How To Make It In America (season 2) thread Vol. CANCELLED AS OF 12/20 =/

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by ChaosTheory

^$2-3000 a month for rent is cheap?? By yourself?? Please..
This is NEW YORK you're not finding anything cheaper that's safe in a good quality neighborhood.

son, i lived in the west village in a big ##% subsidized studio apartment for $1750 on a student's salary and i was BROKE
  these people are not living broke.

rachel is a writer.  an unemployed writer at that. she's not affording that big ##% apartment.  same with domingo.  weed dealer or not.

now if their parents are helping them thats another story, because i know people like that, but then why wouldn't the writers at least flesh this TINY point out.  give us any bit of detail about the characters' pasts.

the only ones we kind of know about are ben and cam -- ben went to fashion school for at least one semester, but what happened there?  they never reapproached or fleshed that out.  luis guzman's character should only have existed to further explain cam's past brush ins with the law etc.  why was he getting the most air time of everyone???

i just found it hard to accept that we're supposed to believe they're going through the same struggle i am.  i have friends who "know people" who work at every bar too and i get that the field and career theyre in requires a lot of going out and mingling and that's ok.  but show dudes struggling too... it's not all popped bottles and naked hipster chicks.

for a show that was about the grind of breaking out and making it from nothing, everything seems to just kinda work out despite the lack of effort of the stars.  there are no repercussions for any of their decisions.

don't even get me started on joe pantagliano's cameo or how they snatched up the italian tailor.

Ok. I was like how the hell do they afford all this stuff?
Also thought the bump was because somebody decided to pick the show back up lol
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still cant get over how they canceled this show and kept enlightened :smh:

Enlightened got a Golden Globe in a major category...which is probably the only reason it was saved. HBO keeps certain shows based on acclaim and maintaining relationships with certain actors/directors/producers (prime example: Treme so they can stay in the David Simon business).

Getting rid of How to Make it made way for endless publicity and Emmy nominations for Lena Dunham and Girls. And an Emmy win in a major category and publicity for Veep.
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Cam - Victor Rasuk was doing the voice work for the taco hell commercials before they started using noted chef Lorena Garcia...As much as I liked the show HTMIIA was getting the ratings to justify keeping it on, Treme is. Keep in mind, none of Simon's shows got huge ratings.
i was watching this at work today!

saw this thread back and i thought there was goin to be good news.. :frown:
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