How do you deal with your teams being terrible?

(Knicks) I just think of the good old days. I wish we could just fast forward to 2010 for the Knicks.
just pick a new team... jk
but i just never expect anything from my team (UT Jazz), and once and awhile they surprise me...
the Jazz are playing pretty good of late but they'll never win the championship and i've just accepted that
Originally Posted by caLiwestcoast1

dont expect good things to a niners fan
the niners never fail to disappoint...there's always so much promise prior to the beginning of the season that gets the 49er faithful riled upand excited:
  • the 49ers will have a passing game
  • the 49ers will have an offensive line that could block the wind
  • Vernon Davis will finally show up during the season
  • the 49ers secondary will play up to its potential and not allow rookie WRs to tear them up
  • the combination of Patrick Willis and Manny Lawson will be great
  • No more QB controversy, we're set on a QB
  • Vernon Davis will show signs of life
  • etc...
it's all these things and more that make the niners current state of affairs unbearable...we just outright suck, but i guess when all else fails, atleast we have

yea being a lions fan, u just get used to it. whats worse is they give u so much hope during some games but they cant finish... its just sad. but i'malways optomistic! i still believe!

lions 8-8 Division champs
I'm a

niners, warriors, A's, fan and damn they arnt going no where for awhile. Losing isn't new to me.
Don't have a crappy team.

, as someone else said, focus on the young talent you develop.
If you're not from Seattle, just think of how it could be that much worse...I mean, Seattle is so bad they don't just lose games, they lose entirefranchises.
I like the Kings because I grew up with them. Most of my favorite players have moved on to different teams, and I enjoy seeing their success/failures elsewherealso. What I have come to realize is that for me, watching them play will always be entertainment. I am entertained when they win a close game. Or when theyblow out somebody worse than them. These situations have become increasingly more rare. So now, I find entertainment in how badly they play. Or how theirweaknesses are exposed by much better teams.

Winning isn't everything. You'll find something about your teams to like, and if you don't find anything, you won't like them anymore, andyou'll find something else to like. (ergo, because you don't care about them, their quality won't matter to you anymore)

When all else fails, people-watch in the stands. We tivo Kings games just to see occasional hot chicks, bench reactions, and entertaining commentary. (again,as per above, the commentary isn't necessarily good, or bad, but it is entertaining.)
Originally Posted by acidicality

I just do. It just becomes hilarious.

man im thinkin about boycotting the 49ers until john york decides to show significant effort to improve the team. why should i spend my hardearned money on merchandise, tickets, over priced food at the game etc when their not making a significant effort to improve the team and putting a winningproduct out on the field.
stay loyal and focused on better days with the young/veteran nucleus we currently have in place and potential cap space that we'll have in '10.

btw you already know plus my Dodgers and trojans have kept me from committing suicide all these years.
Sonics left and the Seahawks suck. On Sundays, instead of watching the Seahawks, I play 2K9 or Madden.
I'm a die hard Knicks, Jets and Mets fan. After all the years of losing, you get used to it.

Eventually they'll be good again, and then all the years of support through the dark years don't seem so bad.
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