How I Met Your Mother Post Series Discussion. Rustled Jimmies to the Maximum

Since we all know Ted's a simp, his kids probably heard the story already in bits and pieces.
Lol, my phone won't let me quote right. Anyway, I'm not against a bittersweet ending, but only if there was proper groundwork and foreshadowing involved throughout the storytelling. The only two things supporting the idea of a dead mother happens incredibly late in the show's lifespan.
Ok this is going to sound really crazy but think about what I'm about to say...

What if it turns out that Barney dies or divorces Robin in the future. Also remember that she can't have children. Robin and Ted made a pact they would get married if they're alone by the time they're 40 years old. The mother is dead...Now what if the twist is Ted announces to his children that he's marrying Robin?

Does that sound feasible? :nerd:
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Maybe :lol:

In the episode with the exploding meatball sub there's a scene from the future, you'd imagine Barney and Robin are married by then but she's the only one with a wedding ring. Very specific recollection but I've thought about that scene before :lol:
They are not killing her off, it is inconsistent with the bored look of his kids' faces. If I'm being told a story about my dead mother, I'm sitting my *** up and paying attention.
Or they could be spoiled brats that don't give a ****, maybe cuz Ted remarried and they only know one lady? or they know their father Ted is a horrible storyteller especially since it's taken like over 100 stories (eps) for him to get when their mother is actually introduced (some of the first stories include how he fell in love with their aunt Robin and told her he loved her after just meeting :lol: )
They are not killing her off, it is inconsistent with the bored look of his kids' faces. If I'm being told a story about my dead mother, I'm sitting my *** up and paying attention.

[thread="508279"]hmmm maybe. but all the scenes with the kids were filmed in in season 1 and they just reuse them. so maybe the mother dying was something they decided on later[/thread]

That would be a stupid decision on their part. It's Ok if it was something they had planned from the start but an ending like that really contradicts the overall tone of his story telling and also how he begins the story with his children.

Go back to the pilot. When he starts his story the kids ask 'do I have to listen to this?' 'are we in trouble?' They'd be screwed up and horrible kids if they would feel that way about a story of their dead mother!
Yeah maybe without the mother Ted is a horrible father?

:lol: :smh:
Speculation is that she doesn't exist in 2024 and Ted is just talking as if she's really there.

but that concierge dude was talking to the both of them while they were sitting down. he talked about the bed springs and the lamp breaking.
Maybe Ted isn't even really back there and is imagining that too? or the concierge is dead and a ghost too? :lol:
I think that the writers are just making everyone believe that the mother is dying, by dropping all these hints:
(Ted visiting the mom's ex bf's apt and wishing he could have an extra 60 days with her, the episode of the mom losing the love of her life and learning to move on, last night's "no mother would miss their daughter's wedding" etc)

but I'm sure they'll pull the Okey doke on us. I can see Carter and Bays doing that, sounds like their type of style in writing.
Well as long as it's not as bad as Robin literally floating away from Ted :lol: :smh:
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Lol, my phone won't let me quote right. Anyway, I'm not against a bittersweet ending, but only if there was proper groundwork and foreshadowing involved throughout the storytelling. The only two things supporting the idea of a dead mother happens incredibly late in the show's lifespan.
That's cuz like 5 seasons in the mother still wasn't even hinted at as showing up. I mean what season was it that Ted dated her roommate and liked all of her things while she was in the shower? or saw her with the yellow umbrella but missed her?

How horrible would it have been to foreshadow the mother is dead in between eps about Barney wanting to bang Ted's mom and Marshall heartbroken over Lily moving to Cali?
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Maybe Ted got sad when she mentioned who's mother wouldn't show up at their own daughters wedding because maybe she was already diagnosed with a terminal illness and they know that the mother wouldn't be attending their daughters wedding. And the mother didn't notice what she said until she said it, and she's probably dealing with it better than Ted.

And that theory about Ted getting back with Robin years later is not bad... And correct me if I'm wrong but they really don't show Barney in the future that much, right?
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Anything with Robin at this point seems very bad.. just because how many times do we have to go through "Ted lets go finally" only to have them say "ehh **** it, get them together in the end"

My guess now is that yes.. the mother is dying in that flashforward. That's why Ted gets so sad and why she tells him to live his life and not stay in his stories.. but then she is cured and is alive in the end. Obviously they're hinting at "the Mother is dead" right now, so maybe they want everyone to run with that theory only to reverse it at the last second.

Final scene it's old Ted talking or by himself thinking about the past.. you think the mother is dead.. then she walks on screen and they go out to meet the gang or their kids.

Then everyone runs wild with theories that the mother is a ghost still :lol:
The concierge being dead takes the cake right now :lol:
Maybe everybody is dead man and this is all like a circle repeating itself in a sick cycle.

This last page is like something straight out of a lost forum right now Iol. And the most this thread has moved in a year.
Final scene it's old Ted talking or by himself thinking about the past.. you think the mother is dead.. then she walks on screen and they go out to meet the gang or their kids.

didnt they say that the final scene was shot years ago since the kids would be too old in real life to look the same when the series finale is filmed?

mother wasnt cast that long ago
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Dare I say Cobie Smulders is overrated.

You're not taking a huge leap off a cliff or anything making this statement. She has a pretty face, but I've been around better looking girls before. I think I'm more attracted to Robin than her own personality :lol:
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I always thought lily was under rated especially when she just came back from san fran and was wearing the brown hair. She was always right.
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