How to be a Man???? Vol. Im not man enought...%!*

Dec 8, 2006
Ok so NT me and my girl jus stopped talking. We were arguing and she told me that "Im too nice and I need to be more of a man". Her exact words. Idont know what that means. I

Did everything to treat this girl right (buy her things, listened to her problems all the good stuff) then for her to tell me that was a blow. She complainedabout me always holding

things in and never saying it at the moment and how I always get mad at her texting/talking on the phone and I always ask who is she texting. I would alwaysbuy her food, clothes,

take her to her fav restaraunt and anything she asked for . She also told me she is used to aggressive guys. I mean I thought I was doing her a favor becauseher last relationship her

BF beat her, cheated,cussed her out, and put her thru soo muc ishh and I wanted to show her that there are some good guys out there. I mean how

should I play it the next time im in a relationshiP. I feel like she is soooo unappreciative because just the day before we went to the mall and I got hershoes and clothes and took

her to her fav restaraunt. So whats my Problem?

Oh and yes I did take back all the stuff I bought her the day before we got into the argument. I said "Since im too nice, give me all my *%#$ i got uyesterday".
Originally Posted by dbbabd

"Since im too nice, give me all my *%#$ i got u yesterday".

.. That's a start i guess some broads like being mistreated weirdo type @*@+man
If you think you can come to nt,or anywhere on the internet for that matter and learn how to be a got way bigger issues then female issues
You're not smashing hard enough.


Nah but:

It's not you, it's the girl. She is used to someone that beats her up, you didn't so she found her way out of the relationship.
But don't be a pushover

That's what it is.
Originally Posted by dbbabd

"Im too nice and I need to be more of a man".
Soon as she said that you should've said "%#@^% you aint @#$%!" You would've been smashing within minutes.
Originally Posted by geminifly

Originally Posted by dbbabd

"Im too nice and I need to be more of a man".
Soon as she said that you should've said "%#@^% you aint @#$%!" You would've been smashing within minutes.
The funny thing is you probably right about that
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

It's not you, it's the girl. She is used to someone that beats her up, you didn't so she found her way out of the relationship.
But don't be a pushover
Dead on point.

Thats why I be telling dudes to treat these girls right. You can treat a girl bad and ruin her for life. We need more good fathers to teach their little girlshow men are supposed to treat them and we need the fathers to teach the sons how to treat a lady.

Oh and dude don't always keep stuff in. If she buggin tell her.

Soon as she said that you should've said "%#@^% you aint @#$%!"
Takin that !*!@ back is a good start. Ignore her %$$ forreal my dude, let her find a chump that's gon sex her bff in front of her and laugh about it.Don't even waste ya time.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

It's not you, it's the girl. She is used to someone that beats her up, you didn't so she found her way out of the relationship.
But don't be a pushover

Give her what she thinks she wants.
cheat on her
dont listen to her
g-check her heavy
every so often when she goes into the typical "girl babble"just tell her to STFUYDB!
smash and run

girls are never happy, no matter what. if you would have been "more of a man" she would have said your not kind or caring or sensitive enough.
As a man you can only do so much, you tried homeboy, f it.
Girls don't know what they want so I treat them like I treat everyone special treatments. I'm sure just as long as you laying that good pipeit shouldn't matter.
Originally Posted by DomNator27



I love NT! A dude could come on here and say, "My dog died today and it really upset me" and someone would hit 'em with:


I'm not clowning DomNator27; I just think it's funny.
Whip it out and show her your manhood. then use your manhood to shut her the hell up
If you want her, specifically, then all that caring crap you have going on...throw it out the window. She doesn't appreciate what you're doing for her, so take it away. Simple.

If you were smart, you'd let her go about her business so you'd be free to find someone who'd appreciate you.
maybe you aren't being yourself right now you are giving her everything she want and you think its making her happy, if you are being yourself then you arebeing a lil push over she would do anything and she could get away with it in the end you will get hurt by it not one of those that be like "man up, treat her like this and that" but if you doin all that, and she says something like that....alllsigns point to you be soft.

nothin wrong with that, just find that girl who wants to be treated like a lady.
nice guys are always attracted to B words
and nice girls are attracted to aholes
i don't understand it either
i'm over the ahole phase but these B words are messing it up for the rest of "nice girls" ugh.
for a chick who appreciates that $+*!. she's probably a trick if she doesn't
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