How does it feel to have a really attractive sister or mom?

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Nov 4, 2012
I know you don't want to look at them like that but if they look like a Playboy centerfold how does it make you feel?

Even if you don't look at the face which looks similar to yours 
 just seeing that amazing body has to leave you confused at times right? 

Not talking above average looks, I'm talking dimes and milfs 
I know you don't want to look at them like that but if they look like a Playboy centerfold how does it make you feel?

Even if you don't look at the face which looks similar to yours :lol:  just seeing that amazing body has to leave you confused at times right? 

Not talking above average looks, I'm talking dimes and milfs 

i remember watching one episode of Catching up with the Kardashians (i know 
 @ myself) and Rob was looking at one of Kim bathing suit photos, and saying she looked hot in it.

That sounds really gross, but there a few carribean countries that feel the same way you do.
Feel the way I do?  I'm asking a question.  Its an awkward question but I'm dead serious.  Can dudes just turn off their hormones if their sis/mom has dd's showing cleavage or a Mrs.Parker phatty?
I know you don't want to look at them like that but if they look like a Playboy centerfold how does it make you feel?

Even if you don't look at the face which looks similar to yours :lol:  just seeing that amazing body has to leave you confused at times right? 

Not talking above average looks, I'm talking dimes and milfs

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I think what OP meant to say was, If you have a beautiful sister or mother, or one that fits the bill of what "hot" is, do you acknowledge it?

The answer is yes, it would be impossible to not acknowledge them for what they are. Just like if your brother was built, you would tell him he's brolic.

However, you should never see them as attractive. That's incest.
I'd imagine they would still see the person they grew up with/ were raised by.

It's not like walking down the street and seeing a total dime, they've known this person their entire lives.
all of my friends think my mama a milf...
she 49 and just pulled this 25 year ***** she say was showin desert levels of thirst. :lol:
she is really pretty and doesn't look her age (and yeah her face looks like mine) but all i see is my mama.
my mind doesn't even go there.
something wrong witchu kid :x
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