How do you respond to Road Rage

Stare at them until they accelerate off into the abyss. Never get into a verbal altercation or throw things at their vehicle. You may end up getting into it with the wrong person on the wrong day…
I've gotten better just gotta tell yourself to calm down when getting heated.

I will say this tho if getting cut off is common and that much of a trigger for you your driving is likely the issue. Gotta be aware at all times.
I've gotten better just gotta tell yourself to calm down when getting heated.

I will say this tho if getting cut off is common and that much of a trigger for you your driving is likely the issue. Gotta be aware at all times.
Speaking of unaware, drivers in my area commonly have have a tendency to not use their turn signal, while simultaneously making a very slow turn. I don’t use my horn though. I would prefer to not give someone the opportunity to become offended by the sound of my beep. You know how sensitive some drivers can be. :lol:
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It makes zero sense to drive a motorcycle these days. People that already can't drive are trying to check their Instagram at 80mph and people have the nerve to get on the road with them on a bike.
One thing I never understand is why people in other states will honk, tailgate, and flash high beams towards slower drivers in their lanes.
Because the slow driver in the leftmost lane is not following the rules of the road. It's the passing lane, so pass or move over. You're generally not supposed to pass on the right.

In Germany, there’s one uniform code for travel on the Autobahn, and a dedicated police force — armed with the latest technology to monitor traffic — keeps the traffic flowing. In the United States, speed limits and laws are regulated by the states and enforced by state police or highway patrol.

But there’s a cultural issue, too. On the Autobahn there seems to be a culture of cooperation. Why would you want to be in the way of a car passing at over 100 miles per hour? In Germany, hanging out in the left lane isn’t just risking a ticket for poor driving. The offense is seen as coercion and can result in stiffer penalties.
In Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey and Washington, on any highway with three or more lanes, the left-most lane is dedicated to passing ONLY. In those states, drivers must remain in the right lanes except for passing, regardless of how many lanes of traffic are available, except when obeying “Move Over” laws enacted to help avoid collisions with emergency vehicles stopped in the breakdown lane.

In Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Illinois, it's illegal to fail to move to the right if a vehicle behind you is attempting to pass. However, in states like Colorado and Kentucky, that's only true when the highway speed is 65 miles per hour or higher.

Now, if you're driving faster than those on your right and someone tailgates you, keep going until you can safely switch lanes and let the clown behind you risk an accident or a ticket.
Nothing worst then someone in the hov lane when it’s not hov law time, doing 65mph…
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New me..

I don’t engage in the drama and avoid honking unless absolutely necessary - folks waaaaaaay too sensitive.

Old me…

Accidentally cut a pick-up truck off on the highway, nothing OD, I just didn’t see him and was rushing… I mouth “my bad” and point to myself like I made a bad pass, but the character starts RAGGING.

I try ignoring and pushing up in traffic because I’m legit running late but dude insist on pulling up beside me wylin. I have this piece of metal in my whip, I don’t even know why I had it but it’s the size of a quality bike peg. My exit’s approaching and dude still going, I roll my window down & sling this mf hard af @ his window and simultaneously swerve to my exit at the last second - I ain’t see the damage but the impact sounded wicked :pimp: def cracked sum ya hear me :pimp: I was in tears laughing because I seen dude slam on his breaks and then speed up like he was gonna try hit the next exit & hawk me but I was catching the U turn under the highway. It was hilarious in the moment but I’ve matured a bit since, I live in TX too.. so yeah :lol:
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I honestly believe people don't KNOW they aren't supposed to do that.
As noted by son saying he doesn't understand. People from places that are used to that won't go to the right immediately because they assume you're aware you need to move to the right and if they do at the same time it might cause an accident. NY is absolutely not the pillar of driving safety to follow.
OP gonna end up in a bodybag one of these days thinking its entertainment. You go boy straight to the morgue.

My pops told me a story when i first got my license. He told me dont flip off anyone or get into any road rage ****. Told me a guy from back home got cut off by a motorbike. Started flipping him off and yelling all kinds of ****. They got to a red light. Bike pulls up beside him, hes still talking ****. Guy gets off the bike walks up to the window and stabs him in the eye with a screwdriver. "**** me? No, **** you". Got back on the bike and peeled off.
Last year one of those police suv's almost t-boned my car, thought I was gonna die. Was driving through an intersection, I'm the only car there and i'm halfway across when I see out the corner of my eye on the right side a cop car ran the red light. cop was driving fast and didn't slow down at all, had to push down on the accelerator all the way down to avoid getting hit by a foot or two. My ghost would've definitely tried to kill that fool.
I’m cool unless they step out. Then I give them what they want. Usually at that time THEY realize it’s not worth it.
i just saw this on reddit last week

That is WILD. Over a parking spot too?!? This place is getting filled with Yosemite Sam types.

“Hey that MY spot”
The worst I do is give people a 'come on man..." look or the "what the hell are you doing" shrug with my hands out. Never had any real issues in Richmond, Oakland, or San Francisco.
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