How much has Obama's race and ethnicity played in his successes & failures as President?

you got it.

im madd hateful and bigoted


no more feeding you, troll.

ill be bigoted if clowning the joke that is mormonism is be a bigger biggot than most of the GOP, PROUDLY

notice how dude called this troll out before he even posted...he preemtively pulled this dudes card..LMAO

"hes going to focus on the religion comment"

notice how everything else was completely ignored and a logical fallacy of attacking me by saying im "hateful" and "bigoted" instead of addressing the clearly stated and well articulated logic and reason thats been employed in the argument....

you know why?

because either hes a poor troll or really really really really dumb.

he has nothing to say in response. he's been demolished.

yes, call me a bigot and refuse to address everything i've said.

Wow. Some of you take this president stuff way too seriously.
Black people only voted for him cuz he's HALF black its a FACT. I think him being president was the worst thing that could of happen cuz now it will always be a race war
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Hey, I dislike the guy as much as you do, as much as I do the other GOP candidates.
Don't take your liberties there. 

But he did well for himself in the private sector. There is no denying this. 

Its like me hating on Mitt Romney for making guap. I can't hate AT ALL. He used the current law to his advantage to exploit tax holes as well. 

My point is, ON PAPER, Herman Cain doesn't deserve that sort of criticism.

Now, when he opens his mouth? Yes, then the stupid falls out.

Mormonism is fascinating because within recorded history we've witnessed a church go from a cult into a full blown and influential religion.

son, what is a ballistics it...lemme know what comes up.

if it was a great position it wouldnt have taken a backseat to "CEO OF A PIZZA CHAIN THAT ISNT NATIONWIDE WOO"

i just said he controlled 40 something companies

no hate on his resume whatsoever.

dude is a moron, many "successful black men" ive had the displeasure of bumping into...we call them %%#!%.

he was certainly a @%!*.



i dont even wanna go into length about the joke that is mormonism.

i can certainly hate on romney making 56k a day (taxed at 15 percent) while claiming obama wants to redistribute his wealth to lazy, jealous people.

you know you pay 10 percent on your unemployment claims?


you get it back, but still

"47 percent of americans pay no tax. im going to make them pay taxes"

he makes 56k a day...and pays the lowest tax allowable by law for ANY american...


meanwhile, warren buffet wrote a published letter about how guilty and bad he felt that he pays lower tax percentage than his secretary....


lemme guess tho, mitt worked harder


i find it funniest that people think these GOP nominations have even the most remote chance of winning LMAO

Originally Posted by richyung412

Black people only voted for him cuz he's HALF black its a FACT. I think him being president was the worst thing that could of happen cuz now it will always be a race war
 It's fact huh? 
why are you wasting your pitiful life to come in and say "wow you guys are posting about this? wow you guys care? wow"


noone is giving you attention.

we're too busy having a conversation about the topic you show interest in by clicking on the title.
Originally Posted by richyung412

Black people only voted for him cuz he's black.

and Bush being President made it plausible to take a chance on Obama 
I don't know why the GOP debates and candidacy is getting this much serious attention. No matter what, whether Barack is doing a good or bad job he's getting his 2nd term. The only thing the GOP candidates are good for is watching Colbert, Stewart, and Maher make fun of them.

For the ppl who think Obama has done a terrible job, has lied and hasn't held up any of his promises and the American ppl are making a mistake and that a republican should become president just think of this as the 2004 election and deal with it.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Wow. Some of you take this president stuff way too seriously.

Well he IS the president.....
But honestly, EVERY black man in America is looked at and treated differently.  Of course the President is included, and you can tell by the comments the Congressmen and some Senators make about him.  Like I said, EVERY black male is looked at and treated differently, and Obama is no exception.   If people can't understand that simple concept, there's no use arguing about it in a tread because if they ain't got it by now....
Originally Posted by illwill24

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Wow. Some of you take this president stuff way too seriously.

Well he IS the president.....
I get that, but but dudes are sticking up for him like he is a member of their family or something. Politicians are all the same, doesnt matter if they are black, white, asian, or mexican.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Hey, I dislike the guy as much as you do, as much as I do the other GOP candidates.
Don't take your liberties there. 

But he did well for himself in the private sector. There is no denying this. 

Its like me hating on Mitt Romney for making guap. I can't hate AT ALL. He used the current law to his advantage to exploit tax holes as well. 

My point is, ON PAPER, Herman Cain doesn't deserve that sort of criticism.

Now, when he opens his mouth? Yes, then the stupid falls out.

Mormonism is fascinating because within recorded history we've witnessed a church go from a cult into a full blown and influential religion.

son, what is a ballistics it...lemme know what comes up.

if it was a great position it wouldnt have taken a backseat to "CEO OF A PIZZA CHAIN THAT ISNT NATIONWIDE WOO"

i just said he controlled 40 something companies

no hate on his resume whatsoever.

dude is a moron, many "successful black men" ive had the displeasure of bumping into...we call them %%#!%.

he was certainly a @%!*.



i dont even wanna go into length about the joke that is mormonism.

i can certainly hate on romney making 56k a day (taxed at 15 percent) while claiming obama wants to redistribute his wealth to lazy, jealous people.

you know you pay 10 percent on your unemployment claims?


you get it back, but still

"47 percent of americans pay no tax. im going to make them pay taxes"

he makes 56k a day...and pays the lowest tax allowable by law for ANY american...


meanwhile, warren buffet wrote a published letter about how guilty and bad he felt that he pays lower tax percentage than his secretary....


lemme guess tho, mitt worked harder


i find it funniest that people think these GOP nominations have even the most remote chance of winning LMAO


Well if I recall, Rick Perry flew planes in the National Guard...and thats a lot cooler than whatever he did in private industry.
Fact is, military service doesnt seem to count unless thats the only thing you ever did, in the public's eyes. They like seeing people who did it on their own and who didn't have to be "ordered" to do it.

Thats besides the point and you're taking this to mean that I support Cain. And I don't.

I'm just saying, that Cain, much like Romney and Huntsman and whatever connections they had before getting rich and famous ARE very successful people and you can't take that away from them.

As people though, they are ridiculous. 
Originally Posted by illwill24

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Wow. Some of you take this president stuff way too seriously.

Well he IS the president.....
But honestly, EVERY black man in America is looked at and treated differently.  Of course the President is included, and you can tell by the comments the Congressmen and some Senators make about him.  Like I said, EVERY black male is looked at and treated differently, and Obama is no exception.   If people can't understand that simple concept, there's no use arguing about it in a tread because if they ain't got it by now....

True. That Governor from Arizona straight up disrepected the President by putting her finger in his face. I dont care how upset you are, no need to be disrespectful. She wouldnt have done that to a white guy
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by illwill24

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Wow. Some of you take this president stuff way too seriously.

Well he IS the president.....
But honestly, EVERY black man in America is looked at and treated differently.  Of course the President is included, and you can tell by the comments the Congressmen and some Senators make about him.  Like I said, EVERY black male is looked at and treated differently, and Obama is no exception.   If people can't understand that simple concept, there's no use arguing about it in a tread because if they ain't got it by now....

True. That Governor from Arizona straight up disrepected the President by putting her finger in his face. I dont care how upset you are, no need to be disrespectful. She wouldnt have done that to a white guy


She wouldn't have even done it to Boehner(sp?) or even Biden.

I get the feeling people really think hes the pet negro in town at times 

If he gets re-elected I hope he fullfils each and every angry black man stereotype and just goes HAM on congress pushing every and anything through. 
...thats a wish, for real though. 
i never said they werent successful, b.

reread everything posted.


and i know you dont support cain, hes much too stupid..LMAO

yo i got a dope quote from bill mahr, did you see when he was on orielly?

SON, youtube it
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by illwill24

Well he IS the president.....
But honestly, EVERY black man in America is looked at and treated differently.  Of course the President is included, and you can tell by the comments the Congressmen and some Senators make about him.  Like I said, EVERY black male is looked at and treated differently, and Obama is no exception.   If people can't understand that simple concept, there's no use arguing about it in a tread because if they ain't got it by now....

True. That Governor from Arizona straight up disrepected the President by putting her finger in his face. I dont care how upset you are, no need to be disrespectful. She wouldnt have done that to a white guy


She wouldn't have even done it to Boehner(sp?) or even Biden.

I get the feeling people really think hes the pet negro in town at times 

If he gets re-elected I hope he fullfils each and every angry black man stereotype and just goes HAM on congress pushing every and anything through. 
...thats a wish, for real though. 

I know he's the president and all and cameras were there, but if that were behind closed doors, Id have my security grip her up with the quickness and put the fear of god in her. You go missing in other countries when you disrespect leaders like that
funny thing is, yall think obama is overwhelmed and isnt 100 % calculated

well, these foil hat wearing dudes dont, they think hes a manchurian candidate..LMAO

but for the majority of the sane people in the room

i get a feeling that they think dude is completely lost and scared

he has a long list of things congress said defied him on....only because he proposed it....

he has a long list of things he had to do through executive orders, because congress sucks

etc. etc. so on and so forth

so like i said in the last post

once the GOP picks their loser,

that ether is gonna surface quickly.

once reality sets in

white people are gonna go off the deep end

go find the obama posts on niketalk from 4 years ago

you will find "enphan" in those posts saying "welp, prepare to be salty for the next 4 years"


i didnt think yall would stay this salty for the entire 4 years


got %#%$#$ out chere writing slander and pointing fingers in the presidents face


Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

funny thing is, yall think obama is overwhelmed and isnt 100 % calculated

well, these foil hat wearing dudes dont, they think hes a manchurian candidate..LMAO

but for the majority of the sane people in the room

i get a feeling that they think dude is completely lost and scared

he has a long list of things congress said defied him on....only because he proposed it....

he has a long list of things he had to do through executive orders, because congress sucks

etc. etc. so on and so forth

so like i said in the last post

once the GOP picks their loser,

that ether is gonna surface quickly.

once reality sets in

white people are gonna go off the deep end

go find the obama posts on niketalk from 4 years ago

you will find "enphan" in those posts saying "welp, prepare to be salty for the next 4 years"


i didnt think yall would stay this salty for the entire 4 years


got %#%$#$ out chere writing slander and pointing fingers in the presidents face


Obama is good at playing the long game too though.
Hes gotten the republicans to cave on doing things that they would never sign off on, by basically adopting the OTHER view. 

Since they'll always challenge him, he just adopts the stance of what they would adopt so they vote against their own interests. 

Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by blakep267

True. That Governor from Arizona straight up disrepected the President by putting her finger in his face. I dont care how upset you are, no need to be disrespectful. She wouldnt have done that to a white guy


She wouldn't have even done it to Boehner(sp?) or even Biden.

I get the feeling people really think hes the pet negro in town at times 

If he gets re-elected I hope he fullfils each and every angry black man stereotype and just goes HAM on congress pushing every and anything through. 
...thats a wish, for real though. 

I know he's the president and all and cameras were there, but if that were behind closed doors, Id have my security grip her up with the quickness and put the fear of god in her. You go missing in other countries when you disrespect leaders like that

I KNOW thats right. 
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by CDUNK

Just wow.  Stop with all the assumptions and putting words in my mouth man.  Like I said, I've never talked to the man before, I wasn't being facetious with my comment of " I wonder if he voted for Obama on his issues or just because he's black?".  I never said he sucked or said he was stupid.  So you don't find a person who wears different Obama shirts every single day at the gym (I go 5 times a week) a bit amusing?  I'd find a guy who only wore McCain shirts amusing in the same way.  And no, I don't care what he wears; I'm just the type of person who pays attention to details.

okay buddy

you werent criticizing him......

and you didnt assume he voted for obama only cause he was black......

you got it guy.



But I know of some black folks that voted for him just because he's black, and I'm sure that holds true for a large % of the black community.  

Funny side story, there's this old guy at my gym who ONLY wears Obama shirts while working out; he also rocks a 34-36 inch gold franco chain with a pendant of a gun.  Dude is at least 65.  I wonder if he voted for Obama on his issues or just because he's black?



yeah, you find his "shirts" amusing, dude

I wasn't criticizing the guy. It's his life he can do whatever he wants; I still hold my stance I find it amusing.  You're right, I did think he most likely voted for Obama just because Obama's black, I never said I didn't think that.  I think his overall persona gave me good reason to believe so.  And I still believe that a large % (maybe around 20% from my personal observations.....who really knows) of black Americans voted for Obama because he's black.  So what's your point?  
Originally Posted by CDUNK

I wasn't criticizing the guy. It's his life he can do whatever he wants; I still hold my stance I find it amusing.  You're right, I did think he most likely voted for Obama just because Obama's black, I never said I didn't think that.  I think his overall persona gave me good reason to believe so.  And I still believe that a large % (maybe 20%.....who really knows) of black Americans voted for Obama because he's black.  So what's your point?  
Where the !%+@ are you getting these percentages from?

Nobody will ever take you seriously when you just pull @##$ out of your %#! with no basis. Where's the evidence to support your belief? or are we just stating bias opinions as if they support a stance? Just because you think it does not make it factual.
ATGD7154xBBxMZ wrote:
CDUNK wrote:
I wasn't criticizing the guy. It's his life he can do whatever he wants; I still hold my stance I find it amusing.  You're right, I did think he most likely voted for Obama just because Obama's black, I never said I didn't think that.  I think his overall persona gave me good reason to believe so.  And I still believe that a large % (maybe 20%.....who really knows) of black Americans voted for Obama because he's black.  So what's your point?  

Where the !%+@ are you getting these percentages from?

Nobody will ever take you seriously when you just pull @##$ out of your %#! with no basis. Where's the evidence to support your belief? or are we just stating bias opinions as if they support a stance? Just because you think it does not make it factual.

I have no clue, hence I typed who really knows.  I'm not saying my opinions are fact, I'm just making up a rough % from my observations.  I definitely know people who voted for him just because he's black.
Unless you've traveled the US, your "observation" means crap.

20% of 1000 people you've seen that votes for Obama because he's black?
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Unless you've traveled the US, your "observation" means crap.

20% of 1000 people you've seen that votes for Obama because he's black?

It IS crap, as it's a very small sample size.  I'm just going off of my friends and acquaintances, not people off TV.  Until someone show me actual statistics, I'm gonna base my opinion off of my personal observations.
Then say 20% of the people I know. Not 20% of black Americans (which is hinting at in the whole US).

People need to get out of the habit of pulling numbers out of their ++%. Because 67% of the time they are wrong.
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