my girl and i feel like thats where you have to be if youre going to have a lasting relationship. I couldnt be with somebody where im always worried about who theyre talking to. I trust her more than i trust myself honestly, lmao

If she gon **** another ***** she gon **** another *****. Stop tripping and worry about you.
Here we go with this response.

WHile that is true, that doesn't mean you need to just sit quiet and let everything fly.
Exactly. Being a pushover isn't going to keep her either. If she don't respect you as a man, she gonna leave you for that dude that she respects.
Difference between me and you and DC and OP is that I don't care if a chick leaves me. Bye *****. I don't value anyone more than I value my peace of mind.

And OP this is mostly your fault too. You tried to be Mr. Stealyogirl and now that you've pulled it off you realize that she can't she trusted and now you worried. It's honestly pretty funny.
Difference between me and you and DC and OP is that I don't care if a chick leaves me. Bye *****. I don't value anyone more than I value my peace of mind.

And OP this is mostly your fault too. You tried to be Mr. Stealyogirl and now that you've pulled it off you realize that she can't she trusted and now you worried. It's honestly pretty funny.
Pretty much, never value any chick over your own peace of mind or your own happiness.
Difference between me and you and DC and OP is that I don't care if a chick leaves me. Bye *****. I don't value anyone more than I value my peace of mind.

And OP this is mostly your fault too. You tried to be Mr. Stealyogirl and now that you've pulled it off you realize that she can't she trusted and now you worried. It's honestly pretty funny.

there it is. repped
Difference between me and you and DC and OP is that I don't care if a chick leaves me. Bye *****. I don't value anyone more than I value my peace of mind.

And OP this is mostly your fault too. You tried to be Mr. Stealyogirl and now that you've pulled it off you realize that she can't she trusted and now you worried. It's honestly pretty funny.
Any other chick I'd cut off whether it be a hit and quit or a relationship that wasn't working, but with this girl its more serious since I been knowing her awhile and have history with. It's not like I can just go on to the next that easily without wanting something serious.
And about the mr. Stealyogirl, to a certain extent its true, but to add to that, that relationship was doomed from the beginning, I was mostly comforting her since she was always having problems and it wasn't a healthy one to say the least.
She's a good girl just that I know what these so called friends' of hers intentions are and even that bothers me, and she's too nice so she doesn't think nothing of it, but I'll bring it to her attention.

Ill play it out and see how things go, eventually ill see if its worth being in or not.
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Difference between me and you and DC and OP is that I don't care if a chick leaves me. Bye *****. I don't value anyone more than I value my peace of mind.

And OP this is mostly your fault too. You tried to be Mr. Stealyogirl and now that you've pulled it off you realize that she can't she trusted and now you worried. It's honestly pretty funny.
BJ real af...... :lol: BYE FELICIA [emoji]128075[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji][emoji]128075[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji][emoji]128075[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji]
Difference between me and you and DC and OP is that I don't care if a chick leaves me. Bye *****. I don't value anyone more than I value my peace of mind.

And OP this is mostly your fault too. You tried to be Mr. Stealyogirl and now that you've pulled it off you realize that she can't she trusted and now you worried. It's honestly pretty funny.

Best answer in this thread.
OP i hear you. I been there before. I'm almost 10 years older than you so I've learned the hard way. I've lost some really good good women, or I should say, pushed them away, because of jealousy. The sad part is, of all the girls I lost, in hindsight, none of them actually cheated on me. I actually cheated on all of them, yet I was the more jealous and irrational one. 

Jealousy, at certain levels, is actually a very healthy emotion. But if it gets to the point where you are acting irrational, or demanding things of her that aren't reasonable, you'll lose her.

The first thing you have to acknowledge is jealousy is a byproduct of fear and insecurity. You are afraid of losing her. You look at yourself in the mirror and you feel insecure. The only way you can address this my dude is to love yourself, love your life, unconditionally, whether she is part of it or not. Unless you love yourself independently, you'll never snap out of it. You have to have your own passions, hobbies, and goals, totally independent of her, in a way that if she were to leave you tomorrow, you'd still be good.

Once you are 100% independent, mentally, then you can start thinking about your relationship with her. Is your girl attractive? If so, you have to come to terms with reality, she will get offered the D 24/7. At work, at school, getting coffee, on every social media site. You need to be able to acknowledge that and laugh at it. Realize you are doing something right, cause she is coming home to you. 

As for her, she has every right to talk to anyone, chatting, whatever, male or female, without your approval. Unless ya'll are married, you can't tell her who she can and can't talk to. If you do, you are ultimately going to be seen as weak and insecure, and it'll turn her off. In a lot of ways, it's a blessing. I love dudes who are in the friend zone with my girl. They fill a void in her life, that I would otherwise have to fill. It frees up my time to do my own thing. 

Now, there is always going to be a chance that she cheats. She's human. You are just going to have to eat that risk and appreciate the good times you had and continue to have. Again, the key is to be an independent person, if you have found happiness as an individual, no matter what happens, you are going to be good. 
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I think how lenient you can be depends on your community and social circle.

On the micro scale just say you take your girl out for drinks in the city. There's spots that are totally cool to go to and there's other places where their could be issues.

As a man holding it down, if you're in and around savages you're taking a different approach to a dude who's girl has a couple geeky hipster guy friends.

Not saying it couldn't happen either way but certain elements are way more likely to be openly disrespectful and aggressive in pursuit.
My girl had a few male friends. They naturally started to drop in relevance the longer we dated tbh

Whenever you have an issue with her male friends just ask her if whatever she's doing with her male friends, would that be cool to do with you and your female friends? If she says yes then, do it :lol:
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