How To Make It In America (season 2) thread Vol. CANCELLED AS OF 12/20 =/

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by bay1591

Here is a petition to bring How to Make it in America back....sign the petition and go to your email and confirm it. NT fam lets do this!

I'll be happy if it comes back but I cant see it on another network. I wonder which one could it be on and not change too much?
This is New York, how many people try to "make it" for years? This show had at least another 6 seasons left to go. Cam and Ben were 28-29 that's the perfect age career wise where stuff really starts to take off. The writers could've made season 3 about Kappo character becoming a solid part of the team, or Domingo and Rachel story line would've gotten interesting. Season One Rachel dumped Ben because he wasn't career minded, but then she hooks up with his friend Domingo a pot dealing dog walker. HBO makes some of the dumbest choices when it comes to budgets and cancellation of  popular shows *coughs* "The Wire" *coughs* Entourage.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

This is New York, how many people try to "make it" for years? This show had at least another 6 seasons left to go. Cam and Ben were 28-29 that's the perfect age career wise where stuff really starts to take off. The writers could've made season 3 about Kappo character becoming a solid part of the team, or Domingo and Rachel story line would've gotten interesting. Season One Rachel dumped Ben because he wasn't career minded, but then she hooks up with his friend Domingo a pot dealing dog walker. HBO makes some of the dumbest choices when it comes to budgets and cancellation of  popular shows *coughs* "The Wire" *coughs* Entourage.
I dont think Entourage was cancelled as much as the producers/writers just didnt want to do it anymore.
You could kind of see the show had already run its course anyways.
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

This is New York, how many people try to "make it" for years? This show had at least another 6 seasons left to go. Cam and Ben were 28-29 that's the perfect age career wise where stuff really starts to take off. The writers could've made season 3 about Kappo character becoming a solid part of the team, or Domingo and Rachel story line would've gotten interesting. Season One Rachel dumped Ben because he wasn't career minded, but then she hooks up with his friend Domingo a pot dealing dog walker. HBO makes some of the dumbest choices when it comes to budgets and cancellation of  popular shows *coughs* "The Wire" *coughs* Entourage.
I dont think Entourage was cancelled as much as the producers/writers just didnt want to do it anymore.
You could kind of see the show had already run its course anyways.

The show was about Ari, Lloyd, Mrs Ari the firm as much as it was about Vince. Ari owned a TALENT agency, Vince could've slowly be written out of the lead role like Mark Walhberg in real life.
Mark happens to be a behind the scenes juggernaut they could have paralleled Vince to Mark's new career paths. Ari and Lloyd's saga could've only gotten better, E could've demanded a larger piece of California and Ari would've gave it ti him.

That's ONE of the shows that didn't have to go.
Instead of starting a new thread, there's numerous complaints about the show being cut off the air. Execs said the story line couldn't survive multiple seasons, I beg to differ. 
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

This is New York, how many people try to "make it" for years? This show had at least another 6 seasons left to go. Cam and Ben were 28-29 that's the perfect age career wise where stuff really starts to take off. The writers could've made season 3 about Kappo character becoming a solid part of the team, or Domingo and Rachel story line would've gotten interesting. Season One Rachel dumped Ben because he wasn't career minded, but then she hooks up with his friend Domingo a pot dealing dog walker. HBO makes some of the dumbest choices when it comes to budgets and cancellation of  popular shows *coughs* "The Wire" *coughs* Entourage.

the show wasnt going anywhere...  people always have high aspirations for shows and pot dreams about storylines and resolutions but thats not what this show was about.  it was an excuse to name drop cool nyc spots, squeeze in as much product placement as possible, play cool new music, and show boobs.

the show was going nowhere fast and its ratings honestly werent very good.  there was no reason for this show to come back.

it's not even like it was a realistic portrayal of trying to make it in nyc.  rachel was an unemployed 29 year old writer with a gigantic 1 bedroom apartment, yet somehow complained about money?  how was she affording the !!+#%@# apartment?? same goes for ben's character and so forth. 

luis guzman's character was unbearable.  i liked and was curious about domingo and cam but the writers were never gonna flesh out their stories and people need to accept that.  the series had 2 seasons to give us the tiniest bit of insight into domingo and all we got is he sells weed? (yet somehow he lives in a baller $%$ apartment too and only smashes models -- not totally unrealistic because i know people who do that, but come on.  explain to us how and why dead end job domingo manages that.)

the show came out the gates like season 5 of entourage -- with no real forward momentum and too much of an emphasis on being cool, without the story to back it up.  i'd rather see the same show concept reappear later but with better writers managing things.  as is, wahlberg was just using the show as an excuse to pimp mountain dew and japanese cotton to y'all, and you were eating the %$@+ up.

P.S.  I do miss ****** $%$ Lake Bell and her heavenly body, though.
It was very realistic as far as career goals and locations for 28-29 year old singles, Williamsburg, L.E.S. Nolita, SoHo, East Village. These places have become relatively cheap, $2200-$3000 a month for a place Domingo's, Rachel and Cam's size. 

In Manhattan the average pot dealer can make some decent cash with the right crowd and clientele, rich, privileged, heirs and heiress' looking to score quick at a party without going to jail.
He making $2000-$3000 a week with ease.

Cam in the quintessential Hispanic of today in NYC, his character couldn't have been acted out any more accurate. Ben also, his character was dead on. Kappo was a little far fetched but it made good t.v. 
All the experiences these guys went through good or bad has happened to me on a smaller scale, this show had VIEWERS. Maybe not the demographic HBO is looking for, but it definitely had upset viewers when it cancelled.
Originally Posted by ChaosTheory

^$2-3000 a month for rent is cheap?? By yourself?? Please..
This is NEW YORK you're not finding anything cheaper that's safe in a good quality neighborhood.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by ChaosTheory

^$2-3000 a month for rent is cheap?? By yourself?? Please..
This is NEW YORK you're not finding anything cheaper that's safe in a good quality neighborhood.

son, i lived in the west village in a big ##% subsidized studio apartment for $1750 on a student's salary and i was BROKE
  these people are not living broke.

rachel is a writer.  an unemployed writer at that. she's not affording that big ##% apartment.  same with domingo.  weed dealer or not.

now if their parents are helping them thats another story, because i know people like that, but then why wouldn't the writers at least flesh this TINY point out.  give us any bit of detail about the characters' pasts.

the only ones we kind of know about are ben and cam -- ben went to fashion school for at least one semester, but what happened there?  they never reapproached or fleshed that out.  luis guzman's character should only have existed to further explain cam's past brush ins with the law etc.  why was he getting the most air time of everyone???

i just found it hard to accept that we're supposed to believe they're going through the same struggle i am.  i have friends who "know people" who work at every bar too and i get that the field and career theyre in requires a lot of going out and mingling and that's ok.  but show dudes struggling too... it's not all popped bottles and naked hipster chicks.

for a show that was about the grind of breaking out and making it from nothing, everything seems to just kinda work out despite the lack of effort of the stars.  there are no repercussions for any of their decisions.

don't even get me started on joe pantagliano's cameo or how they snatched up the italian tailor.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by ChaosTheory

^$2-3000 a month for rent is cheap?? By yourself?? Please..
This is NEW YORK you're not finding anything cheaper that's safe in a good quality neighborhood.

son, i lived in the west village in a big ##% subsidized studio apartment for $1750 on a student's salary and i was BROKE
  these people are not living broke.

You got lucky and found a deal. But as far as Rachel she was an Interior Designer, she was only unemployed for a bit. She was hired for an interior design column writer in season two. Why do you keep insisting she was unemployed?
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by ChaosTheory

^$2-3000 a month for rent is cheap?? By yourself?? Please..
This is NEW YORK you're not finding anything cheaper that's safe in a good quality neighborhood.
son, i lived in the west village in a big ##% subsidized studio apartment for $1750 on a student's salary and i was BROKE
  these people are not living broke.
lol, you're 1000% correct
it doesnt piss me off often, but sometimes you gotta sit back and laugh at movies with "slackers" that are "broke"

dudes have new cars, big apartments, they force some product placement in there and it's like 
Nako kind of summed up everything wrong with this show.  It was too much about "I'm partying in the Jane," "I'm at 1OAK," or "Avenue" instead of any charavter development or semblance of a real script.  Show sucked.
Even though I hate hispters, "I just want my pants back," is a far better show that focuses very much on the same demographic.  Not that I've ever watched it or anything
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