How well do you think TMAC will do this year?

Tracy McGrady will never have a problem scorring, dude is a scoring machine, so if healthy, 20ppg+ for sure. If not, I think another injury riddled year willforce him to retire. I really feel bad for him though, I hope he comes back with a chip on his shoulder and proves everybody wrong.
If he's healthy, and that's a BIG IF, he should have a decent season. Maybe 18-20pts a game 4ast 4reb but its time for
him to accept maybe being a 3rd option on a team. Maybe next year he can go to a contender like the Blazers and
be a good 3rd option but he can't be the go to guy anymore..
In Tim Grover, I trust

23-25PPG 5 6 is basically what he's averaged his whole career as a Rocket. And that's with various injuries along the way. So, coming back from this,fixed up, I don't see how he doesn't put up numbers along those lines. Especially considering it's a contract year.
T-Mac is my dude and the Rockets are my team but...

i dont see him playin over 40 games and without yao i dont think we'll make it out the first round of the playoffs
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

T-Mac is my dude and the Rockets are my team but...

i dont see him playin over 40 games and without yao i dont think we'll make it out the first round of the playoffs

no offense or anything are Rockets fans still thinking playoffs? let alone making it out the first round???
Originally Posted by nyk buc

word is that he'll be back for the first game year of the year. i know lots pf peeps on here think he's done. but he's my boy and i'm still optimistic that he'll at least put up 20, 5, 5. what do y'all think?
I'm optimistic as well. He's had a lot of time to recover and get healthy.
Where are people getting these low $!* stats from? If he actually plays, he's not going to put up mediocre stats. He can still score, he just gets hurt.If he can stay healthy for at least half a season, he will definitely be putting up around 20, 5 and 5.

People acting like he can't ball at all anymore.
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

just a little better than marbury.
marbury can't even get on the court when he's 200% healthy. tracy at 30% will get on the court. cmon man
what makes Tmac any different then Gilbert, kidd,Cweb,Allen Houston and Amare? all them guys took like 2 years to even get some where close to what they use tobe and Tmac is going to be different and come back in less then a year and put up numbers? then add in tmac is ALWAYS hurt with something and he is going to befine?
It's a less serious microfracture than them other dudes though. That's why initally they said he could play on it. And he did for like 20 games untilhe shut it down. So, if he comes back healed from this minor microfracture surgery, we'd have to assume the knee isn't gonna be a problem anymore. Ofcourse, he's historically been dinged up, so there could always something else that hinders him. But considering he's always put up numbers whiledinged up, he should continue to do so, with a fixed knee. Then you take into account that Yao is out, he's basically the only dude who can create his ownshot on the Rockets.

And for all his heart and soft issues, this is his last chance to showcase himself for a sizable contract, since he's a FA after this year.

Doesn't matter how soft or frail you are, but when it's a contract year, money is the biggest motivator of all.

Of course though, no matter how TMac does, it won't have that big an impact when it comes to the Rockets team. A 'he's back' TMac might putthem in the playoffs, but they won't get far regardless. A done TMac puts them in the lottery.
there is no such thing as "minor microfracture surgery", hell any time they do surgey to your knee its serious

A 'he's back' TMac might put them in the playoffs
Even if the surgery itself was minor, he's had enough other injuries to compensate for that will eventaully screw him over.

At some point something else gon start hurting and he'll end up putting added pressure on the knee and it'll be all over.

I honestly think his best route would be to do something like Yao, and simply sit out for well over a year, heal EVERYTHING, and then make a run at it. Comingback after 8-9 months is just going to result in yet another flameout.
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

what makes Tmac any different then Gilbert, kidd,Cweb,Allen Houston and Amare? all them guys took like 2 years to even get some where close to what they use to be and Tmac is going to be different and come back in less then a year and put up numbers? then add in tmac is ALWAYS hurt with something and he is going to be fine?
b/c that surgery is on a non-weight bearing part that is the least extensive of any microfracture surgery. cwebb's knee was effed up to thefullest, along with houston's. amare had his surgery on a weight-bearing part. jkidd came back in just 6-8 months bro.
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

there is no such thing as "minor microfracture surgery", hell any time they do surgey to your knee its serious

A 'he's back' TMac might put them in the playoffs

ANY surgery is serious if you put it that way
Originally Posted by CP1708

Even if the surgery itself was minor, he's had enough other injuries to compensate for that will eventaully screw him over.

At some point something else gon start hurting and he'll end up putting added pressure on the knee and it'll be all over.

I honestly think his best route would be to do something like Yao, and simply sit out for well over a year, heal EVERYTHING, and then make a run at it. Coming back after 8-9 months is just going to result in yet another flameout.
he's not gonna play until he's ready. you really think grover, a reputable trainer, after seeing how tracy rushed back last year, is gonnalet him play if he's not ready. dude is going to put tracy through a ton of tests to see whether his knee AND body are right.
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