How much you got? What can u buy? Vol. Dollars n sex

info on that jacket

and we are doing number of people slept with right? Not times sleeping with those people
Originally Posted by SgtPeppers12

info on that jacket

and we are doing number of people slept with right? Not times sleeping with those people

You wont find it anywhere
 I have tried to order it like 10 times and it comes back a couple days later and says No stock. No ebay, No nothing.

Figured I'd put it to use somehow.

"Sometimes I wish I didnt have so much mileage on me"

Team Raw Diggity.....though
2 apples pies but only because i've been with wifey for 4 years so....
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Anyone who claims more than 20 and doesn't have a spread sheet I am calling ducktales. I know I could cop a CD, maybe a double disc, but the exact change escapes me, and I find it hard to believe anyone above 12 having an accurate count.

You have a spreadsheet too? 

Mine is

My age of time /  Name / Her age at time / How we met / Check if more than 2x / Scale of 1 - 10 on performance / Number / 
WHAAAAAAAAAAT? Thats crazy, but pretty awesome. I just know mine.
And like dude said previously, I would buy myself a very nice entree and a very nice drink at a very nice restaurant. 
I just broadcasted this on on bbm some shorty said she can get her nails & hair did and a Poland spring water another said a pair of jays.

Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Anyone who claims more than 20 and doesn't have a spread sheet I am calling ducktales. I know I could cop a CD, maybe a double disc, but the exact change escapes me, and I find it hard to believe anyone above 12 having an accurate count.

You have a spreadsheet too? 
Very clever Eddie
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