How much has Obama's race and ethnicity played in his successes & failures as President?

My train of thought though, i say voting for him because he was black was the most effective, far reaching, historic vote you could have. See i'm jaded, it's politics as usual to me, so McCain = Obama in my eyes. Political decisions would have been around the same, it's not about the person but the driving forces behind him so the wheels would've kept on turning. Getting a black Pres. in office so positively and greatly affected a generation of minorities internationally. It's the chapter in black history people were waiting on to finally move on. *!!+ the politics, no one remembers specific policies years ahead, but a black Pres? etched in history.

a55a5in11 wrote:
this is the dumbest thread ever. curbyourenthusiasm dummy on NT. do you ever not place a rolling face in one of your posts?
Obama is president because he is black and will be reelected because of it. mccain was a way better candidate. also why do people act like obama was out there in the trenches putting in work to get osama. I could have done that my self. people act like BLACK people were his main supporters. but they seem to forget it was all the colored people and the white kids who watch bet and mtv and listened to young jeezy's my president 1,000,000 times. like seriously? mccain had no love from the media except form fox news. while obama was the cool thing at the time and was on every channel and referenced in tons of rap music. Most of our voters are young. and Obama was the hip thing for he young people at the time. 
Obama has done nothing that has helped my life at all and therefore to me he is not a good president. people need to realize that obama has done some things but how many of them actually affect them? 
also obama basically rode not going to war during his whole campaign. then he goes off to libya %$* is that?
But on the good note Obama is probably the one of the best speakers i have ever seen. every time he speaks i feel like he is talking to me directly and it just blows me away with body posture and confidence, and i do believe he is an intelligent man. if our country was better off i think he would do a good job but in the state we are in now he just isn't a good fit.
sucks to i was really pulling for him, but i just don't see it getting any better when he gets reelected.

you know nobody read this, right?

than why in the hell did you quote me? because everything posted is fact?
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I guess the next question is, will history be kind to Obama?
look at the things hes "trying" to accomplish, tho

not that its a big deal, but DADT, thats something his presidency is going to be connected to until the end of time.

if this healthcare deal ever gets off the ground, that will be attached to his presidency until the end of time (or until the salty top tier gets their way)

the environmental standards that goofy americans are calling nazi germany cause they cant pump their v12s up with supercharged gasoline and drive around aimlessly anymore will be attached to obama's presidency when we have to buy oxygen like we buy bottled water

etc. etc.

history will definitely be more kind than these closet bigots and racists have been.

and its funny, cause hes not without criticism, its just the #!%% you dudes are crying about sounds like its out of glenn becks mouth



meanwhile, the pizza flipper dropped out 2 months ago in most embarassing joke fashion...


he'd be a million times better at president than obama.....except he cant even last 2 weeks in the PRIMARY


Originally Posted by CDUNK

" amusing, dude

I wasn't criticizing the guy. It's his life he can do whatever he wants; I still hold my stance I find it amusing.  You're right, I did think he most likely voted for Obama just because Obama's black, I never said I didn't think that.  I think his overall persona gave me good reason to believe so.  And I still believe that a large % (maybe around 20% from my personal observations.....who really knows) of black Americans voted for Obama because he's black.  So what's your point?  

youre doing a great job of proving me wrong in calling you ignorant.

so how many black people is "about 20% from my personal observation" of 12 percent of the overall population?

you tell me.

cause lets hypothetically say you are correct, 20 percent voted obama off race

how many people is that?

i happen to think about 40% (which is a conservative estimate) of white people overall voted and will continue to be against obama because of the color of his skin

again, for a 9th time, for you remedial dudes,

40% of whites is prolly 12 times 20% of blacks....

so, again, to answer the question the post is asking, his color has CERTAINLY impacted his presidency, and, LOGICALLY its done multiple times more harm than good.

LMAO @ 20% of anything being a large percent.

just stop it, 5.

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

a55a5in11 wrote:
this is the dumbest thread ever. curbyourenthusiasm dummy on NT. do you ever not place a rolling face in one of your posts?
Obama is president because he is black and will be reelected because of it. mccain was a way better candidate. also why do people act like obama was out there in the trenches putting in work to get osama. I could have done that my self. people act like BLACK people were his main supporters. but they seem to forget it was all the colored people and the white kids who watch bet and mtv and listened to young jeezy's my president 1,000,000 times. like seriously? mccain had no love from the media except form fox news. while obama was the cool thing at the time and was on every channel and referenced in tons of rap music. Most of our voters are young. and Obama was the hip thing for he young people at the time. 
Obama has done nothing that has helped my life at all and therefore to me he is not a good president. people need to realize that obama has done some things but how many of them actually affect them? 
also obama basically rode not going to war during his whole campaign. then he goes off to libya %$* is that?
But on the good note Obama is probably the one of the best speakers i have ever seen. every time he speaks i feel like he is talking to me directly and it just blows me away with body posture and confidence, and i do believe he is an intelligent man. if our country was better off i think he would do a good job but in the state we are in now he just isn't a good fit.
sucks to i was really pulling for him, but i just don't see it getting any better when he gets reelected.

than why in the hell did you quote me? because everything posted is fact?
it's spelled "then"

and i quoted you to strike through your paragraph nobody read and to type "nobody read that." also, i chose to tease you by asking, rhetorically, if you were mad......its obvious you are mad. do you see how this could be entertaining for someone with intelligence? no?



ill give you a visual.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

this is the dumbest thread ever. curbyourenthusiasm dummy on NT. do you ever not place a rolling face in one of your posts?
Obama is president because he is black and will be reelected because of it. mccain was a way better candidate. also why do people act like obama was out there in the trenches putting in work to get osama. I could have done that my self. people act like BLACK people were his main supporters. but they seem to forget it was all the colored people and the white kids who watch bet and mtv and listened to young jeezy's my president 1,000,000 times. like seriously? mccain had no love from the media except form fox news. while obama was the cool thing at the time and was on every channel and referenced in tons of rap music. Most of our voters are young. and Obama was the hip thing for he young people at the time.
Obama has done nothing that has helped my life at all and therefore to me he is not a good president. people need to realize that obama has done some things but how many of them actually affect them?
also obama basically rode not going to war during his whole campaign. then he goes off to libya %$* is that?
But on the good note Obama is probably the one of the best speakers i have ever seen. every time he speaks i feel like he is talking to me directly and it just blows me away with body posture and confidence, and i do believe he is an intelligent man. if our country was better off i think he would do a good job but in the state we are in now he just isn't a good fit.
sucks to i was really pulling for him, but i just don't see it getting any better when he gets reelected.

LOL.  Bless your  heart.
say what you want but u gotta admit Obama is one of, if not the most polarizing president in US history.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

this is the dumbest thread ever. curbyourenthusiasm dummy on NT. do you ever not place a rolling face in one of your posts?
Obama is president because he is black and will be reelected because of it. mccain was a way better candidate. also why do people act like obama was out there in the trenches putting in work to get osama. I could have done that my self. people act like BLACK people were his main supporters. but they seem to forget it was all the colored people and the white kids who watch bet and mtv and listened to young jeezy's my president 1,000,000 times. like seriously? mccain had no love from the media except form fox news. while obama was the cool thing at the time and was on every channel and referenced in tons of rap music. Most of our voters are young. and Obama was the hip thing for he young people at the time.
Obama has done nothing that has helped my life at all and therefore to me he is not a good president. people need to realize that obama has done some things but how many of them actually affect them?
also obama basically rode not going to war during his whole campaign. then he goes off to libya %$* is that?
But on the good note Obama is probably the one of the best speakers i have ever seen. every time he speaks i feel like he is talking to me directly and it just blows me away with body posture and confidence, and i do believe he is an intelligent man. if our country was better off i think he would do a good job but in the state we are in now he just isn't a good fit.
sucks to i was really pulling for him, but i just don't see it getting any better when he gets reelected.

LOL.  Bless your  heart.

Scoff at that until your heart's content. His premise is 100% true. Obama had as much to do with finding and killing OBL as he did with kick starting the depression that we're not out of yet. Zilch. ( HintHint - Bush 2) But OBL was killed under his watch so he will rightfully get credit for that.
osama bin laden supposedly had been held up in the same location when bush was in office.

he had huge involvement in capturing much so that he had to wait 3 years until AFTER he was out of office to do so.

he ordered the killing in his lambourghini while racing on some texas interstate

you got it.


nothing to do with his color, either.

Originally Posted by newbuck

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

this is the dumbest thread ever. curbyourenthusiasm dummy on NT. do you ever not place a rolling face in one of your posts?
Obama is president because he is black and will be reelected because of it. mccain was a way better candidate. also why do people act like obama was out there in the trenches putting in work to get osama. I could have done that my self. people act like BLACK people were his main supporters. but they seem to forget it was all the colored people and the white kids who watch bet and mtv and listened to young jeezy's my president 1,000,000 times. like seriously? mccain had no love from the media except form fox news. while obama was the cool thing at the time and was on every channel and referenced in tons of rap music. Most of our voters are young. and Obama was the hip thing for he young people at the time.
Obama has done nothing that has helped my life at all and therefore to me he is not a good president. people need to realize that obama has done some things but how many of them actually affect them?
also obama basically rode not going to war during his whole campaign. then he goes off to libya %$* is that?
But on the good note Obama is probably the one of the best speakers i have ever seen. every time he speaks i feel like he is talking to me directly and it just blows me away with body posture and confidence, and i do believe he is an intelligent man. if our country was better off i think he would do a good job but in the state we are in now he just isn't a good fit.
sucks to i was really pulling for him, but i just don't see it getting any better when he gets reelected.

LOL.  Bless your  heart.

Scoff at that until your heart's content. His premise is 100% true. Obama had as much to do with finding and killing OBL as he did with kick starting the depression that we're not out of yet. Zilch. ( HintHint - Bush 2) But OBL was killed under his watch so he will rightfully get credit for that.

Upon information that was collected and observed, President Obama ORDERED the mission which led to the Seal Team going into that compound and eventually killing Osama Bin Laden.  Once again, for those that cant seem to understand, President Obama as Commander-in-chief ORDERED this mission to be carried out, meaning he gets the credit.  He did all this while clowning and putting Donald Trump in his place during the same weekend as well.  That's a 2 for 1 special as far as I'm concerned.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by newbuck

Originally Posted by Deuce King

LOL.  Bless your  heart.

Scoff at that until your heart's content. His premise is 100% true. Obama had as much to do with finding and killing OBL as he did with kick starting the depression that we're not out of yet. Zilch. ( HintHint - Bush 2) But OBL was killed under his watch so he will rightfully get credit for that.

Upon information that was collected and observed, President Obama ORDERED the mission which led to the Seal Team going into that compound and eventually killing Osama Bin Laden.  Once again, for those that cant seem to understand, President Obama as Commander-in-chief ORDERED this mission to be carried out, meaning he gets the credit.  He did all this while clowning and putting Donald Trump in his place during the same weekend as well.  That's a 2 for 1 special as far as I'm concerned.
I don't see why people don't realize that. With the logic those two applied, you could say the same thing about possibly every other president who had
any type of war/conflict under their presidency. None of them were ever "in the trenches putting in work", but I've never heard that phrase uttered for

any other president other than Obama. Hmm.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Upon information that was collected and observed, President Obama ORDERED the mission which led to the Seal Team going into that compound and eventually killing Osama Bin Laden.  Once again, for those that cant seem to understand, President Obama as Commander-in-chief ORDERED this mission to be carried out, meaning he gets the credit.  He did all this while clowning and putting Donald Trump in his place during the same weekend as well.  That's a 2 for 1 special as far as I'm concerned.

   I agree, but Obama needs to be held liable for errant predator drones baptizing children. You can't have it both ways. Obama's staunchest defenders, CurbYourEnthusiam included, seem to ignore this.
I don't see why people don't realize that. With the logic those two applied, you could say the same thing about possibly every other president who had
any type of war/conflict under their presidency. None of them were ever "in the trenches putting in work", but I've never heard that phrase uttered for

any other president other than Obama. Hmm.





they really finna stay mad for 8 straight years...
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Upon information that was collected and observed, President Obama ORDERED the mission which led to the Seal Team going into that compound and eventually killing Osama Bin Laden.  Once again, for those that cant seem to understand, President Obama as Commander-in-chief ORDERED this mission to be carried out, meaning he gets the credit.  He did all this while clowning and putting Donald Trump in his place during the same weekend as well.  That's a 2 for 1 special as far as I'm concerned.

   I agree, but Obama needs to be held liable for errant predator drones baptizing children. You can't have it both ways. Obama's staunchest defenders, CurbYourEnthusiam included, seem to ignore this.


oh yes im a staunch obama defender

hes never done anything wrong

i dont even think hes ever sinned before bro


dudes get demolished in debate then hold on to salty feelings

every post ive made ive said "not that he is without criticisms"

but nah

im like so in love with obama i wanna legalize gay marriage and propose

He gets credit for killing Bin Laden, but doesn't deserve blame 'because he didn't say 'break yourself fool' during a drive by.' when al-Awlaki's 16 year old son got washed. You said that, right?
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Upon information that was collected and observed, President Obama ORDERED the mission which led to the Seal Team going into that compound and eventually killing Osama Bin Laden.  Once again, for those that cant seem to understand, President Obama as Commander-in-chief ORDERED this mission to be carried out, meaning he gets the credit.  He did all this while clowning and putting Donald Trump in his place during the same weekend as well.  That's a 2 for 1 special as far as I'm concerned.

   I agree, but Obama needs to be held liable for errant predator drones baptizing children. You can't have it both ways. Obama's staunchest defenders, CurbYourEnthusiam included, seem to ignore this.

If and when you and I, or anyone else for that matter bring up the topic of innocent citizens that were and still might get killed by drone attacks as orders by President Obama then I will agree with that point.  I will even say right now that it's truly unfortuante that children have been killed by drones.  However, right now, the topic at hand was the killing of Osama Bin Laden and if President Obama deserves credit for his killing, which he does.  
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

He gets credit for killing Bin Laden, but doesn't deserve blame 'because he didn't say 'break yourself fool' during a drive by.' when al-Awlaki's 16 year old son got washed. You said that, right?

hes credited as the executive who ordered the killing of OBL...yes.

is he not the executive who ordered the killing?

so now that we arent debating whether or not hes credited with ORDERING OBL's murder.....

now we can talk about him ordering the  "washing" a 16 year old.

lets take him to the MP for warcrimes, b



you're the prosecutor, right?


actually, what i said, sarcastically, was

"yes, obama yelled 'break yoself' during the drive by on the 16 year old...hes such a murderer"

seeing how he was being called "MURDERER" by hypebeast conspiracy theorists

im not gonna debate no tinfoil conspiracy theories, either...dude was ties to ties to 9/11....huge figure....lemme guess, thats all propaganda......


U.S. officials say the younger Al-Awlaki, who left the U.S. in 2002, became an Al Qaeda commander whose online sermons urging young Muslims in the West to take up arms inspired an unsavory cast of characters: among them three of the 9/11 hijackers, Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan, failed “underwear bomber
Blacks and most minorities shouldn't vote republican anyway, so say all that "voting cause he's Black" S!!! You like. Makes no difference.
I think people fail to grasp reality at times. Obama has to deal with a racist electorate, and a congress who's only agenda is getting Romney elected.
Deuce King wrote:
I will even say right now that it's truly unfortuante that children have been killed by drones.  
 How very brave of you to admit that.
CurbYourEnthusiasm wrote:
are yall even outraged he was killed without trial or just happy to have something to criticize obama on?

all i said was that obama didnt put the gun to anyones head...calling him a murderer is a little......

As to your first point, that doesn't make sense. Were I a rabid Republican, I'd be celebrating Obama's actions. Many Republicans begrudgingly give Obama credit for continuing and escalating the Bush war doctrine. 
As to your second point, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. 
Originally Posted by cguy610

John Kerry must be Black too cause he got nearly 90% of the Black vote. Al Gore too. Clinton also.

All that needs to be said....unless the candidate is just completely terrible the majority of black people are going to vote for the democratic party...

Really the party system is flawed and is a problem with elections in the country becuase people are mostly just going to roll with whoever their party nominated whether they deserve to be president or not.. what would be interesting is if the republican party one day has a black candidate vs a white one from the democrats and see if the black votes jumps sides...
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

this is the dumbest thread ever. curbyourenthusiasm dummy on NT. do you ever not place a rolling face in one of your posts?
Obama is president because he is black and will be reelected because of it. mccain was a way better candidate. also why do people act like obama was out there in the trenches putting in work to get osama. I could have done that my self. people act like BLACK people were his main supporters. but they seem to forget it was all the colored people and the white kids who watch bet and mtv and listened to young jeezy's my president 1,000,000 times. like seriously? mccain had no love from the media except form fox news. while obama was the cool thing at the time and was on every channel and referenced in tons of rap music. Most of our voters are young. and Obama was the hip thing for he young people at the time.
Obama has done nothing that has helped my life at all and therefore to me he is not a good president. people need to realize that obama has done some things but how many of them actually affect them?
also obama basically rode not going to war during his whole campaign. then he goes off to libya %$* is that?
But on the good note Obama is probably the one of the best speakers i have ever seen. every time he speaks i feel like he is talking to me directly and it just blows me away with body posture and confidence, and i do believe he is an intelligent man. if our country was better off i think he would do a good job but in the state we are in now he just isn't a good fit.
sucks to i was really pulling for him, but i just don't see it getting any better when he gets reelected.

LOL.  Bless your  heart.
what did he do that i or you couldn't?
kept his mouth shut to the public and said go get em tiger.
people came to obama with the information they gathered and asked if it was ok to go after him. anybody with a pulse would say yes kill that son of a #*@%%
Originally Posted by frshstunna

Originally Posted by cguy610

John Kerry must be Black too cause he got nearly 90% of the Black vote. Al Gore too. Clinton also.

All that needs to be said....unless the candidate is just completely terrible the majority of black people are going to vote for the democratic party...

Really the party system is flawed and is a problem with elections in the country becuase people are mostly just going to roll with whoever their party nominated whether they deserve to be president or not.. what would be interesting is if the republican party one day has a black candidate vs a white one from the democrats and see if the black votes jumps sides...
If the Republican candidate presented himself as Obama has, taking the stance in account, probably so. But if they're anything like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, no. No. Not at all.
Originally Posted by frshstunna

Originally Posted by cguy610

John Kerry must be Black too cause he got nearly 90% of the Black vote. Al Gore too. Clinton also.

All that needs to be said....unless the candidate is just completely terrible the majority of black people are going to vote for the democratic party...

Really the party system is flawed and is a problem with elections in the country becuase people are mostly just going to roll with whoever their party nominated whether they deserve to be president or not.. what would be interesting is if the republican party one day has a black candidate vs a white one from the democrats and see if the black votes jumps sides...
No, it wouldn't because there has been Alan Keyes, Clarence Thomas, Condolleeza Rice, Hermain Cain.   Most Black people that I know absolutely cannot stand the 4 that I just named. 
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