How to make friends? vol. need help


Aug 1, 2011
I used to have a ton of friends but I basically have none now. The only people I hang out with are my girlfriend and a good friend who I've known for very long. For whatever reason I have lost touch with old friends or they simply moved to other states over time. I am honestly starting to become depressed. Where can I go/What can I do to make new friends? It doesn't help that I am not the most social of people, I'm rather shy. Seriously nt any help is greatly appreciated!

I have already gone to my girl who seems to have an endless amount of friends and received "it's not that hard just talk to people" This is my problem though. I become nervous around strangers and freeze up. I don't actually feel nervous but I go silent so my only guess is that I'm nervous? Has anybody overcome this?

Thanks nt <3
Originally Posted by AyoDun

I used to have a ton of friends but I basically have none now. The only people I hang out with are my girlfriend and a good friend who I've known for very long. For whatever reason I have lost touch with old friends or they simply moved to other states over time. I am honestly starting to become depressed. Where can I go/What can I do to make new friends? It doesn't help that I am not the most social of people, I'm rather shy. Seriously nt any help is greatly appreciated!

I have already gone to my girl who seems to have an endless amount of friends and received "it's not that hard just talk to people" This is my problem though. I become nervous around strangers and freeze up. I don't actually feel nervous but I go silent so my only guess is that I'm nervous? Has anybody overcome this?

Thanks nt <3
Do you play any sports? I have met alot of my friends playing pick-up ball with them.
just meet people at school or work and you don't need endless amounts of friends because having too much friends can be trouble at times
smile and talk to people
if you're really shy set small goals and work your way up

small talk with one random person a day or something like that
Shyness comes from the fear of the unknown.

You won't never know anything, especially who are as a person, if you don't get out there and just be you.

People will or won't gravitate to you. Those who do, can be your new friends.

Just don't forget to close the deal. Don't be that cool guy who doesn't ask for names or numbers.
Sounds like you have 2 friends. Some people have no one they like to hang around. If I am 40 and I have one good friend, I'd be thrilled.

Does your girlfriend mind if you make lady friends? OKCupid is a great site to meet friends of the opposite sex. It's not much of a dating site at all if you don't want it to be.

As for guys, it helps to be into athletics. You could join a hiking group, cooking class, spiritual group, gamblers anonymous, etc. The hobbies you have will open up networks for friendship. Are there still regional NT summits? That would be ideal too.
Originally Posted by Too Much

Originally Posted by AyoDun

I used to have a ton of friends but I basically have none now. The only people I hang out with are my girlfriend and a good friend who I've known for very long. For whatever reason I have lost touch with old friends or they simply moved to other states over time. I am honestly starting to become depressed. Where can I go/What can I do to make new friends? It doesn't help that I am not the most social of people, I'm rather shy. Seriously nt any help is greatly appreciated!

I have already gone to my girl who seems to have an endless amount of friends and received "it's not that hard just talk to people" This is my problem though. I become nervous around strangers and freeze up. I don't actually feel nervous but I go silent so my only guess is that I'm nervous? Has anybody overcome this?

Thanks nt <3
Do you play any sports? I have met alot of my friends playing pick-up ball with them.
Sadly no
It seems like that's one of the best ways to make friends.

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

where you live? Ill hang out with you
Is that really you in your facebook? I remember your old nt name

Thanks for the ideas and help, I'm going to try and find something that interests me that I can join. Hopefully I can meet people that way.

I honestly think I might have some type of social phobia, anyone on nt had that? I'm definitely more social now then I ever was but it has taken a ton of work to get to where I am which isn't even that far
Originally Posted by Too Much

Originally Posted by AyoDun

I used to have a ton of friends but I basically have none now. The only people I hang out with are my girlfriend and a good friend who I've known for very long. For whatever reason I have lost touch with old friends or they simply moved to other states over time. I am honestly starting to become depressed. Where can I go/What can I do to make new friends? It doesn't help that I am not the most social of people, I'm rather shy. Seriously nt any help is greatly appreciated!

I have already gone to my girl who seems to have an endless amount of friends and received "it's not that hard just talk to people" This is my problem though. I become nervous around strangers and freeze up. I don't actually feel nervous but I go silent so my only guess is that I'm nervous? Has anybody overcome this?

Thanks nt <3
Do you play any sports? I have met alot of my friends playing pick-up ball with them.
I always thought this was the easiest way to make friends for guys.
Originally Posted by Too Much

Originally Posted by AyoDun

I used to have a ton of friends but I basically have none now. The only people I hang out with are my girlfriend and a good friend who I've known for very long. For whatever reason I have lost touch with old friends or they simply moved to other states over time. I am honestly starting to become depressed. Where can I go/What can I do to make new friends? It doesn't help that I am not the most social of people, I'm rather shy. Seriously nt any help is greatly appreciated!

I have already gone to my girl who seems to have an endless amount of friends and received "it's not that hard just talk to people" This is my problem though. I become nervous around strangers and freeze up. I don't actually feel nervous but I go silent so my only guess is that I'm nervous? Has anybody overcome this?

Thanks nt <3
Do you play any sports? I have met alot of my friends playing pick-up ball with them.

This is exactly how I made friends at my new university.
Just find a group of people that you have something in common with them. If you like to party, find other people who like to party and party together. If you like to smoke, find other people that do. Video games--, sports-- etc.
You say your girlfriend has lots of friends and is social why do you guys do some group dates with her friends. You might not make any solid bros or friends but it will help you talking to people so they arnt totally random. You migh meet someone cool that will introduce you to his circle and you can meet more people.
No friends to make at work? But, the real issue, or hindrance, is your shyness. Once you find a way to become more social, you'll make friends.
Become magically good looking, wealthy, funny, or - and this is just a suggestion - make a myspace.
Pick up ball is a great way, I've met people playing ping pong, pool, honestly now that I think about it it really isn't that hard.

Just find people you're comfortable with, joke around and once everyone starts laughing and joining in it's all good.

Where do you live though? If you live in a small town I can see how it might be difficult.
Originally Posted by aceofjays

No friends to make at work? But, the real issue, or hindrance, is your shyness. Once you find a way to become more social, you'll make friends.
This! I honestly don't have trouble finding people, just talking and being social is my problem.

Originally Posted by scshift

Pick up ball is a great way, I've met people playing ping pong, pool, honestly now that I think about it it really isn't that hard.

Just find people you're comfortable with, joke around and once everyone starts laughing and joining in it's all good.

Where do you live though? If you live in a small town I can see how it might be difficult.
I live in nyc so I have no excuse

Originally Posted by Slicknick951

You say your girlfriend has lots of friends and is social why do you guys do some group dates with her friends. You might not make any solid bros or friends but it will help you talking to people so they arnt totally random. You migh meet someone cool that will introduce you to his circle and you can meet more people.
I have met like over 200 of her friends in the past 6 months we have been together. There are definitely a bunch of cool people I have met but I honestly don't want to have the same friends as my girlfriend. It is sorta one gigantic group of people who know each other, they all met because they played those ddr games at an arcade
I just find it weird becoming friends with my girlfriends friends
option a. go to a party with a bag of abracadabra!

option b. participate in a yugioh tournament at your local comic book shop

option c. 

Man you getting bunz, why you tripping. Anyway, friends can be overrated at times, a lot of people claim to have friends but it's really a bunch of associates and fake friends that ain't willing to ride or die for them. I'm tired of all the fakery, don't mind being by myself unless I'm with cool people that are going to have my back.

Just go out and be yourself, once you meet a person with the same interests as you, don't be afraid to put yourself out there and try to set something up with that person. I know it's really wack to get rejected by a dude, but that's the way the game goes. Sports is a good way, but professional organizations, civic/cultural activities, music/concerts, and events involving the eternal chase of poon, are all ways to make good friends.

Check out

I've met several cool people through clubs I've joined from that site.
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