how much cash do you usually have in your wallet?

Jul 12, 2007
i ask because right now i have $375  and i feel like bill gates. i never have more than $200 usually (what i take out at atm's) and that quickly drops to like $40.

most days i have under $60 in cash on me. i use cc's for everything, more convenient + cashback

also for those who carry like $400  in cash with you rock the money clip or what?

Never more than $100.

If somehow i lose it. That would be

But i carried like 500-1000 few years ago.
I usually have around 400-500 dollars on me, I roll them up and tie them with a rubber band.

I hate using credit cards for some reason, I prefer cash.
$0 in the wallet and like $40 in cash in the pocket. i stopped carrying money in my wallet after i lost my wallet once.
ok good i'm not the only one.

only reasons i see for having cash are buying drugs or tipping in some situations where you aren't being charged anything (bellhops, those people at beach clubs who get towels/chairs/umbrellas etc.)

other than that credit is the way to go. plus you can't really get it stolen or lose it.
I dont carry money but at the most is $20 just in case I wanna get some
and a haircut....

I am a faithful Debit card carrier
honestly i've usually got anywhere from $200-$300...get tips from my weekend job and just use that throughout the week and put my checks in the bank...
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Zero...debit or credit always

I usually keep a couple dollars in the car in case of emergency
so y'all cop weed with debit huh

I don't smoke only thing that sucks is the Chinese spot doesn't take debit or credit
I hate having to take out $20 just to spend $6
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