how were humans made?

for the people that say "no way it was chance, its like a 1 in a trillion chance of all this happening (actually its way less of a chance but you get the point)"

but think about it, how many stars are there in our galaxy let alone the universe

how many of those stars have planets

out of all those planets we are on the only one where known multicelled organisms exist

there are literally billions and trillions of planets that cant sustain life, we are on the planet that can

THAT IS the 1 in a trillion chance

and out of all possible DNA combinations it's actually a miracle that we come out some what none defected. the fact that i can see and hear is crazy, stuff like that makes me truly appreciative of the small things in life
for the people that say "no way it was chance, its like a 1 in a trillion chance of all this happening (actually its way less of a chance but you get the point)"

but think about it, how many stars are there in our galaxy let alone the universe

how many of those stars have planets

out of all those planets we are on the only one where known multicelled organisms exist

there are literally billions and trillions of planets that cant sustain life, we are on the planet that can

THAT IS the 1 in a trillion chance
and out of all possible DNA combinations it's actually a miracle that we come out some what none defected. the fact that i can see and hear is crazy, stuff like that makes me truly appreciative of the small things in life
i dont see it as a miracle that we happened to have two legs two arms and a head. if for some reason evolution went the other way and all humans had 3 arms rather than 2 everyone would be saying how its amazing that out of all possible DNA combinations we ended up with three arms. we just have to appreciate the way everything turned out 
chance is definitely a credible answer, especially going off what we understand right now...

but none of this is normal man... we're collections of atoms exhibiting CONSCIOUSNESS, RATIONAL THOUGHT. I like thinking about how crazy that is sometimes.

"In some strange way an electron or a photon [or any other elementary particle] seems to 'know' about changes in the environment and appears to respond accordingly," says physicist Danah Zohar. A group at the Weizmann Institute in Israel has done a variation of the famous "double-slit" experiment. They used electrons, instead of photons, and observed how the resultant interference pattern (which indicates wave-like properties of the particle) dissipated the longer you watched the electrons go through the slits. As a wave the electron passes through both slits simultaneously but if, according to E Buks, it "senses" that it is being watched, the electron (as a particle) goes through only one path, diminishing the interference pattern. Elementary particles (such as photons and electrons) appear to possess a certain degree of "intelligence" and awareness of the environment. Renowned plasma and particle physicist, David Bohm, says "In some sense a rudimentary mind-like quality is present even at the level of particle physics. As we go to subtler levels this mind-like quality becomes stronger and more developed."

"An approach to the mind-body problem based on physical laws has been advocated by several thinkers. Quantum Theory has been particularly intriguing for scientists eager to provide a physical explanation of consciousness. Loosely speaking, the point is that consciousness is unlikely to arise from classical properties of matter (the more we understand the structure and the fabric of the brain, the less we understand how consciousness can occur at all), which are well known and well testable. But Quantum Theory allows for a new concept of matter altogether, which may well leave cracks for consciousness, for something that is not purely material or purely extra-material."

"No wonder most neurobiologists reach the conclusion that Physics cannot explain consciousness, since they are using a Physics that 1. was designed to study matter and leave out consciousness and that 2. does not work in the microworld. Not surprisingly, it has been claimed that all current neurobiological models are computationally equivalent to a Turing machine."

let it simmer
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Don't belive we came from ape monkey bullcrap. If we came from them, why didn't the other ape and monkeys that is around now didn't evolve?

Why is there still monkeys and apes now? What are they the ******ed monkeys? To stupid to evolve and got left behind.

Atheist I tell you
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this guy is 100% trolling 
Not here to debate, or force a belief on anyone. Just here to share a simple THEORY that I've always thought. After all NO ONE here knows the truth, and everyone's opinion should only be taken as theory anyways.

Yes I am religious, and I do believe in God. With that said, religion has been perverted, changed, and most likely misinterpreted by man throughout the millenniums.
I don't believe that the human race is indigenous to our planet. I do believe that earth was a reptile dominant planet originally. I believe that God created us as a simple organism, think sperm cell, with the intention of us to evolve into what we are, and will be...-hybrid Darwinism/religion theory-...belief in God and evolution. Most likely we were put on some kind of asteroid or comet intended to hit earth for a few reasons 1-decimate, but not destroy most reptile life on earth 2-terraform the planet to better suit human evolution 3-plant the initial seed of mankind on earth.
Go ahead & build upon, make fun of, or just expose holes in my theory cause after all, that's all it is...a THEORY.
I do believe our existence is most likely a question better left unanswered. I also believe that ancient knowledge has been forgotten, or possibly hidden from us, and that mankind has some how been robbed of an ability to be more in tune with ourselves, our planet, and our universe. It just seems like something is missing.
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The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was no asteroid.
It was a spaceship carrying us.

Cant believe people dont know this lol.
i dont see it as a miracle that we happened to have two legs two arms and a head. if for some reason evolution went the other way and all humans had 3 arms rather than 2 everyone would be saying how its amazing that out of all possible DNA combinations we ended up with three arms. we just have to appreciate the way everything turned out 

that's not what i'm referring too. i'm just saw it's pretty crazy how a lot of us come out 'appropriate' and there are others who are born with disabilities. i'm just referring to what you said out of billions there is planet earth. just like how out of millions of possible combination we are fortunate to come out 'normal' according to human standards and not with disabilities like others.
i dont see it as a miracle that we happened to have two legs two arms and a head. if for some reason evolution went the other way and all humans had 3 arms rather than 2 everyone would be saying how its amazing that out of all possible DNA combinations we ended up with three arms. we just have to appreciate the way everything turned out 
that's not what i'm referring too. i'm just saw it's pretty crazy how a lot of us come out 'appropriate' and there are others who are born with disabilities. i'm just referring to what you said out of billions there is planet earth. just like how out of millions of possible combination we are fortunate to come out 'normal' according to human standards and not with disabilities like others.
yeah that too, its crazy to think about. like what if you were born to different parents or in a different country or with a different body, would you still be you? 
God created man. And all you athiests out there watch that katt williams clip please
Flower of Life is beautiful man. Just staring at it with a clear mind, you feel something. Obviously we're all pooled from the same source (think a pyramid scheme where you got the guy that started it all chilling at the top without the people below him even acknowledging his presence), but how did the Highest One come together? In that Ruling Elite Family thread posted on here a while ago, the dude basically says first there was intelligence which wanted to experience life and that process basically flowered the Universe into existence. I feel like we all make the Universe a little more infinite with our actions, thoughts and hearts. Like the thing just continues to expand as long as light and love outnumbers darkness.

The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was no asteroid.
It was a spaceship carrying us.

Cant believe people dont know this lol.
More details :nerd:

Someone blow my mind thread vol. 2014?
2016's thread is gonna be really weird.

Gonna get to those videos later and will rep when replenished.
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That whole "if we came from apes why are apes still here" argument is stupid.

Its almost universally accepted that dogs came from wolves but nobody is saying why are wolves still here then. :lol:
the mistake there is looking at evolution as a sort of ladder leading to "higher" or "better" organisms, instead of as a branching bush

those monkeys, hell even unicellular organisms, are just as evolved as us, it's relative to the environment and selective pressures
That whole "if we came from apes why are apes still here" argument is stupid.

Its almost universally accepted that dogs came from wolves but nobody is saying why are wolves still here then. :lol:

Enh, not so much. Nobody has ever witnessed the mutation of apes into humans since written or oral documentation has been around. It's not hard to understand why somebody wouldn't take the evolution theory as gospel. Also I've never heard anybody talk about this "universally accepted" wolves to dogs theory you speak of. I know siberian huskies or something like that are considered part wolves, but I'm pretty sure there's no wolf dna in an english bulldog? Don't think that theory is really bulletproof either.
That whole "if we came from apes why are apes still here" argument is stupid.

Its almost universally accepted that dogs came from wolves but nobody is saying why are wolves still here then.
Enh, not so much. Nobody has ever witnessed the mutation of apes into humans since written or oral documentation has been around. It's not hard to understand why somebody wouldn't take the evolution theory as gospel. Also I've never heard anybody talk about this "universally accepted" wolves to dogs theory you speak of. I know siberian huskies or something like that are considered part wolves, but I'm pretty sure there's no wolf dna in an english bulldog? Don't think that theory is really bulletproof either.
all living things share a lot of the same DNA, we share 98% of the same dna as chimps. 

its hard to see evolution in humans because of how long our life cycles is, it takes hundreds and thousands of generations to see substantial signs of evolution.

there are plenty of examples of evolution when it comes to creatures with much shorter life cycles 

the reason people get flu shots every year is because of evolution, the flu virus evolves to the point where it is immune to the vaccine so we need to make a new one every year

heres an example of evolution happening with crabs in japan 

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