How do you make your money? Side Hustles? Main Hustles?

Nov 1, 2012
It is 2013 and I am trying to come up with some new ideas to generate $$$. Would everyone please share the ways they make their money? I'm at a low point in my life and I'm broke as joke. Please share guys. It's time for us all to get ours. Anyone mind sharing side hustles? Anyone mind sharing ways to produce $$? Good job opportunities? I'm 22 years old and I'm pretty much broke without a direction in my life. I would like to walk in the direction of money. How do all of you guys do it? I feel like something that has worked for one of you guys could potentially work for me. I'm trying to have the things all of you have. Thanks for any good advice. Let's keep it positive and please spare me the hate. Show some love and be blessed.
My side hustle is my old job, which is installing radios in cars. Learning how to build computers from scratch now so hopefully that'll generate revenue in the future for me on the side as well. Main job is in hr but its more like an intersnship. Pays the bills though for now. 23 btw
When I was 22, I used to sell stuff on Ebay. I would make anywhere from $1000 - $1500 a month as a side job with very little labor.
It was used electronics. People will buy anything on Ebay once you start with a low starting bid with no reserve.
I used to DJ for large events. It is common to own a lot of equipment that you either stop using because you upgraded, or it eventually brokedown. The backbone of Ebay (then) was selling used items. Even if you don't have old electronics lying around in your house, you can sell old clothes. There are plenty of sellers that are self employed selling used clothes on Ebay as their only means of income and they are Powersellers.
I used to DJ for large events. It is common to own a lot of equipment that you either stop using because you upgraded, or it eventually brokedown. The backbone of Ebay (then) was selling used items. Even if you don't have old electronics lying around in your house, you can sell old clothes. There are plenty of sellers that are self employed selling used clothes on Ebay as their only means of income and they are Powersellers.

That's not really income then unless you sold for more than what you paid.
my side hustle got me into some trouble a few years back, i realized that ish aint worth it. I work sometimes 80 hrs weeks now (paid on daily rate so there till the day ends) and it is what it is. I got money in my pocket so no reason to go back to that. Its kinda hard to make decent money hustling legally, unless you got some skill that people will pay you for. I know people who sell kicks online, but unless you have a real solid connect so you can get bulk you not gonna make a substantial amount. Other wise your gonna make maybe 100 bucks on a pair after camping out for 8 hours? FOH
That's not really income then unless you sold for more than what you paid.

Well rightfully so. If you are going to make a business selling used clothing on Ebay you need to spend money to make money. You may not realise how much margin there is in clothing. Even when department stores slash prices by 50%, they are still making a profit.

There are lots of tutorials on how to make money on Ebay doing a Google search if you are looking at it more than just a side hustle.
I am losing my mind trying to find a side hustle eventho my 9-5 pays really good i just dont wanna work for nobody the rest of of my life or at least know that i dont have to. shoot keeping it one hundred i would do pimpin im really thinking bout doing it. or do something in porn like manage women or executive produce it.:smokin
I consider the two jobs that I have to be hustles honestly. I work for a catering company as a server at events. Before the events start I help set up and after the event ends I clean up. I get paid $10 an hour which is nice but some weeks we don't have events so I don't have consistent hours. I also work at a local shop downtown but they lack hours so I work there anytime I am asked. Other than that I help people move out of dorms and apartments at the end of the semester and help people move in dorms and apartments at the beginning of the semester just to get some cash at the end of the day. Hopefully I can get a career started now that I have graduated.
hang out with sucessful people

this is my problem......... i live in Greensboro NC lol
im a security officer full time but i work my 40 hours in 4 days. so i use my extra day off to do multimedia(shoot and edit video, some photography) for a friend of mines small business. i am attempting to build more clients this year and generate more $$$
nice hustle with the photography/editing GAGJR!

I recently sold a few sportscoats/blazers to my friends or coworkers. I'd get some decent name brand jackets on Ebay for like 30-40 bucks, wear em for a few weeks, get compliments, and throw coworkers a "deal" and sell the coat for 80-100.

I doubt that it will continue much longer though. They only need so many coats :lol:
@majik214 thanks bro. and your coat ideas is smart as hell. i kinda want to do that on a smaller scale with a variety of outerwear and stuff i get at thrift store. rock it, ig it, sell it for profit.
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website money, ebay selling , graphic design, website design etc.. easy money to be made online once you promote yourself.
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