How much you got? What can u buy? Vol. Dollars n sex

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Probably a Lamborghini Diablo SV 
Anyone who claims more than 20 and doesn't have a spread sheet I am calling ducktales. I know I could cop a CD, maybe a double disc, but the exact change escapes me, and I find it hard to believe anyone above 12 having an accurate count.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Anyone who claims more than 20 and doesn't have a spread sheet I am calling ducktales. I know I could cop a CD, maybe a double disc, but the exact change escapes me, and I find it hard to believe anyone above 12 having an accurate count.

You have a spreadsheet too? 

Mine is

My age of time /  Name / Her age at time / How we met / Check if more than 2x / Scale of 1 - 10 on performance / Number / 
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