how much cash do you usually have in your wallet?

only time i take out cash is for like barbershop/gas

i never carry cash
I keep a benji folded up in the card holder AT ALL TIMES!

Most purchases go on cards, but I spend on those just as fast/much as I do cash money.
I hate carrying more then $20 cuz then ill waste it on some dum $#*!.

Everything else goes on my debit card. BOA keep the change FTW.

i need a j.o.b
It's either a lot or nothing or close to that.

I usually try to have around $300 on me when I do have money. Debit card is really a back up when buying certain things.
I used debit card for everything. Only use my credit card for online purchases.

I usually carry only $20-$60 cash but only spend it at places that dont take debit.

I've used debit card on purchases as low as $0.50 and just recent...$2

Not having any loose change in your pocket FTW
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