How much has your credit card(s) cost you? Was it worth it?

I like to pay cash for everything. I have a debit I use if necessary. Don't wanna spend any more than I have. My checks direct deposit too so I don'tget temped to spend anything.
I think I'm just going to run with seeing which retail stores will give me a store charge or 'credit' card and build my credit from there. I wasapproved for one with WalMart this morning so we'll see what happens.

Are retail credit cards essentially automatic approval? I've heard they pretty much are.
i got amex, citi, discover, and chase. always pay in full and never paid a penny of finance charges/late fees. and i really love the rewards.
well, credits are just that CREDIT cards and should be used strategically.

for instance, if there's a sale on something thats so cheap that even with interests you wouldnt be taking a loss...then go for it.

clearances, black friday, etc.

but general purchases and bill pay are the pitfalls of comfortability and routine. you're paying for something with money you dont have...FAIL.

unless youre a millionaire, credit cards are dangerous if used wrecklessly.

i sometime goe bizzerk in vip if were having a good time and its my turn to buy drinks without looking broke
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