How do you prove sex was consensual?

Take from a guy who knows what is like to be accused of Sexual Assault.

All im going to say is, if she's lying they WILL find out. And women will LIE their ***'s off to get themselves off the hook.

If you honestly know that the sex was consensual they will and prove that it was,

And 90% of the time the woman is NOT telling the truth. Especially when they are cheating on a significant other with you.
Awesome story. Girls like this should face serious jail time. Imagine what that guy had to deal with every day of his life until he was finally proven innocent.

Well we all knew it wasnt true and was pretty upset. about it. He even took the girl to the Seabee Ball. Since her dad was some kind of general no one pressed the issue.
Dude I was in the Navy with met this chick in the base club. They dated for 10 months.
While on deployment they came, got him and took him back to the states.
The girls father was a General and she was under age. She had got into a bunch of trouble and to take the heat off her she called rape on dude.
They kicked him out.
As a Seabee, when deployed were spread out over the globe so some of us would not talk for 6 months.
When we got back, we all learned about what happened.
We were back like 4 months watching video, that one of us had shot over the last year and half. We relized that we had ole girl and him on camera caked up.
We had video of her in the club before they met, we even had video introducing her to the camera man the night he met her.
What broke the camels back is her bragging on tape that she took his virginity, so we would make fun of him.
She told MP's that it was only once and he tricked her into his room.
He ended up getting his dishonarable discharge overturned and he went after the girl and her family for false allegations.
He is now living large. The general didnt want any heat so he pretty much pay him off.
:wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:
Women are just grimy I tell ya :smh: :smh:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yes I'm sure the star quarterback of the university has to rape chicks to get any.......I would have stonefaced the **** out of that girl the minute she said that. Women have all the power in the world in the legal system, **** ain't right.

his status doesn't mean much...he could have raped her just cuz he was the star quarterback and doesn't like to hear no...

women that falsely accuse men of rape are at the bottom of the barrel mixed in with women who lie to men about being the father of a child...doesn't get any worse than those two...

back when i lived in Hempstead i remember a chick accusing some Hispanic guys at Hofstra of rape and she later recanted her story :smh:
:pimp: @ how that hofsta situation turned out. I remember reading that thread and then one of the dudes accused of rape turned out to be an NTer and actually poated in that thrad. :lol:
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PS3 eye? Please explain

The PS3 eye is basically the camera you use to interact with the can take photos and record videos. So if you wanna be discreet like these dudes with hidden cameras you can put black tape over the blue light which will be bright as hell and with that **** facing the bed it might arouse suspicion.

I just tell a chick up front...some are cool and of course you have some that catch an attitude and ****...who cares about that though.

Just gotta download the software which you an pick up at the playstation store.

Go to the video part of it and hit record when you're ready to get ya Jack Horner on...
I hate it when people cry wolf as to not look like fools in the long run. Baby girl if you wanted the D, you wanted it. If you're woman enough to take it, be woman enough to own up to it.
I need to print this out ~

Dang. No love for Alaska. No wonder why are rape rates are always high there. C'mon Uncle Merv!
I hate it when people cry wolf as to not look like fools in the long run. Baby girl if you wanted the D, you wanted it. If you're woman enough to take it, be woman enough to own up to it.
My woman
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