Dec 4, 2009
So uh, yea. I was just on that birdman tour bus thread and it hit me how materialistic my son is and to the extent some men will go to get so much praise. Sure, we all love receiving attention in some form or another, but for you specifically, how much of your worth do you base off of you material things?
How materialistic are you? How does it affect your life? Do you care about what others think of you? Do you think that the more materialistic you are, the more likely it is that you're uncomfortable with your own self?

Personally, I'm becoming less materialistic. It seems that these material things that a lot of us deem necessary matter not to me anymore. I don't know what it is. At some point in my life I used to be on this road I'm undertaking once more. The more I understand myself, where I'm at, and where I'd like to move in life, the less material things mean to me. Yes, I still care about the way I dress and personal hygine, but who doesn't? I'm starting to care less and less about what others perceive me as. People will always try to judge you some way or another so why pay them any mind? I personally deem it necessary to never judge anyone, as it brings nothing but hate and negative energy towards you and more likely than not, you'll end up liking said person.

Bleh, i'm having trouble putting my thoughts together, so excuse the mistakes.
So uh, yea. I was just on that birdman tour bus thread and it hit me how materialistic my son is and to the extent some men will go to get so much praise. Sure, we all love receiving attention in some form or another, but for you specifically, how much of your worth do you base off of you material things?
How materialistic are you? How does it affect your life? Do you care about what others think of you? Do you think that the more materialistic you are, the more likely it is that you're uncomfortable with your own self?

Personally, I'm becoming less materialistic. It seems that these material things that a lot of us deem necessary matter not to me anymore. I don't know what it is. At some point in my life I used to be on this road I'm undertaking once more. The more I understand myself, where I'm at, and where I'd like to move in life, the less material things mean to me. Yes, I still care about the way I dress and personal hygine, but who doesn't? I'm starting to care less and less about what others perceive me as. People will always try to judge you some way or another so why pay them any mind? I personally deem it necessary to never judge anyone, as it brings nothing but hate and negative energy towards you and more likely than not, you'll end up liking said person.

Bleh, i'm having trouble putting my thoughts together, so excuse the mistakes.
You're asking a fourm based on shoe collectors if they are materialistic?

I wont troll your thread, I'll just answer your question and say no I'm not

the less you have the easier life becomes.
You're asking a fourm based on shoe collectors if they are materialistic?

I wont troll your thread, I'll just answer your question and say no I'm not

the less you have the easier life becomes.
This is NIKEtalk...
I'll admit that I do appreciate material things but I can def live without them.
This is NIKEtalk...
I'll admit that I do appreciate material things but I can def live without them.
Originally Posted by JimiLebowski
The less you have the easier life becomes.

This. Becoming less materialistic each passing day. 
Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

You're asking a fourm based on shoe collectors if they are materialistic?
I think that's one of the main reasons why I asked NT. lol.
And uh, thanks for not trollin me thread <3
Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

You're asking a fourm based on shoe collectors if they are materialistic?
I think that's one of the main reasons why I asked NT. lol.
And uh, thanks for not trollin me thread <3
In this society materialism is used to display a sense of "value" in society.
That being said, I'm not that materialistic. Once I get this last piece of the puzzle, I think I'll be pretty content with my life.
In this society materialism is used to display a sense of "value" in society.
That being said, I'm not that materialistic. Once I get this last piece of the puzzle, I think I'll be pretty content with my life.
I don't buy clothes anymore, and the few shirts I do wear have been purchased from a thrift store or ones I have yet to give away
I only wear one pair of shoes now, some white vans that look like theyve been to hell and back at this point
I could care less about cars, I could care less about a fancy house. In all honesty I am more addicted to learning and knowledge then I am of anything of material. (But being addicted or craving of knowledge can also be bad)
I would suggest reading "Dharma Bums"

great book
I don't buy clothes anymore, and the few shirts I do wear have been purchased from a thrift store or ones I have yet to give away
I only wear one pair of shoes now, some white vans that look like theyve been to hell and back at this point
I could care less about cars, I could care less about a fancy house. In all honesty I am more addicted to learning and knowledge then I am of anything of material. (But being addicted or craving of knowledge can also be bad)
I would suggest reading "Dharma Bums"

great book
I feel that if I want anything for any reason I should have it.
If that's materialistic, then I'll accept that.
I feel that if I want anything for any reason I should have it.
If that's materialistic, then I'll accept that.
Originally Posted by likethematrix

I feel that if I want anything for any reason I should have it.
If that's materialistic, then I'll accept that.

Yes, you are a typical American 
Originally Posted by likethematrix

I feel that if I want anything for any reason I should have it.
If that's materialistic, then I'll accept that.

Yes, you are a typical American 
The only material possessions of mine a truly care about are my car and my iPod. I could live without my iPod but I love music.Now for a majority if the rest of this forum... lol...Mother $%%!#%+ who buy iPads, worship macs, collect tons of shoes and think bmw makes the greatest cars ever rofl
The only material possessions of mine a truly care about are my car and my iPod. I could live without my iPod but I love music.Now for a majority if the rest of this forum... lol...Mother $%%!#%+ who buy iPads, worship macs, collect tons of shoes and think bmw makes the greatest cars ever rofl
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