How do you all feel and view jealousy towards your girl?

No reason for your girl to be texting other boys. Where they do that at?

You y'all text girls you're not smashing/trying to smash?
I always saw myself as the prize. And I know that she's not mine, it's just my turn.
OP you have to develop an abundant mindset.

Most men let women choose them but you gotta flip the script & let it be known it is YOU that's doing the choosing.

You should feel that your girl is lucky that a man of your stature is claiming her as your own & that YOU are the prize.

If shorty messes around with other guys then it's like losing a winning lotto ticket.

Like the GOAT De Niro once said, "...have no attachments, allow nothing to be in your life that you cannot walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat around the corner."

Words to live by.
All you gotta do is eat mad bison, hit the gym, get brolic and intimidating, and then dudes will stop trying to conversate with your girl. You can even leave shorty, and cats will still be scared to speak with her just off the strength of who her ex (you) is. And with that being done, she won't be able to get ANY pipe at all unless it's yours, because no one wants to see your hands. So you'll be in a win win situation
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jealousy from either side sucks

its always sad when friends start choosing girls over friends or the other way around for girls

never saw the point in that, be with someone that you trust and lets you have friends with whoever the hell you please and you let the same for them
jealousy from either side sucks

its always sad when friends start choosing girls over friends or the other way around for girls

never saw the point in that, be with someone that you trust and lets you have friends with whoever the hell you please and you let the same for them

True. But what if their "friend" wants and knows he/she can smash .

Then again it depends on the person. You in a relatioship you should know how to act.
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Any other chick I'd cut off whether it be a hit and quit or a relationship that wasn't working, but with this girl its more serious since I been knowing her awhile and have history with. It's not like I can just go on to the next that easily without wanting something serious.
And about the mr. Stealyogirl, to a certain extent its true, but to add to that, that relationship was doomed from the beginning, I was mostly comforting her since she was always having problems and it wasn't a healthy one to say the least.
She's a good girl just that I know what these so called friends' of hers intentions are and even that bothers me, and she's too nice so she doesn't think nothing of it, but I'll bring it to her attention.

Ill play it out and see how things go, eventually ill see if its worth being in or not.

The funny thing is that her friends could be having the same attitude towards you. Just waiting to pounce at the first sign of discord. We've all been there, insecurity is a mother, but only you can gauge when it's time to bring this up, I mean if you really have known her for a bit.
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