How to tell if the sales clerk,etc. is feeling you?

Jun 29, 2008
Stupid thread because we all know that attractive women and men are used to sell items as stated by social psychologisy Robert Cialdini in his book Influencebut are there instances in which cashiers, clerks, etc are actually showing interest in you? My case was just a few hours ago in which I went to the mall andMacy's had these gorgeous women trying to entice people into getting a Macy's credit card. Macy's using Cialdini's "Liking" weapon ofinfluence efficiently got me to go in and get one. Mind you I needed to get a Macy's card anyway since I want to build my credit score in an easy way sinceI can make those payments faster. She was probably my age or three years older, cute face, nice hair, nice eyes, no body but the face made up for what shelacked. She was very enthusiastic and gave me comments on how nice I was (manners) and asking me questions about what I wanted to do out of school, where did Igo, etc, etc. So, I ask you players of NT, was I being felt or used for a commission (which I was and don't care, she needs it more than I do) and have youbagged sales reps?
WORD! Inquiring minds would like to know! I can never tell if it's flirt game or sales game with those chicks
... a man can dream though
Originally Posted by Regal Black

nah bro, just keep it moving. She's trying to get that $, hence why she's in sales.
I usually do but my mom told me yesterday to get a Macy's card since I was going to the mall today. She got a sucker today. I'd drill that%%$# though.

"I bet you think strippers like you too."

Hired guns man,

never fall for 'em.

See if they still flirty during their break.

Julius F. Wrek
Normally you have to ask non work related questions to her; you should never let her rule the conversation
because the questions she's asking you she probably recited over and over again as her shift went by....
Make yourself the one she remembers.
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


"I bet you think strippers like you too."

Hired guns man,

never fall for 'em.

See if they still flirty during their break.

Julius F. Wrek

Yup, any job with commission you're pretty much guaranteed to have them working you, don't fall for it. There's an outside chance they could beinterested, but if they're attractive then they know it, and will use it to their advantage. She's nice and enthusiastic because it's a better wayto get a sale, sign up, etc.

Now if they're just a regular worker, no commission, there's a better chance that she could have been interested, but still probably not.
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


"I bet you think strippers like you too."

Hired guns man,

never fall for 'em.

See if they still flirty during their break.

Julius F. Wrek
You guys are letting me have it. I knew she wasn't interested. Have you ever had any luck though?
yo Rell....the other day, when I was driving to New Hampshire, I stopped off at the mall in Buffaloand went and got a shirt at Express...the girl in the changeroom helping me was giving me the business and she was sexy as all hell...talking about the mediumshirt was my size, buy my shoulders were too broad, and how it wasnt a bad thing.....talking about how I have good taste in clothing and such....I shouldaacquired her # but when I went to go to the ATM shorty was gone...

And another time, I met this chick in Niagara Falls at the Fossil outlet, I bought this Mikey Korswatch, but since I didnt want to use my CC I had to go to the ATM, homegirl escorted me to the ATM at the other side of the her number....but I hadto lose her cause she made me get a hotel room for no reason....trifflin +@* chic, talking bout she aint believe I was coming to spend the night...

off track, but to answer your question - it is ALWAYS possible to pull someone selling yousomething....many of these retail workers are not on commission anymore, so they are being genuine in their efforts....give it a shot, what do you have tolose?
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