How long does it take you to grow a beard?

I been trying to grow mine for 25 years and nothing yet....SMH for not being able to grow a full beard I feel like i am 12.
Can't grow on yet (22), but I see it coming in. Probably another 2 years until I can grow a respectable beard.

Currently, I have patches of short hairs all over the place & a decent goatee.
5 days would get me fairly complete coverage and enough length not to be considered "stubble"
less than 6 hours...or a little less than that, starts growing after i have shaved it 
3 days
Had to end No shave november early. Then to have everyone on my floor at KU call me a %*@@! (These guys have peach fuzz and a tiny molestache. Freshman smh)
I can grow a slight beard around my neck and my face.its just like stubble hairs....but i havent been able to make a full beard yet.....maybe because i havent tried....but if i did...maybe 2-4 weeks for a full beard.
20 years and I have a mustache and a good amount of chin hairs but it doesn't connect and I have random hairs on my cheeks and under my chin
After about 5 days from a clean shave

After about 1.5 months

It's a blessing and a curse.
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