How proud of you of NT and its members?

Originally Posted by Method Man

This is NT, "shun," we dig deep holes to bury shallow trolls. 


@ Wale. Put me up on the groupies you don't want, fam.
Method Man wrote:

This is NT, "shun," we dig deep holes to bury shallow trolls.

DAMN.  That was official as #!*!


He doesn't hate Niketalk...he doesn't understand why everyone is always trashing him when he just tries to make helpful post
Real life.

Some of you dudes just cruel for no reason to dude. Ya'll do it to me too. It's crazy how some NTers want like.a mascot..or whatever. But ya'll treat a lot of ya'll "Champions" like +%$#. Cats hated on B. Jennnings JUST cuz they knew he was on here. Why?
Real lame to me.
Originally Posted by MJ All Day45

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Proud of who Dom nope rapping five years damn near and no album yet.Wale not at all son album was so trash mixtapes are great.I'm not proud of these folks because they rap no way.I'm proud of the dudes who post on here 365 24/7 cats who donate money to causes and who actually contribute to the site consistently.Wale and Dom don't do that .They are nonfactors.
Really they used NT IMO....Wale HATES NT, it just helped him sell mixtapes


He doesn't hate Niketalk...he doesn't understand why everyone is always trashing him when he just tries to make helpful post (showing foams and other kicks that he receives early) and he gives out positive suggestions to upcoming artist in the music thread. You don't know the man, so don't speak so "matter of factly, sir"

I'm not gonna go out of my way to prove that I know him because it's not that serious...but he HAS TOLD ME PERSONALLY THAT HE HATES NT GENERAL, and yes he was the first person with "Eggplant ACG Foams" I was there the night Nike gave them to him to perform "Nike Boots" (FACT!)

He gets trashed by NT'ers because I know about 5 or 6 NT'ers that work in entertainment all they've all agreed WALE is jerk in person...very rude, disrespectful, and carries an unnecessary aura of entitlement which I've witness myself and was disgusted by.

Kid Cudi is the only NT'er that will show you love REGARDLESS OF HIS STATUS, he even spoke on WALE dissing his fans and changing up...Not until RECENTLY has WALE tried to rehabilitate is negative image.

You can try to argue the point, but I'm not...I've spoken to the man and several others that's not that serious bro. I'm just stating fact.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Yo Wale back to posting on the regular now? Okaykaykay.
I'm not tryna boast n' brag, but I feel as though I am a NT icon in the making.

I contribute alot to NT. (Specifically the Music Thread).
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by MJ All Day45

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Really they used NT IMO....Wale HATES NT, it just helped him sell mixtapes


He doesn't hate Niketalk...he doesn't understand why everyone is always trashing him when he just tries to make helpful post (showing foams and other kicks that he receives early) and he gives out positive suggestions to upcoming artist in the music thread. You don't know the man, so don't speak so "matter of factly, sir"

I'm not gonna go out of my way to prove that I know him because it's not that serious...but he HAS TOLD ME PERSONALLY THAT HE HATES NT GENERAL, and yes he was the first person with "Eggplant ACG Foams" I was there the night Nike gave them to him to perform "Nike Boots" (FACT!)

He gets trashed by NT'ers because I know about 5 or 6 NT'ers that work in entertainment all they've all agreed WALE is jerk in person...very rude, disrespectful, and carries an unnecessary aura of entitlement which I've witness myself and was disgusted by.

Kid Cudi is the only NT'er that will show you love REGARDLESS OF HIS STATUS, he even spoke on WALE dissing his fans and changing up...Not until RECENTLY has WALE tried to rehabilitate is negative image.

You can try to argue the point, but I'm not...I've spoken to the man and several others that's not that serious bro. I'm just stating fact.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Yo Wale back to posting on the regular now? Okaykaykay.
Not to defend dude... but just speaking on persnal experience:

It seems to me like NT mocks its rappers. The guys that get love, get it cynically and sarcastically. Like lil B. Ya'll patronize dude and call it love. More power to him. "Let that boy cook"... all that. But it's not hard to pick up on the small signs that make it seem like we're (read: "rappers that post on NT are")  just a chitlin circuit to most of ya'll. I take it with a grain of salt and a gram of kush. But it's lowball and degrading to us. But we're servants of the service industry of music. So like waitresses, we smile and shut the !$@# up about it cuz we aren't paid to complain. We need ya'll (read: consumers, fans, people, etc) to make us relevant in what we do, and ya'll know it. So like small little tyrants, ya'll let that power go to your heads and treat us (read: certain rappers or otherwise noteworthy NTers) like !@%* at every opportunity. So if Wale come off as distant or says he hates the general forum, I understand why. Mention DC, and instantly there's the lil african kid slapping his head and smiling about "Da Aids".That !@%*'s not exactly 2-way humor. When you got a hunnid cats logged in posting about you, one or two posts might hit home. +#*!$! don't appreciate them same cats expecting shots outs and tribute verses the next week tho. But it is what it is.. such is the life we chose. But maybe that's just how I would see it if I was in his Nike Boots.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

I'm not tryna boast n' brag, but I feel as though I am a NT icon in the making.

I contribute alot to NT. (Specifically the Music Thread).

forget "not sure if serious".  I know you're not serious.
Originally Posted by CJ616

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

I'm not tryna boast n' brag, but I feel as though I am a NT icon in the making.

I contribute alot to NT. (Specifically the Music Thread).

forget "not sure if serious".  I know you're not serious.
Point and case: Any time somebody tries to rise up and be a somebody in whatever they do, people pull them back down. Crabs in an internet barrel. It's pathetic. I don't know if Dipset was serious or not, but I know the response CJ gave is seriously negative. That's just how %*++!$ is online
when i try and tell ppl about NT. i say things like "we" and ppl always look at me crazy, like im the one who started the whole thing

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by MJ All Day45


He doesn't hate Niketalk...he doesn't understand why everyone is always trashing him when he just tries to make helpful post (showing foams and other kicks that he receives early) and he gives out positive suggestions to upcoming artist in the music thread. You don't know the man, so don't speak so "matter of factly, sir"

I'm not gonna go out of my way to prove that I know him because it's not that serious...but he HAS TOLD ME PERSONALLY THAT HE HATES NT GENERAL, and yes he was the first person with "Eggplant ACG Foams" I was there the night Nike gave them to him to perform "Nike Boots" (FACT!)

He gets trashed by NT'ers because I know about 5 or 6 NT'ers that work in entertainment all they've all agreed WALE is jerk in person...very rude, disrespectful, and carries an unnecessary aura of entitlement which I've witness myself and was disgusted by.

Kid Cudi is the only NT'er that will show you love REGARDLESS OF HIS STATUS, he even spoke on WALE dissing his fans and changing up...Not until RECENTLY has WALE tried to rehabilitate is negative image.

You can try to argue the point, but I'm not...I've spoken to the man and several others that's not that serious bro. I'm just stating fact.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Yo Wale back to posting on the regular now? Okaykaykay.
Not to defend dude... but just speaking on persnal experience:

It seems to me like NT mocks its rappers. The guys that get love, get it cynically and sarcastically. Like lil B. Ya'll patronize dude and call it love. More power to him. "Let that boy cook"... all that. But it's not hard to pick up on the small signs that make it seem like we're (read: "rappers that post on NT are")  just a chitlin circuit to most of ya'll. I take it with a grain of salt and a gram of kush. But it's lowball and degrading to us. But we're servants of the service industry of music. So like waitresses, we smile and shut the !$@# up about it cuz we aren't paid to complain. We need ya'll (read: consumers, fans, people, etc) to make us relevant in what we do, and ya'll know it. So like small little tyrants, ya'll let that power go to your heads and treat us (read: certain rappers or otherwise noteworthy NTers) like !@%* at every opportunity. So if Wale come off as distant or says he hates the general forum, I understand why. Mention DC, and instantly there's the lil african kid slapping his head and smiling about "Da Aids".That !@%*'s not exactly 2-way humor. When you got a hunnid cats logged in posting about you, one or two posts might hit home. +#*!$! don't appreciate them same cats expecting shots outs and tribute verses the next week tho. But it is what it is.. such is the life we chose. But maybe that's just how I would see it if I was in his Nike Boots.
Yo, I still listen to SPIN and BIG UP Wale as an artist his fans don't need to know he's an ungrateful  ingrate ...celebrities should have thicker skin, it's part of your job, there's hundreds of magazines, thousands of blogs, and dozens of T.V. shows that make millions off of seeing you fall from grace or documenting chinks in your armor. BUT A TRUE ENTERTAINER know who's his DAY ONE fans are.

Lil B been getting Niketalk love since the days of Darrius's  site HT...I've saw Basegod youtubes in sigs...AND HE STILL GIVES LOVE BACK DIRECTLY,
Wale never shouted out NT, he just say something like "hypebeast", I'm a sneakerhead etc....

Kid Cudi invited NT'ers to his shows FOR FREE, named a pair of dunks "Solo Dolos" and shouts out Niketalk in countless performances....

Why would you take what someone says about DC to heart? It shouldn't effect you personally a lot of NT'ers are 16-18 and being jerks for the day and most likely forget what they've typed within hours and you allow it to effect the rest of your day/life? That's just shows that you might be a fragile person not built for the fame.

As cliche as it sounds, with great power comes great responsibility, FACT! You can't be famous and save the world at the same have to know how to pretend for the camera and "appear" to care....most celebrities are sociopaths that are numb with thick skin and "money is the motive". So you can't connect with common people anymore, you can only remind them that you're fond of they situation and show them the other side of the coin though your what inspires them and makes them connect. Not act like they owe you anything and should know your life struggle and if they don't YOU ACT LIKE A JERK TO THEM (they've could've heard on of your songs minutes early and became an instant fan but not familiar with your life)...That's why Wale love's Australasia, they love him without knowing about D.C.

If people send jokes in your direction that means it's usually a high percentage of truth through observation....NT isn't the only site that has people who bash Wale, there's blogs and other forums too.
I'm still a fan of his music but I'm just stating personal interaction with the guy.
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

I'm not gonna go out of my way to prove that I know him because it's not that serious...but he HAS TOLD ME PERSONALLY THAT HE HATES NT GENERAL, and yes he was the first person with "Eggplant ACG Foams" I was there the night Nike gave them to him to perform "Nike Boots" (FACT!)

He gets trashed by NT'ers because I know about 5 or 6 NT'ers that work in entertainment all they've all agreed WALE is jerk in person...very rude, disrespectful, and carries an unnecessary aura of entitlement which I've witness myself and was disgusted by.

Kid Cudi is the only NT'er that will show you love REGARDLESS OF HIS STATUS, he even spoke on WALE dissing his fans and changing up...Not until RECENTLY has WALE tried to rehabilitate is negative image.

You can try to argue the point, but I'm not...I've spoken to the man and several others that's not that serious bro. I'm just stating fact.
Not to defend dude... but just speaking on persnal experience:

It seems to me like NT mocks its rappers. The guys that get love, get it cynically and sarcastically. Like lil B. Ya'll patronize dude and call it love. More power to him. "Let that boy cook"... all that. But it's not hard to pick up on the small signs that make it seem like we're (read: "rappers that post on NT are")  just a chitlin circuit to most of ya'll. I take it with a grain of salt and a gram of kush. But it's lowball and degrading to us. But we're servants of the service industry of music. So like waitresses, we smile and shut the !$@# up about it cuz we aren't paid to complain. We need ya'll (read: consumers, fans, people, etc) to make us relevant in what we do, and ya'll know it. So like small little tyrants, ya'll let that power go to your heads and treat us (read: certain rappers or otherwise noteworthy NTers) like !@%* at every opportunity. So if Wale come off as distant or says he hates the general forum, I understand why. Mention DC, and instantly there's the lil african kid slapping his head and smiling about "Da Aids".That !@%*'s not exactly 2-way humor. When you got a hunnid cats logged in posting about you, one or two posts might hit home. +#*!$! don't appreciate them same cats expecting shots outs and tribute verses the next week tho. But it is what it is.. such is the life we chose. But maybe that's just how I would see it if I was in his Nike Boots.
Yo, I still listen to SPIN and BIG UP Wale as an artist his fans don't need to know he's an ungrateful  ingrate ...celebrities should have thicker skin, it's part of your job, there's hundreds of magazines, thousands of blogs, and dozens of T.V. shows that make millions off of seeing you fall from grace or documenting chinks in your armor. BUT A TRUE ENTERTAINER know who's his DAY ONE fans are.

Lil B been getting Niketalk love since the days of Darrius's  site HT...I've saw Basegod youtubes in sigs...AND HE STILL GIVES LOVE BACK DIRECTLY,
Wale never shouted out NT, he just say something like "hypebeast", I'm a sneakerhead etc....

Kid Cudi invited NT'ers to his shows FOR FREE, named a pair of dunks "Solo Dolos" and shouts out Niketalk in countless performances....

Why would you take what someone says about DC to heart? It shouldn't effect you personally a lot of NT'ers are 16-18 and being jerks for the day and most likely forget what they've typed within hours and you allow it to effect the rest of your day/life? That's just shows that you might be a fragile person not built for the fame.

As cliche as it sounds, with great power comes great responsibility, FACT! You can't be famous and save the world at the same have to know how to pretend for the camera and "appear" to care....most celebrities are sociopaths that are numb with thick skin and "money is the motive". So you can't connect with common people anymore, you can only remind them that you're fond of they situation and show them the other side of the coin though your what inspires them and makes them connect. Not act like they owe you anything and should know your life struggle and if they don't YOU ACT LIKE A JERK TO THEM (they've could've heard on of your songs minutes early and became an instant fan but not familiar with your life)...That's why Wale love's Australasia, they love him without knowing about D.C.

If people send jokes in your direction that means it's usually a high percentage of truth through observation....NT isn't the only site that has people who bash Wale, there's blogs and other forums too.
I'm still a fan of his music but I'm just stating personal interaction with the guy.
He has shouted out niketalk....maybe you've never heard anything before Mixtape about Nothing...but being in DC I can go back to 100 Miles Running, Hate Is The New Love and find shout outs. When I get off work I will list every song he's ever shouted out niketalk, k?


Wale can't know who you are...he clowned you right after you said that...and those he know he has called them by their first name on here i.e Kev.
I hear what you're saying and all, but do you?

I'm aware of the nature of the WORLD, not just the music biz or the net. Don't nobody owe me %#+#, fact. Thick skin IS part of the game. True. I agree that most of what you've written is true.

All I'm saying is don't justify the reality of what's truly sad. That being that rap fans don't "love" rappers. And it becomes evident on message boards and %#+# like that where rappers and fans can come together and speak openly. We're people too. Actually, that's kinda my whole campaign. The Anti-image, if you will. I'm just thirsty. I still drink sprite for the right reasons
. So if I come off as a normal person with feelings and opinions that just so happens to rap, it's cuz I am. Money doesn't make people less human. And I'm far from rich anyway. But I'd go so far as to say HAVING bread and fame may turn some people out, but the LACK of it turns people into real !*+ holes from concentrate. The Unfamous or uh -- "the Anonymous"... is that what ya'll call it? Whatever.. Well as a "person", Anonymous is a **** hole ALL the time. No days off. What's up with that?

EDIT: I forgot Mr. Neg0tive already hit the nail on the head and I sigged it.. sweet.
Originally Posted by MJ All Day45

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Not to defend dude... but just speaking on persnal experience:

It seems to me like NT mocks its rappers. The guys that get love, get it cynically and sarcastically. Like lil B. Ya'll patronize dude and call it love. More power to him. "Let that boy cook"... all that. But it's not hard to pick up on the small signs that make it seem like we're (read: "rappers that post on NT are")  just a chitlin circuit to most of ya'll. I take it with a grain of salt and a gram of kush. But it's lowball and degrading to us. But we're servants of the service industry of music. So like waitresses, we smile and shut the !$@# up about it cuz we aren't paid to complain. We need ya'll (read: consumers, fans, people, etc) to make us relevant in what we do, and ya'll know it. So like small little tyrants, ya'll let that power go to your heads and treat us (read: certain rappers or otherwise noteworthy NTers) like !@%* at every opportunity. So if Wale come off as distant or says he hates the general forum, I understand why. Mention DC, and instantly there's the lil african kid slapping his head and smiling about "Da Aids".That !@%*'s not exactly 2-way humor. When you got a hunnid cats logged in posting about you, one or two posts might hit home. +#*!$! don't appreciate them same cats expecting shots outs and tribute verses the next week tho. But it is what it is.. such is the life we chose. But maybe that's just how I would see it if I was in his Nike Boots.
Yo, I still listen to SPIN and BIG UP Wale as an artist his fans don't need to know he's an ungrateful  ingrate ...celebrities should have thicker skin, it's part of your job, there's hundreds of magazines, thousands of blogs, and dozens of T.V. shows that make millions off of seeing you fall from grace or documenting chinks in your armor. BUT A TRUE ENTERTAINER know who's his DAY ONE fans are.

Lil B been getting Niketalk love since the days of Darrius's  site HT...I've saw Basegod youtubes in sigs...AND HE STILL GIVES LOVE BACK DIRECTLY,
Wale never shouted out NT, he just say something like "hypebeast", I'm a sneakerhead etc....

Kid Cudi invited NT'ers to his shows FOR FREE, named a pair of dunks "Solo Dolos" and shouts out Niketalk in countless performances....

Why would you take what someone says about DC to heart? It shouldn't effect you personally a lot of NT'ers are 16-18 and being jerks for the day and most likely forget what they've typed within hours and you allow it to effect the rest of your day/life? That's just shows that you might be a fragile person not built for the fame.

As cliche as it sounds, with great power comes great responsibility, FACT! You can't be famous and save the world at the same have to know how to pretend for the camera and "appear" to care....most celebrities are sociopaths that are numb with thick skin and "money is the motive". So you can't connect with common people anymore, you can only remind them that you're fond of they situation and show them the other side of the coin though your what inspires them and makes them connect. Not act like they owe you anything and should know your life struggle and if they don't YOU ACT LIKE A JERK TO THEM (they've could've heard on of your songs minutes early and became an instant fan but not familiar with your life)...That's why Wale love's Australasia, they love him without knowing about D.C.

If people send jokes in your direction that means it's usually a high percentage of truth through observation....NT isn't the only site that has people who bash Wale, there's blogs and other forums too.
I'm still a fan of his music but I'm just stating personal interaction with the guy.
He has shouted out niketalk....maybe you've never heard anything before Mixtape about Nothing...but being in DC I can go back to 100 Miles Running, Hate Is The New Love and find shout outs. When I get off work I will list every song he's ever shouted out niketalk, k?


Wale can't know who you are...he clowned you right after you said that...and those he know he has called them by their first name on here i.e Kev.
I'm talking recently! Shouted out NT....I have all the mixtapes and know when NT has gotten shouted out...and been to 10 Wale shows....I NEVER heard him shout out NT

and that's the sarcasm, entitlement of which I speak,  on twitter there's celebs with 4 million think they know ALL 4 million by first name? How dudes FAMOUS and name dropping
regular dudes for sake of argument.

I know dudes from Wale's entourage that have NT accounts you can't really just throw a name and expect people to run with that.



You can call me dumb all you doesn't change the fact what I speak is TRUTH. And Wale's record sales are TRUTH too....  "Numbers don't lie"
truthfully, Wale doesn't owe NT #*@&. Neither does Ben Baller, Lil B, or anybody else with fame who happened to be affiliated with NT in some way.
Originally Posted by CJ616

truthfully, Wale doesn't owe NT #*@&. Neither does Ben Baller, Lil B, or anybody else with fame who happened to be affiliated with NT in some way.

Originally Posted by CJ616

truthfully, Wale doesn't owe NT #*@&. Neither does Ben Baller, Lil B, or anybody else with fame who happened to be affiliated with NT in some way.

That's what I've said:
As cliche as it sounds, with great power comes great responsibility, FACT! You can't be famous and save the world at the same have to know how to pretend for the camera and "appear" to care....most celebrities are sociopaths that are numb with thick skin and "money is the motive". So you can't connect with common people anymore, you can only remind them that you're fond of their situation and show them the other side of the coin though your what inspires them and makes them connect.
The topic of discussion is how proud of you are NT and it's members? which brings us full circle to the original comment which took discussion in this direction from page 1
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Proud of who Dom nope rapping five years damn near and no album yet.Wale not at all son album was so trash mixtapes are great.I'm not proud of these folks because they rap no way.I'm proud of the dudes who post on here 365 24/7 cats who donate money to causes and who actually contribute to the site consistently.Wale and Dom don't do that .They are nonfactors.
As usual Wale's heart can't take hearing "cold water splashed to his face"....
Call me old fashioned, but I've always felt the relationship between artist and audience was symbiotic. We do it for ya'll. Ya'll love us for what we do. Simple. All this bravado of "I don't wanna be the one to say I care first" is like middle school dating. But what do I know.. I'm just me..
Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

Kid Cudi's a NTer? wow, never knew that.

This is news to me as well. Especially the shout-out stuff. I mean we are hearing this from a professional insider with a hip-hop rolodex... 
fam is so misinformed about the basedgod movement.

it all started from a thread where someone was clowning the like a Martian video. then later the official thread was made. This all happened like a year ago, not 07
Originally Posted by MontellGriffin97

fam is so misinformed about the basedgod movement.

it all started from a thread where someone was clowning the like a Martian video. then later the official thread was made. This all happened like a year ago, not 07
We are all wrong...he is the Hip-Hop Insider

Originally Posted by MontellGriffin97

fam is so misinformed about the basedgod movement.

it all started from a thread where someone was clowning the like a Martian video. then later the official thread was made. This all happened like a year ago, not 07

Really? just tar'd and feathered yourself, that's maybe where YOU thought it started, but "Based God" was being posted under the radar on HT and NT since late 07...FACT!
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by MontellGriffin97

fam is so misinformed about the basedgod movement.

it all started from a thread where someone was clowning the like a Martian video. then later the official thread was made. This all happened like a year ago, not 07

Really? just tar'd and feathered yourself, that's maybe where YOU thought it started, but "Based God" was being posted under the radar on HT and NT since late 07...FACT!
I really wanna believe you but post link to threads...they can still be obtained. Show threads about Lil Boss form 07
Wale tweeted about going on #NT just the other day. What can you really expect him to do? I'd rather just have the people who make it continue to give input, info and lulz like a normal NTer. They'd just be able to add to the repertoire of backgrounds of people NT has to draw from for contributions.
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