how were humans made?

Like how did the first cell originate?

dude I'll answer your question

but before we continue playing this game of yours.

what's your real intent here?

the first cell likely came from a spontaneous chemical reaction.

in other words non-living matter combined to create living matter.
Gotta go with a creator (God/ Allah) whatever you want to call him, it's a ll the same. It just makes sense.



I mean I can brush off my Bones, Stones and Human Evolution notes and go in depth but if you're really that intrigued a person is going to either

A) Take a class


B) Do independent research.

There is soooooo much information to cover. So much more depth to the simple straight forward answers I've provided. The sheer breadth of information can't be covered in one thread.

It takes semesters of coursework to even get your feet wet.

IF we want to talk about our existence, why we're here, what's our purpose. I'm down with that. But for OP to want us to really go in depth with this topic, I mean unless you want to meet up at ASU and sit in a ASM class with me this is just too broad a topic for NT.

It's like, it's like asking someone to break down rocket science for you on Niketalk or nuclear engineering. But before we even begin you've already pigeonholed the topic as BS.

It's an incredibly complex topic and like I said Niketalk new world creationists have proven time and again with these threads that they have no interest in sincerely learning the subject. It often ends in the ridiculing of those who hold evolution responsible for our existence.

I mean OP said himself it all seems ridiculous, you already have a preconceived notion of what you're asking about. You haven't set aside your personal beliefs and you're not an objective learner.
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It's not regurgitated thoughts of others. If somebody could refute evolution scientifically they would win the noble prize, that's how solid it is. This isn't a team of scientists pushing an agenda, if anything scientists are going at each other all the time. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.

If you want to argue the macro evolution of the human or introduce some sort of guiding force, I could see that in a way. I could also see the argument for some sort of initial creator, metaphysically, that brought about "something from nothing". We definitely don't have everything figured out.

Variation, adaptation, and selection working in unison has very solid evidence
He ain't gonna get the truth in class. All class teaches you is the regurgitated thoughts of others. This thread has potential if we collectively ponder our existence.

that's not true, my anthropology and biology teachers are EXTREMELY well-versed and accomplished in their respective fields.

if you're talking about High School, then sure.

But once you get to college you're dealing with people who often are very passionate about their field.

Please don't undermine educators. I love my teachers I am nothing without them, I owe them everything.
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It's not regurgitated thoughts of others. If somebody could refute evolution scientifically they would win the noble prize, that's how solid it is. This isn't a team of scientists pushing an agenda, if anything scientists are going at each other all the time. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.

If you want to argue the macro evolution of the human or introduce some sort of guiding force, I could see that in a way. I could also see the argument for some sort of initial creator, metaphysically, that brought about "something from nothing". We definitely don't have everything figured out.

Variation, adaptation, and selection working in unison has very solid evidence
I think you need to look at this from a spiritual standpoint just as much as scientific. The two probably go hand in hand on this matter. It's crazy stuff to think about. I believe in Evolution but there's more to it. I have trouble believing that were all here just because a bunch of time has passed and things gradually changed.

Creation story ain't it either. The truth hasn't been written in anything we've read. Not yet at least.

Still reading it Sleazy but it's interesting as can be. Really thought provoking.

Sneaker heathen, I'm referencing mostly high school teachers and lazy professors. I've had a couple of teachers with great views and insight that have taught me plenty. But I've seen the many duds that just collect checks.

If you wanna share what you've been talking about in here please do. If not just link me to some reading material por favor :lol:
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I think you need to look at this from a spiritual standpoint just as much as scientific. The two probably go hand in hand on this matter. It's crazy stuff to think about. I believe in Evolution but there's more to it. I have trouble believing that were all here just because a bunch of time has passed and things gradually changed.

Creation story ain't it either. The truth hasn't been written in anything we've read. Not yet at least.

Still reading it Sleazy but it's interesting as can be. Really thought provoking.

Sneaker heathen, I'm referencing mostly high school teachers and lazy professors. I've had a couple of teachers with great views and insight that have taught me plenty. But I've seen the many duds that just collect checks.

If you wanna share what you've been talking about in here please do. If not just link me to some reading material por favor :lol:

Well I can give you a starting point.

The Essentials of Physical Anthropology (9th edition)

AUTHORS: Jurmain/Kilgore/Trevathan - [emoji]169[/emoji]2013
ISBN10: 1-111-83816-X
ISBN13: 978-1-111-83816-4

An excellent video about abiogenesis.
It's not regurgitated thoughts of others. If somebody could refute evolution scientifically they would win the noble prize, that's how solid it is. This isn't a team of scientists pushing an agenda, if anything scientists are going at each other all the time. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.

If you want to argue the macro evolution of the human or introduce some sort of guiding force, I could see that in a way. I could also see the argument for some sort of initial creator, metaphysically, that brought about "something from nothing". We definitely don't have everything figured out.

Variation, adaptation, and selection working in unison has very solid evidence
I think you need to look at this from a spiritual standpoint just as much as scientific. The two probably go hand in hand on this matter. It's crazy stuff to think about. I believe in Evolution but there's more to it. I have trouble believing that were all here just because a bunch of time has passed and things gradually changed.

Creation story ain't it either. The truth hasn't been written in anything we've read. Not yet at least.

Still reading it Sleazy but it's interesting as can be. Really thought provoking.

Sneaker heathen, I'm referencing mostly high school teachers and lazy professors. I've had a couple of teachers with great views and insight that have taught me plenty. But I've seen the many duds that just collect checks.

If you wanna share what you've been talking about in here please do. If not just link me to some reading material por favor :lol:

I agree. I assumed you were talking about evolution being the regurgitated thought. The science explains the MECHANISM to me, and how it falls into place. Why is it all laid out that way for the mechanism though? It doesn't answer that for you. At least not yet. I mean scientifically we can guess it was due to chance, but that's boring to me.
for the people that say "no way it was chance, its like a 1 in a trillion chance of all this happening (actually its way less of a chance but you get the point)"

but think about it, how many stars are there in our galaxy let alone the universe

how many of those stars have planets

out of all those planets we are on the only one where known multicelled organisms exist

there are literally billions and trillions of planets that cant sustain life, we are on the planet that can

THAT IS the 1 in a trillion chance
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