How do you feel about your life? Vol. Always room for improvement.

Apr 16, 2007
How do you feel about your life right now? I'm pretty happy with mines as of now. Of course, there's always room for improvement.

Decent job, car, place to live, good girl on my side, good health, my family is doing well and healthy as well. Can't really complain at all.

Curious to know how you feel about your life right now. If some of you are down at the moment, keep your head up. I'm sure in time things will get better.
Nice car, great girl, good grades/in school, great family. All I need is a job.

Right now, my outlook on life is simply this: Anything's possible.
Well....trying to earn my degree. Need a better apartment. Need to buy a car, insurance is too pricey in NY though.

Things are okay. Just okay though, wouldn't call it good yet.
I can't complain at all. But personally, there needs to be vast improvements.

-Im really NOT feelin Economics as a major. I'm gettin by in it but I'd love to switch to Computer Engineering but I refuse to let these past 3 yearsbasically go to waste.
-No job but thinkin about the graveyard shift for UPS. Good pay and great benefits for students + a good workout
-Need to kick some bad habits I acquired recently. Could really mess up my future.
-The one chick that I thought would always be there is gonna have a child with some dude. (NTers, the people keep livin whether you there or not)

But hey. Got my health and Im in school. Got good friends and family. As much as I down my life I am pretty happy
I have a Great life. I'm around people of Success. I dont do drugs and deal them. Palmecita is always on my right side. I get Critiqued for every decisioni make and im always in constant progession.

Really, Life is Great No Matter what.. Its all about where your perspective is at. Smell me?
I live in America how could I not be happy

when you visit third world countries you realize how truly blessed you are to be living in America regardless of your economic situation
lets see...

I go to Tulane, i have a nice car, lots of clothes and shoes, and im attractive. me and the girl broke up, but only 22, if it's meant to be,it's gonna fix itself...1
Missing a few essential things, but they come with time so outside of that its good and getting better as the days pass.
I could always do more, I'm aware of the endless possibilities and opportunities I have before me...I just need to make the most of it
As of right now I'm in heated mode...damn whip gotta flat yesterday, gotta buy a whole new tire. Me and the baby momma pretty much called it quits...herway to fight, not let me see my damn daughter! Aint that somethin. Work is buggin out, the only thing I can think of thats good right now is I got some bombsmoke.
been better.
Got a great family.... But kinda the odd man out... No car, lossing friends but gained a few.... School is getting frustrating but I graduate next quarter....I have no confidence but it's slowly growing... I live in a nice neighborhood and America....I'm in a good position... Overall life is great...
Im grinding everyday. staying humble never satisified until I make it and can get my mother anything she desires.
If I do an honest assessment right now i'm stuck, well at least I'm making progress with my music ..... but soon I gotta make a decision bet. music andschool ....... i'm still holding out that I could do both but then again i'm not that delusional
its aiite
im not exactly where i wanna be in life right now but its coo. i got a new gf and people aroun me who care about the kid(for the most part) so i cant complaintoo much
once i get that refund check, a lot better
that too
Stuck between becoming a pig or joining the Air National Guard. The business I was working for fell through and went bankrupt and I cant find a job even with apretty good resume. So I'm broke living with the parents but the last month or two I've been couch surfing filling out job apps since my computer wentto %%%* and my car got totaled. Plus moms spent the 10k I got from my car insurance to pay off her credit card debt.

But, It could always be worse so Im pretty happy

edit: forgot, also got a warrant for my arrest, didnt show up to court as well so my L's got suspended haha
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