How do you deal with your teams being terrible?

Originally Posted by el producto79


Lots of it.
BTW I'm a Raiders fan.
me 2
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

We def. have more hope and talent than that team across the bay....

this dude.
Why the @!#% do you always feel the need to make fun of the Raiders.
Not one Raiders fan on here says a thing about the 9ers.

You, however, always find a way to take a shot at them.
Newsflash, both teams suck. Equally.
When was the last time the Raiders and 9ers even played in a rivalry game (not counting the preseason).

There is no rivalry here.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Week in and week out, I expect the Raiders to lose.

So it's sick when we win(word to the Jets game) and I don't really give a *%*+ when we lose(today's games

Lakers basketball is a different story though.

At the end of the day though, it's just sports.

Exactly. I'm mad I spent so much time watching the Raider game when I have a midterm tomorrow.
i got a c- on my midterm
messin around on haloweenwhen i had a midterm the next day
Just tough it out, enjoy the victories when they come. Your team's gotta win sometime, it'll be sweet when they do.

Plus, that way when they're back on top in the future, you get some cred for being a real fan even when things were bad.
you pay close attention to the most talented crop of college athletes and dream that your team gets the 1st pick in the draft...

but actually, i'll go ahead and say

Originally Posted by MeloVP

stick with it, it'll get better eventually
Originally Posted by AG 47

After awhile, you just grow emotionally desensitized to the losing.
sort of. i still get pissed every sunday at the raiders. but for some reason today, i wasnt going crazy. maybe it just looked like the team gaveup. who knows. part of me wants to just stop watching and start golfing every sunday like i did during the offseason. i guess after all these years of beingbad, its finally starting to get to me.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Week in and week out, I expect the Raiders to lose.

So it's sick when we win(word to the Jets game) and I don't really give a $##$ when we lose(today's games

Lakers basketball is a different story though.

At the end of the day though, it's just sports.
Do you think its gotten to the point in oakland where they expect themselves to loose as well? I mean, can it really get any worse? I thoughttimes were tough before gruden came in... that looks like paradise compared to the state we are in now. Al Davis (and i have the utmost respect for the man) isMURDERING this franchise. I think i read somewhere that if we go 4-12 again or worse taht we will have the worst 6 year loosing stint in NFL HISTORY!! Yes, theentire history of the league.

As for the kings.... JT is puttin in work right now, and spencer actually looks promising. But I can't help but get depressed when I think of the glorydays and how we chocked away our title shot.

Giants.. Things truly are looking up for this franchise just due to the rotation, still pissed about Dusty giving Livan the game ball in Game 6 tho. Bastardcursed us.

Stanford FB- i just dont see how we can ever win the Pac-10 again. In 2000 we had our miracle run with troy walters & co, but the talent just isn'tthere to compete with the SC's, Oregons, and Kals of the conference.

In the end tho like most of you said... it IS just sports....
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Week in and week out, I expect the Raiders to lose.

So it's sick when we win(word to the Jets game) and I don't really give a $##$ when we lose(today's games

Lakers basketball is a different story though.

At the end of the day though, it's just sports.
Do you think its gotten to the point in oakland where they expect themselves to loose as well? I mean, can it really get any worse? I thought times were tough before gruden came in... that looks like paradise compared to the state we are in now. Al Davis (and i have the utmost respect for the man) is MURDERING this franchise. I think i read somewhere that if we go 4-12 again or worse taht we will have the worst 6 year loosing stint in NFL HISTORY!! Yes, the entire history of the league.

As for the kings.... JT is puttin in work right now, and spencer actually looks promising. But I can't help but get depressed when I think of the glory days and how we chocked away our title shot.

Giants.. Things truly are looking up for this franchise just due to the rotation, still pissed about Dusty giving Livan the game ball in Game 6 tho. Bastard cursed us.

Stanford FB- i just dont see how we can ever win the Pac-10 again. In 2000 we had our miracle run with troy walters & co, but the talent just isn't there to compete with the SC's, Oregons, and Kals of the conference.

In the end tho like most of you said... it IS just sports....

i dont think that they expect it, it just seems like they dont give a !$@% when it happens. you would figure that some of them have to be competitive dudes butwho knows. you see these dudes smiling and laughing after the game like they just got laid or something. that bothers me
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Week in and week out, I expect the Raiders to lose.

So it's sick when we win(word to the Jets game) and I don't really give a $##$ when we lose(today's games

Lakers basketball is a different story though.

At the end of the day though, it's just sports.
Do you think its gotten to the point in oakland where they expect themselves to loose as well? I mean, can it really get any worse? I thought times were tough before gruden came in... that looks like paradise compared to the state we are in now. Al Davis (and i have the utmost respect for the man) is MURDERING this franchise. I think i read somewhere that if we go 4-12 again or worse taht we will have the worst 6 year loosing stint in NFL HISTORY!! Yes, the entire history of the league.

As for the kings.... JT is puttin in work right now, and spencer actually looks promising. But I can't help but get depressed when I think of the glory days and how we chocked away our title shot.

Giants.. Things truly are looking up for this franchise just due to the rotation, still pissed about Dusty giving Livan the game ball in Game 6 tho. Bastard cursed us.

Stanford FB- i just dont see how we can ever win the Pac-10 again. In 2000 we had our miracle run with troy walters & co, but the talent just isn't there to compete with the SC's, Oregons, and Kals of the conference.

In the end tho like most of you said... it IS just sports....

i dont think that they expect it, it just seems like they dont give a !$@% when it happens. you would figure that some of them have to be competitive dudes but who knows. you see these dudes smiling and laughing after the game like they just got laid or something. that bothers me
agreed... i wonder what gruden did to the team at the time that just cant be replicated by any of these other coaches? is he really THAT great ofa coach? it might also just have been the peices falling into place at the right time... but i honestly see no hope for our team at this point..
the losing part doesn't bother me...

But the piss poor play REALLY does. Especially in basketball. I can't stand it.
Seattle sports are just sooooo goood...and we have such a great basketball team too...not. :/
04-05 was rough being a laker fan....

But its all good. We can't really control anything. All we can do is give support.
Well at least the Raiders have been relevant in the past decade, having made it too the Super Bowl. It's tough being a Lions fan. We've been the jokeof the league forever. But eventually you get used to it. The last few years I've been one of those Lions fans that was optimistic and would pick us to winour division or the wild card and be a surprise. Then of course we know how that works out. But it does make you pay attention to different teams and playersand finding yourself rooting for people you normally wouldn't. Like right now I can't help but root for the Titans. I mean I'm not a fan by anymeans, but you can;t help but watch them just get it done week after week and root for them.
Well being a Chargers fan since a kid, I've got used to it. Just know that they're going to fail and be surprised if they do well. I was shocked backin the 04-05 season. Pessimistic attitude always got me by.

The only thing that really pisses me off is that I've invested so much money on the Chargers for season tickets being a 6 year holder, and dudes alwaysfind a reason to let me down.

As far as being a Padres fan, I just embrace the game of baseball. The Padres are garbage no doubt, but I'm just whatever with it.

Lakers on the other hand, man, I'm still feeling the effects of the Finals everytime I see the color green.
The gym and the Bible got me by.
Who cares? I honestly don't care anymore, I became a big sports fan once I got to high school, two years ago When I began seriously playing sports, and itwas then that I began to root for my local teams, before that I honestly did not care, I remember being a vikings fan back in the day when I was a kid becauseRandy moss was my alltime favorite player. When I got to high school I rooted for my local teams just because they were local and everyone around me wasrooting for em too. Now I honestly don't give a %#@! about any specific teams, I just enjoy watching the most athletic people in the world compete againsteach other. And I enjoy sports video games too. Anyways, my advice is to just understand that sports began being televised and broadcasted for the purpose ofentertainment, and you should understand that. You can either take sports to be a source of euphoria, depression or anything in between.
the bulls and cowboys down years really pissed me off, sometimes i just stopped watching. The Bulls gave me new hope with our young players and now we have aplayer we can rally around in Rose.

But im getting fed up with the Cowboys lazy play. But no matter what i'll never leave em
Lavin dark years at ucla and the psu years when they had no offense
i stuck w/ them but i was at the point where i watched the game quietly and calm
i knew it was a matter of time before things change
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