How much do you tip if you weren't happy with the service?

Apr 20, 2005
In a restaurant, I know these days people say a decent tip is 20% if the service is good, but I think it's gotten to the point where people tip 20% all thetime because it's just quicker and easier to add up, and food servers have gotten used to that, so they're just like "Well as long as I bring thefood to the table, I should get a full tip..."

My wife and I just got back from this restaurant we hadn't been to, and she ordered some Falafel plate that came with vegetables and some pita bread. Foodcomes out, there's no bread, and a huge bed of white rice. She calls the waitress over and asks if she was supposed to get bread, and the waitress says"Um, no I don't think so..." We said that the menu didn't say a side of rice, it said wheat bread, and she still basically said we weremistaken. So my wife asks to see the menu again and the waitress says "Oh, that menu is kind of old. It needs to be updated..."

Aside from that, the service was really slow, even though it was dead in that place. (like 2 other tables seated in the whole spot.) So my wife pays, thewaitress brings the change back, and it's a straight five dollar bill and she asks her for 5 singles. Waitress says "Oh, I don't think we haveany singles..." and wifey says "Well then I don't have any money to tip you then." (Check came out to like $23.00. She wasn't about totip over 20%) It's not typical for her to not tip. We always tip well if the service is good, but she's the first to let someone know what they didwrong if she decides not to tip them, or to just leave 10%.

I thought we should have left her something, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized she was trying to BS us with the 5 dollar bill thing and thatmy wife was right. I think most of us are just too quick to leave that tip, even if they don't deserve it.

Cliffs Notes Version:
We went out to eat, the service was bad, and the waitress tried to play us over the menu and over our change to pad her tip. Wifey stiffed her on the tip. Atfirst I thought she was wrong, then I thought she was right.

Do we tip people too much money too automatically, and is that why service at restaurants, etc... is so bad these days? Discuss...
If your service sucks, you aren't getting tipped. Simple as that. And if I do tip you, its going to be a b.s !$$ tip.
I wish I had more money so I could tip bigger, but uh...

if the service sucks, like straight up...maybe a dollar or something.
yeah suuuurrreee...

If I don't have enough money to tip, then I won't tip... simple as that. It's not necessary to tip but people make it seem to be so they feel badwhen they don't.
There was one time where my friends and I had the WORST service ever. The waitress took our order and went ghost. Other waitresses had to stop by from time totime to check if we want anything. I think we tipped her around 15 cents. We just emptied all the change we had in our pockets.
depends on the bill total but most of the time if the service was bad I will not tip

and if the waiter was being rude or a b then I will tear the corner of off a twenty and stick it under something
they tried to pull a fast one on you w. the $5....even in barbershops when they don't have change, more often than not they'll run to a bodega andget some singles. You're in NY, right? probably a million places they could have broken up that $5....

there's no excuse for poor service....$%#% leaving a tip. A tip is EARNED.
Originally Posted by wj4

There was one time where my friends and I had the WORST service ever. The waitress took our order and went ghost. Other waitresses had to stop by from time to time to check if we want anything. I think we tipped her around 15 cents. We just emptied all the change we had in our pockets.

lol, wasn't worse than went dude told u guys to get bloody marys and bounced. son was shady, got you the worst drink and left before you could complain tohim haha
15% before tax should be the minimum in that situation. She brought out your food, she ain't cook it. If you really have a gripe, talk to the ownerand tell them it would be a pity if you didn't patronize the restaurant again because of poor service; the food was acceptable though. It's noteasy to run an immaculate resto, they could use the feedback. You might even get a discount or free meal out of it.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

they tried to pull a fast one on you w. the $5....even in barbershops when they don't have change, more often than not they'll run to a bodega and get some singles. You're in NY, right? probably a million places they could have broken up that $5....

there's no excuse for poor service....$%#% leaving a tip. A tip is EARNED.
Man I hate when barbers be trying to pull this stunt especially after a subpar hair cut

*hands him a dub for a $10 cut

(as he is pulling lint balls out his pockets.) "I only got a 5 man, if you want I can go across the street and get some change......"

I be like "Nah its cool, man I'll wait."

and he walks his bum!$$ across the street
they tried to pull a fast one on you w. the $5....even in barbershops when they don't have change, more often than not they'll run to a bodega and get some singles. You're in NY, right? probably a million places they could have broken up that $5....
I'm from NY but we live in Boston right now. Even still, she didn't go to a register or anything, she pulled a few bills out of herapron, like the tips she had collected. I KNOW there had to be some singles in that register there, she was just trying to pull a fast one like you said.

Only other time we did that was some kid serving us at another restaurant and duke had absolutely NO manners or customer service. He literally walked by usand threw menus on the table. When he brought out our food, he actually dropped our plates on the table, not even in front of us and walked away dumb fast,not asking if we needed anything. About 10 minutes later he was on the other side of the bar and shouted to us "Do you want another beer?!" Thenwhen we told him he was rude, he just shrugged his shoulders. No tip.
How look at it:
Excellent service = Excellent Tip
Average Service= Average Tip
Poor Service=Poor tip
non exsistent service= non exsistent tip

I hate people that just dont wanna tip for the sake of not tipping
Why should you tip anyways even if the service is bad? Then what's the point of the tip? The sense of entitlement in the "service" industry isridiculous.
Not only will I not tip, I'll proceed to leave a few comments and suggestions on the receipt when I leave letting them know why.
Originally Posted by eight2one

How look at it:
Excellent service = Excellent Tip
Average Service= Average Tip
Poor Service=Poor tip
non exsistent service= non exsistent tip

I hate people that just dont wanna tip for the sake of not tipping
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