how do YOU get rid of pimples?

wash your pillow cases daily if you can. If not at least twice a week. Mad dirt gets built up on them from sweating when sleeping.
Do not think accutane is even on the market anymore so thats a no for op. Damn never knew it stunt growth though, could of probably been taller than 5'9 
. But when I took it only thing I notice was the occasional nose bleeds and sometimes a pain in my chest. For your acne it all depends since everyone is different, just go to your dermatologist or doctor, they will probably be able to prescribe something to slow it down.  
Do not think accutane is even on the market anymore so thats a no for op. Damn never knew it stunt growth though, could of probably been taller than 5'9 
. But when I took it only thing I notice was the occasional nose bleeds and sometimes a pain in my chest. For your acne it all depends since everyone is different, just go to your dermatologist or doctor, they will probably be able to prescribe something to slow it down.  
Originally Posted by puddinpopp

wash your pillow cases daily if you can. If not at least twice a week. Mad dirt gets built up on them from sweating when sleeping.
I used to think dirt caused pimples...but contrary to popular belief...
OIL clogs your pores and thats what causes pimples. They start underneath the skin and your immune

system responds to a build up of bacteria in an open hair follicle clogged by oil and dead skin.

Use Witch-Hazel daily its cheap and has worked wonders for me. I suggest trying it. It isn't called a "skin astringent" for nothing.
Originally Posted by puddinpopp

wash your pillow cases daily if you can. If not at least twice a week. Mad dirt gets built up on them from sweating when sleeping.
I used to think dirt caused pimples...but contrary to popular belief...
OIL clogs your pores and thats what causes pimples. They start underneath the skin and your immune

system responds to a build up of bacteria in an open hair follicle clogged by oil and dead skin.

Use Witch-Hazel daily its cheap and has worked wonders for me. I suggest trying it. It isn't called a "skin astringent" for nothing.
wawaweewa wrote:
The best method? Time.

In the meantime try Tazorac . That %@$% is powerful so be careful (use smaller amounts than directed) but it works great.
wawaweewa wrote:
The best method? Time.

In the meantime try Tazorac . That %@$% is powerful so be careful (use smaller amounts than directed) but it works great.
I use Max Clarity for a few months and I see some improvements. Still get an occasionally pimple from time to time. Fapping causes pimples depends on the person's hormones I guess. Mines are out of wack.
Spicy food doesn't agree with me too. I need to get some Cetaphil as my skin tends to dry out from Max Clarity.
I use Max Clarity for a few months and I see some improvements. Still get an occasionally pimple from time to time. Fapping causes pimples depends on the person's hormones I guess. Mines are out of wack.
Spicy food doesn't agree with me too. I need to get some Cetaphil as my skin tends to dry out from Max Clarity.
I had acne from 14-17 and I tried everything just like yall, then when I was almost 18 I just stopped using products. I started washin my face with just water and since my face has been crystal clear. I dont know if gettin older helped or what but Im not using any products on my face again.
I had acne from 14-17 and I tried everything just like yall, then when I was almost 18 I just stopped using products. I started washin my face with just water and since my face has been crystal clear. I dont know if gettin older helped or what but Im not using any products on my face again.
i tried everything and nothin worked for just cleared up when i hit 18

my face when i was 16 though was hideous
i tried everything and nothin worked for just cleared up when i hit 18

my face when i was 16 though was hideous
Depends, you gotta test it out with the type of foods you eat/water consumption and products (if you need them).
My skin is more "i am what i eat" so a good diet and water work for me.
Aside from that Coal Face from Lush and the Olive Oil Method have been the only products that have kept my skin smooth and clear.
Depends, you gotta test it out with the type of foods you eat/water consumption and products (if you need them).
My skin is more "i am what i eat" so a good diet and water work for me.
Aside from that Coal Face from Lush and the Olive Oil Method have been the only products that have kept my skin smooth and clear.
I never knew there were so many crazy methods
.Any cream with benzoyl peroxide usually does the trick. I use daily face cleanser from Clean and Clear.
I never knew there were so many crazy methods
.Any cream with benzoyl peroxide usually does the trick. I use daily face cleanser from Clean and Clear.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

first I always wash my face with


I never use soap on my face

then if the pimple is easy to pop, pop it and then I apply this


i don't use the pills tho
.....the benzoyl peroxide cream is good enough. It's gentle on the skin and wont leave your skin irritated.

and also, can't rush it if the pimple isn't ready to pop

need to get a new bottle
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

first I always wash my face with


I never use soap on my face

then if the pimple is easy to pop, pop it and then I apply this


i don't use the pills tho
.....the benzoyl peroxide cream is good enough. It's gentle on the skin and wont leave your skin irritated.

and also, can't rush it if the pimple isn't ready to pop

need to get a new bottle
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