How should a man's body count correspond to that of a woman's?

The girl that I waited the longest to smash, ended up being the loosest I've ever dated, and with my track record, that is saying something.

From then on, that showed how much faith I should put in to arbitrary ****.
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Can someone tell me what is the fascination with virgins? It is kind of disturbing. Wouldn't you want a woman who is experienced? Breaking a girl's virginity is not such a great sexual experience.
I remember talking to some persian chicks in college and they said they would do anal with dudes they were dating since they had to be virgins when they got married.

- also make sure the first girl you ever date doesn't have a high body count and is a freak. Every sexual partner after that you'll have some crazy expectations.
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For real, though... I knew this girl from NY, chick told me that when she was 16, she would pick up guys from some chat site and had a different dude every other day for two months straight and S'd this one dudes D every single day that summer.

No ***********.

For real, though... I knew this girl from NY, chick told me that when she was 16, she would pick up guys from some chat site and had a different dude every other day for two months straight and S'd this one dudes D every single day that summer.

No ***********.
Damn I knew a chick from CT who practically told me the same thing sans the same dude for all summer part

outta curiosity how did these girls look?
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