How old is too old to kiss your child?

Where I use to work one of my coworkers in her 40s or 50s would kiss her daughter who was prolly late 20's on the lips. Always thought it was odd.
On but off topic, I also plan on dropping and picking my daughter off too school (work schedule permitted) as much I can.

I mean all the way through HS.
i got 2 girls and an 11 yr old boy.

the girls are teenagers (18 &16) and i still kiss em on the cheek or forehead whenever i want. i love them so god dam much that i'd feel like an a-hole if i didn't. my son, same deal but only on his head. i'd feel kinda weird on the lips with him ...

shouldn't even think twice about showing that affection, i feel like i'm tearing up writing this :lol:
My son is a few months past a year old. I stopped at his first bday.

I kiss him on the nose all the time, or forehead.

If I had a daughter Id probably stop a little older. But I definitely couldn't still be kissing my kids on the lips seeing them off to school in the morning
On but off topic, I also plan on dropping and picking my daughter off too school (work schedule permitted) as much I can.

I mean all the way through HS.

Nah man not in HS. That time period after school ends and before you get home were some of the best times with my friends. Don't deprive her of that
My daughter is 4 and I always kiss her...Lips, cheek, forehead, Eskimo kisses etc..That's my baby. If i had a boy I would only do it on the cheek and probably stop after he starts walking.
Only people that are messed up in the head would see something wrong...
I think people are just speaking about the mouth to mouth
My daughter is 13, I wont kiss her on the lips anymore. I lick the side of her face. She absolutely hates it.

When I was younger we would all give out pops a hug before we went to school. He would rub his beard on our face and lick us.
Where I use to work one of my coworkers in her 40s or 50s would kiss her daughter who was prolly late 20's on the lips. Always thought it was odd.
Now, THAT is disgusting. 
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My son is 2 and I kiss him bye on the lips all the time. Never found it weird *Kanye shrug*

It'll stop at a certain age I'm sure but when I drop him off at his moms it's always a hug and kiss.
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yeah my son is about to be 2 and he kisses cousin won't let my son kiss her son though... (5 years old)...said she doesn't want him to think it's ok for boys to be kissing boys...but i mean my son is damn near still a baby...

sort of off topic but i remember back in the day, about junior high, dudes made fun of me because i still called my mom mommy and my dad daddy...they got on me so hard i eventually stopped calling them that...did any body else call their parents mommy and dadddy...?
When I have kids I will ALWAYS kiss them but kissing on the lips will stop at a very young age like 3. Foreheads/cheeks are forever, b.
That's what you think but once they get to about 12, they won't even let you hug them on a consistent bases.

That's what I know, my mom still kisses me on the cheek. Hell, I still give my nephew kisses on the cheek here and there and he 18. Nobody's stopping me from expressing my love within my family.
i have no kids, but I have 2 nephews and the youngest is a soon to be 4 yo niece

i rarely kiss my nephews on the cheek even. but i pick up and hug the 8 year old one here and there and we kind of share an embrace. we have a special bond/relationship, and it'll be funny when he finally gets too old for that which will probably be within another year or 2.

i kiss my niece like crazy, i always go for the cheek though but a lot of times she goes for my lips and I'm not gunna be weird about it and dodge her. i don't think this stuff has to have much thought put into it though. it just takes care of itself as they grow up imo.
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na not kissing kids on the lips

i dont have any but son would get the forehead and daughter would get the cheek
That's what I know, my mom still kisses me on the cheek. Hell, I still give my nephew kisses on the cheek here and there and he 18. Nobody's stopping me from expressing my love within my family.

This, its different for each family. I got some friends who barely hug their parents. Some families show more emotion in that way then others.

I have 4 nephews and a Neice. They all get hugs and kisses. Oldest nephew is 17 and he gets the same treatment.

No kissing on the mouth for none of them tho lol.
Never imho.

I come from a culture where parents do kiss their children on their lips. It's a cultural thing.

I don't see it as weird.

Just as men in other countries hold hand when talking.

No right or wrong where these things are concerned as long as the intention is pure to that relationship.
My little man is 7. I probably kiss him a couple dozen times a day, easy.

I will always greet him with a hug and a kiss, and the same when we depart. So long as we're both alive, that's how it will be. If he were to grow up to be some swoll Vin Diesel type or Ron Artest crazy, whenever I saw him, I'd give him a bear hug and a kiss on his cheek. Every time.
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With the way yall be eating the groceries I hope yall don't kiss your kids in the mouth.
Maybe it's just me but I always found it kinda of dumb how men are told not to show emotion to their sons.

Not speaking on dudes in here, just a general statement.
Its natural for yougins to aim for the lips due to watching mom and dad smootching :lol:
Gotta teach them firm boundaries though. Kiss on the cheek and affectionate meaningful hugs to let them know that they are loved is what I practice with my 5.
same here. Never felt right to me to kiss my kids on the lips.kiss my daughters on the cheeks and forehead all the time.
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i find the kiss on the lips thing weird after a certain age but everyone is different ive seen  grown people my age kiss their parents on the lips and i find that super weird. My daughter is 6 and she gets nothing but hugs and kisses from me i have to take advantage because i know there will come a time when she wont want me to show her so much affection 
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