How Much Do U Spend?????

Whatever a Logitech wireless PS2 controller costs is what I'm spending on her. I don't know how she broke hers anyway, mine seems to be damage proof.
What kind of good, quality gift can you get for $50? I'm already bad at shopping for others as it is and how am I supposed to find something for so cheapwhen all the good stuff is expensive?
Originally Posted by Tic Daddy Dollaz

For all of you who are in a relationship, how much do you typically spend on your significant other for the holidays? I dropped about $700 on my girl this Christmas and I was just curious as to what the average was.

I hope yall have been together for a while. I dont even drop that much on my wife
Originally Posted by Tic Daddy Dollaz

Originally Posted by b4n30n3

$700!? that is foolish.
we drop all this money on shoes and other nonsense for ourselves, why is it foolish to spend that much on the person that you love the most?

7 pair of SB's > whoever the%@@$+$ that dude girl is (ubless there are pics
i probably spend bout 200. but i bargain shop, so it looks like i spent way more than i did. Between our son and my wife, the christmas tree looks like afamily of 5 is celebrating and not just the 3 of us.
damn some of y'all are coming down hard on dude.

I have a double whammy cause my girl is a December baby so I usually do one nice combo gift. Averaged out over the past few years I spend anywhere from$500-1000 on my girl but its not like im splurging on some dinky overpriced LV bag or anything. Last year I paid for her car insurance premium, set me backclose to a G. This year we are going to Hawaii (leaving tomorrow
). At the end of the day its all the same cause although me and my girl hold separatebank accounts, we share expenses pretty equally. We live together, financed a car together, shoot, i even qualified for domestic partnership so I can get addedonto her dental plan.
My usual limit is in the $150-200 range, because it's like 2-3 gifts.

This year, her brothers are getting her whatever she wants because she just passed her nursing school exams, so I'm not even tryna compete with herself-supporting nurse brother and future politician little brother.

I'm gonna cop her a few things she's mentioned she wanted in conversation over our relationship, and she'll beh appy.
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