How many times do you wear your tees/denim till laundry?

Feb 28, 2006
I was having an argument with my boys here at college...

How many times do you wear your tees/denim etc. before throwing them in the laundry?

I wear a soft white tee under all my shirts daily, so give or take if I'm sweating buckets I'll throw it all in the laundry.

Most of the time time, I'll throw it up on my stand up hanger, air it out, and maybe wear em one more time before throwing it in the basket.

Jeans, for same reason, unless it was a crazy party I'll wear it out for a week to a week and a half. I find myself wearing my gear for class anyway orcasual purposes for a few hours anyway.

I definitely throw my underwear, socks, and soft tees immediately in the basket everyday. That's just grimey to re-use an underwear.

Socks is a big maybe.
I have like 20 pair of jeans so I dont wash those...if they need to be cleaned they I dry clean them. Tees after every wear or 2 depending on the time of theyear, summer never twice.
jeans...until i feel they are dirty or if i wear them to the club or party i'll wash them...shirts...once...everything else goes into the basket after 1wear...
I'm kind of the same I usually have like 3 or 4 main pairs of jeans in rotation for a week and wear them interchangeably until it's time to do laundry.Shirts I might wear twice before throwing it in the laundry mainly because I don't really do anything to get them dirty or funky so wearing it once andthrowing it in the laundry seems dumb to me. Of course underwear n socks gets thrown in the laundry immediately after being worn. When I'm at home I dolaundry more regularly since it's free but when I'm at school I do laundry whenever everything ends up in the laundry and I have nothing to wear whichusually takes about 4 weeks for it to get to that point.
jeans 2-3 times before washing. Ts, depends. If I'm wearing them all day, then into the laundry at the end of the day. If only a few hours, like after workor gym to hang around the house, probably 3. Gym stuff goes in after 3 uses. Undies/socks after one.
Originally Posted by Twig1026

I have like 20 pair of jeans so I dont wash those...if they need to be cleaned they I dry clean them. Tees after every wear or 2 depending on the time of the year, summer never twice.

Gadamn, lol. I wish I could finance so many pairs of kicks let alone jeans! I gotta know, how do you pick which one to wear? Obviously shade, but how manyshades can you get? Pics?

I can just imagine an endless line of jeans in the closet.
stopped washing my denim recently, just febreeze it, keeps them looking better longer, washing clothes really is what makes them look old.

t shirts i'll wear once

polos, depends, if i only have to rock it for an hour or two, i'll throw it back in the closet, but 1 wear normally.
My tops, regardless of whether a t, polo, button up, etc., gets washed after every wear.

Jeans are 3-5 wears..depending on how long each wear is. I LOL and SMH at cats in raw denim who wears a pair of jeans for 1 year straight and only Febreeze tocover up the smell.
I wish t shirts after every use, jeans never unless they have a smell/stain. Most of my jeans the color or cast will fade away so i try not to. I try to getmore expensive ones dry cleaned.
for tshirts, one wear and they hit the laundry after.

for jeans, i'd usally wear them for about 4-5 times before they get washed.
plain white tee's - 1
tee's with print - until they get dirty/I sweat (about 3 times maybe)
Jeans - once a month unless they get dirty
I had this thread a month or two ago and it failed as if dudes don't know what the hell we are talkin about. I will wear my jeans about 3 times before theyhit the cleaners. If you have a good amount of can rotate for 2 months. So my jeans will hit the cleaners every 2 or 3 months. T-shirts about 2times....but they go in the cleaners when the jeans do. You shud have more t-shirts than jeans anways. Get your hear game up! I'm not cocky at all. ButI'm tired of having this argument and losing.. Like I'm just tripping. U can wear 3 shirts with the same pair of jeans with in 2 weeks. Shirts shudalways out number jeans and shorts. *****!!
For all tees I have to wash them after one wear, even if I've just tried it on to see how it looks I have to wash it.
Tees, for the most part everytime I wear them I wash them. Especially undershirts because those count as underwear to me. Jeans is a completely differentstory, I've never been into washing them because I never wore them much and always had way too many. Lately I've been doing the same thing lol, screwwashing denim.
If I'm at the club everything to the cleaners. For the most part I wear white t's once and throw them away or use them for bball, jeans 2-3 times or ifsmelling, polo shirts 1 time except the winter time if I just wear it to the movies or something like that 2 times, regular t-shirts 1 then to thecleaners/washing machine.
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