How to Make it in America Episode 3 & 4

No new episode tonight.... I think they released episode 4 along with episode 3 because of the Oscars.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

@ everyone saying entourage and this show are completely different.

go watch entourage, go see all the name dropping they do in that show, from actors, to television shows, to movies, to directors... hell, Turtle had an episode where they basically name dropped the whole underground sneaker artist collabo scene we are on a message board for.
i actually like cudi's character. He's real funny in a weird way. makes me wonder if cudi really acts like that.
finally seen this show by accident, a friend was watchin it on demand

i seen kid cudi and flight club and they talked about supreme and selling sneakers

no wonder u guys like this show

but it still sucks
I like the show but I don't see how it's like Entourage. Entourage had Jessica Alba in its first season and the show was about to be canceled until it gained popularity during the summer when HBO repeatedly put it on replay. I enjoy the comedy at times and don't dissect every scene and just take it for what it is.
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