How do you respond to Road Rage

In dealing with conflict in general I just ignore it with an indifferent demeanor, though that seemed to piss some people off even more in some cases. Nobody here's gonna have a gun so there's hardly any real risk but I have no interest getting into a shouting match or fight, least of all in traffic.
Not worth it. Older I get the more I learn to control my anger. Im lucky to be where I am today, my buddy from high school was murdered last year over a parking spot.

i still remember the call from another friend of ours to tell me about the incident
I’d be careful doing that. People will shoot you over road rage. Especially if/when you start following them.

Nothing good can come from these situations.

It is a waste of time and emotional energy.

"You got it."
I’ll break this down as quickly as possible.
-We were on our way to buy a new car
-my wife and I drove separately, I was behind her on a two lane highway
-there’s a driver that is going slow in the passing lane, with a makeshift trailer and flopping cargo on the top of the vehicle
-after driving for a while behind the slow driver in the passing lane, my wife decides to pass on the right
-the slow driver gets angry when my wife passes and then rolls down the window and throws one of those large Starbucks cups at her
-I see all of this and get heated! it’s my wife, but also my kids are in the car too
- I pull out my phone and start recording license plate, I drove up next the car recording and it’s a middle aged white woman with purple hair
-she would not look over, then after about 30 seconds of recording she looked and me and waved
-I was so tight, when we pulled into the parking lot of the dealer my wife told me to drop it (she’s a saint)
-I had to let it go in order to make the purchase and to enjoy our weekend away together
I force myself to take a deep breath and let them be. Not trying to put me or my family in danger because of some impatient dude.

And with the stories of cars getting shot up on the freeway and the kids being losing their lives, nah. Not losing my kids over someone cutting me off.
Having said that, for those looking to push someone’s buttons on the road I always found the thumbs up to be exponentially more effective than the middle finger. :lol:
This gets dudes HEATED. I had to stop doing this **** cause the last time this dude almost ran me off the road.

I just ignore the nonsense now and don’t even give them a reaction anymore.

There are plenty of women that carry in the state that I am in. Daily, in car, hiking etc.
I’ll break this down as quickly as possible.
-We were on our way to buy a new car
-my wife and I drove separately, I was behind her on a two lane highway
-there’s a driver that is going slow in the passing lane, with a makeshift trailer and flopping cargo on the top of the vehicle
-after driving for a while behind the slow driver in the passing lane, my wife decides to pass on the right
-the slow driver gets angry when my wife passes and then rolls down the window and throws one of those large Starbucks cups at her
-I see all of this and get heated! it’s my wife, but also my kids are in the car too
- I pull out my phone and start recording license plate, I drove up next the car recording and it’s a middle aged white woman with purple hair
-she would not look over, then after about 30 seconds of recording she looked and me and waved
-I was so tight, when we pulled into the parking lot of the dealer my wife told me to drop it (she’s a saint)
-I had to let it go in order to make the purchase and to enjoy our weekend away together
I know trying to understand crazy people is pointless but why would that lady get so upset about your wife passing her. It's so dumb.
There is SO much ego involved in being behind the wheel. Prime example being

Are you serious? We all had to wait and bro thinks he's gonna fly through the next plane over and move in at the last minute. Nah, man.

There's a difference between being stuck in a line of traffic and zipping through the next lane over only to fly in at the last minute because you didn't feel like waiting like everybody else and just simply merging.
If they're in that much of a hurry then they should have left their place earlier. It's not even about pride, it's the principle. We all had to wait, what makes you so special that you can just cut in?
Sounds like the type to just let somebody cut you in line but alright man, do you. Imma look out for you when I'm in DC cuz I know I can leave my place at the last minute and you'll help me get to where I need to be on time no matter the traffic conditions.
If you'll let them cut in a car, you'll let them cut in person.
Yall really think those that pull a gun on you will shoot risking ruining their whole life over road rage?
Genuinely curious
3 weeks ago here

I know trying to understand crazy people is pointless but why would that lady get so upset about your wife passing her. It's so dumb.
I honestly think people get on their snobby stuff sometimes and drive slow in the passing lane to “dare” people to pass on the right, knowing that it’s illegal.
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