How punctual are you for work?

I'm usually anywhere from 5-10 minutes early to 5-10 minutes late
I don't have a set time to be in. All the command staff like Sergeant Major and Lietenant Colonel show up around 9:15 or so, so I just make sure to bethere before them. Then I still get to take 1.5hr lunches with them and be out at 1630 yet still clock 8hrs a day when technically that's like 6. It'sa benefit of being a Civil Service (although in my case I'm a contractor) worker who works with servicemen.
It's impossible to be late as I see knives for Cutco on appointments.

I'm always at least 30 minutes early for work. I can't imagine rolling in just on time for work. I need time to relax at my desk before work begins.
I usually start off being on time, then depending on how others are, I begin caring less and less.

My last job once I learned we were getting laid off and realized I had like at least write ups to go before I could be fired, I used to be late and leave likean hour or two early all the time

The one before that I used to stay coming late but I usually stayed later too, and I busted my tail.
Notoriously late ... until the boss starts cracking down, then I am right on time!
usually 10-15 mins early so I can plan out who to assign to what. Mornings I get there 30 mins early so i can run the paperwork before everyone gets there
Originally Posted by 3onPar5

Originally Posted by Cz7

and some people wonder why they don't get raises/get fired


punctuality is overrated. give me the guy that comes in a few minutes late but lets me know ahead of time and comes in and gets stuff done insteadof the employee who feels a sense of entitlement because they've been there for years, come on time everyday but are lazy because they feel them beingthere forever and them comming in on time is good enough.

now an employee who comes in on time and gets stuff done is a perfect employee but alot of employees i dealt with had an attitude that them being there andcomming in on time every day was good enough and didn't focus on the tacks and dutys they should be doing.
my boss is cool. i've walked in late a few times from 5mins to an hour. he does the same thing. but as much as possible, i'm normally at work about15-20 mins before start time to turn on my computer, set up my browser with tabs: email, NT, ebay, espn, FB and SDUT (San Diego Union Tribune.)
Im always 2-10 minutes late. No one cares (at least I dont think so. The managers havent said anything to me)

But when I get a real job, that always going to work late thing will be a thing of the past.
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