How is your relationship with your siblings

my sister and I, 5 years apart, im the oldest.
we argue, we fight, we annoy each other, but in the end i will do anything for her.
I'm the youngest of 8 and 4 of my siblings I'd be willing to die for. 2 of them I feel indifferent about, if I see them I see them if I don't I don't. And my oldest brother,
if something were to happen to him I don't think I would really care.
Got 5 sisters and 1 bro..Pretty much close to three of my siters and my bro (they all live 5mins away and my sis lives next door). My other two sisters live out of state and havent seen them in a min.
Close with my older sister even though we had a fight today, only lookin' out for me, just can't stand the criticism. =/
I used to be very close to my brother, we would talk a lot and be in touch via phone sometimes every day, sometimes once or twice a week. Once he got married I stopped hearing from him. I do see him from time to time, but priorities change I guess. Even when I got married I actively tried to involve him in my life and take time out of my schedule to hang out, but much has changed. Women.

I also have a half sister that I rarely see and maybe get random text messages from showing me pictures of my nieces.
I'm the oldest (21)

My bro is 19, we are best friends, but he has really been frustrating me lately with his choices. He failed out of college and is getting way too into weed with the rest of his crappy friends. We both love sports and making beats though, so we always talk about that. Dude is hilarious sometimes too.

My sister is 18, she's going off to college in the fall and she'll do really well. She had a 3.8 GPA in HS, I think. Only problem sometimes is her stupid boyfriend from Spain that she's obsessed with.
I start to trip out if I don't hear from my brothers after three days of not seeing/hearing them.

Love em to death
My brother that is 14 is almost the complete opposite of me, but my brother that is 10, seems to look up to me

Both kinda get on my nerves though, in my room all day on the PS3
I'm the oldest of three boys. 7- and 3-year age gaps between us. My youngest brother is honestly one of my best friends. I find myself talking to him more often than with my brother who is in high school. I still spend a lot of time with them, but my brother in high school tends to spend more time with his friends, now that he's older. My youngest brother is always asking me about anything he thinks of (ranging from school work, race, sports, women, etc.), and I always do my best to answer them the best way possible. I know how it felt at his age, to be curious about the things he asks me about, and not know who, exactly, to ask. Most of the time, when I go to the movies or a sporting event, he's with me. As a result of being closer in age, I never had a bond like that with my brother who is 3 years younger. I think he had always felt he was my equal and not my little brother. We still talk a lot when we're around each other, though. We know each other well, and are always competitive with one another. I can't recall any of us ever holding a grudge against another for more than a day.
I'm the oldest and I love them to death.  My bro is 2 years younger than me & my sis is 6 years younger than me.

I got a special spot for my baby sis though.  I love her as much as anyone (no incest).
Lil sis is the light of my life. My parents had us in their 30s which is considered old by most peoples standard. Then the whole divorce thing happened and my mom kinda had to become consumed with work in order for is to get ahead in life without my fathers help. A lot of my childhood was spent in the same house, same room just watching tv and talkin to my sister. We're older now n we both live in separate states but we still talk a lot. Lol she actually jus gave me 100 yesterday so I could cop an extra infrared pack gotta love her.
me and my older brother hardly talk (and we live in the same house) me and younger brother are tight... and as my older sister, we haven't talk in years she just had a baby and now we talk every blue moon..gotta do better family is all i have
My sis is cool as a

Our relationship has gotten better as we've gotten older (she's 8 yrs older than me)
havnt talked to my older brother in 6 years and we're 2 years apart...
all started because of a big fight from NBA Street Vol 2, it was the first time i ever won 1v1, and as i started braggin, fists flew

about 3 days later when i felt like the dust had settled, i walk into his room and he screams "get out and dont ever talk to me again".
he held on to that grudge. im ashamed even thinking about it.

me and my little sister are just aiiiiiiiiiite.
but me and my little bro are mad close, love him to death~
love all of them to death, even my older brother, he just dont know it.
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