How Many Song Do You Have in iTunes?

73.2 GBs
I listen to all of them, edited and taged to a t.
The size is so large due to my flac files, which are about 3x to 4x as large as mp3.
I retired Itunes a few years ago, MediaMonkey for any true audiophile.
8292. I try and keep iTunes as organized as possible too, album art and all.
I had so many, but I deleted them all and started over.

I'm a new man!

I've bought 7 albums in the past 2 weeks or so.

I kind of regret deleting all of the old stuff, but it feels good to actually buy !+%$.
i dont use itunes, but my winamp playlist is around 68,000 . all full albums or live shows. ive been ripping and downloading since 99, though. everything ison an internal 1 tb drive and backed up to an external 1 tb western digital mybook.
i have 6554 songs...a few duplicates etc...every few months i try and delete a bunch of crap i know i won't ever listen to...
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